Give your honest predictions.
I think the 'slave planet' concept will be ushered further forward with masses of mixed race people with no history or culture entertained by cheap thrills while they're explained by a select group of elites
Give your honest predictions.
I think the 'slave planet' concept will be ushered further forward with masses of mixed race people with no history or culture entertained by cheap thrills while they're explained by a select group of elites
World brain drain means the world will look like Idiocracy. Technocrats can't make tech that works or employ people to maintain the shit that doesn't work.
Technology also gets more physically fragile as it becomes more advanced which means at a certain point the fragility of equipment will cross the line of barbarism by a people and nothing will work because it has been destroyed.
Example: Africa.
The U.S. will have reverted to a wild west state, while California is now flooded with illegals and the wealthy champagne socialists that were exploiting them for cheap labor have fled in terror due to immigration out of control, and the police no longer sufficient to keep the public in check.
White enclaves will exist across the nation, where you will be required to present a DNA test and have a sponsor that is willing to support your entry into the safety of the enclave and that you are not a white traitor self hating communist anti-american.
Asians will have some small number of enclaves, the majority will have fled back to their native countries, while everyone else will have simply abandoned the U.S. to the feral negros that, due to the social justice BLM movements of the 2020s, caused an increasingly hostile nigger minority in North America. The North American nigger now lives wild and unchecked, and because they are all now poor and starving, they form large gangs that try to attack the white enclaves for food and clean water / white women to rape.
The rest of the world has fallen into 3rd world status, every last one of them hating Americans and blaming them for this world wide social unrest that killed hundreds of millions.
The Jews have somehow managed to escape blame and have retreated into Greater Israel, where they now plot to conquer the rest of the middle east w/ Saudi Arabia as an unstable ally that Israel will eventually stab in the back.
>What will the year 2118 look like?
20 billion light brown niggers with a ruling class of Jews. There will be maybe 100,000 whites left in captivity: males will be castrated gladiators and females will be used as sex slaves/light brown nigger factories
You know the feelies from Brave New World? You know the orgasm booth in Sleeper?
That is what the masses will do instead of reading a book. Hell, watching a movie will be a hobby enjoyed only by the well-educated.
Once all the white and other high IQ genes have been flushed from the human gene pool this will be the result.
I dont understand why people have an optimistic view of the future?
The facts are that the US is getting less and less white every year.
Homelessness is growing every year.
More and more people are on government benefits
More and more people are using, abusing and dying from drugs.
Drug uses has fucking skyrocketed in the last few years
Drug deaths are number one kill under 50 years old
God wil purge the world long before then.