You can kill people just dont hurt their feelings. At this point Russia and China should just wait it out and wait for the USA military to completely collapse and walk right in.
US commander fired over the word 'Faggot'
Zachary Brooks
Jackson Hall
I dont advise anyone to put their life on the line for a faggot military.
Carter Torres
"We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!"
Jose Robinson
They're all going to be replaced by robots anyway.
Justin Reyes
>US Military
Aaron Allen
Oh the horror! The horror!!
Nathaniel Foster
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Matthew Perry
Brayden Rivera
we're going to lose spectacularly in the upcoming world war aren't we lads
i predict chinese and russian troops marching in DC within a few weeks
Lucas Cox
Kill us already