What's wrong with women being the head of the family?

what's wrong with women being the head of the family?

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They make worse decisions

It's an abomination.

? they already are

Women can only be the head of anything insofar as men let them. Therefore her position of power is attained through men’s compassion and mercy, rather than her strength of character.

He looks legit more feminine than her.

women are better in a support role. they know how to make people feel better.

they don't know how to lead.

Only men that cannot lead should yield to a woman if she is dominant. By default and tradition, the man should be pressured to lead and treat the woman as an advisor.

That's a tranny on the right, right?

What are you some kind of kekold or something? As if A) they are capable and B) good luck never getting respected again.

they fuck everything up.
btw: nice death rune you faggot.

this, women control families these days, men are passive money makers

women are problematic.

Because you end up with 30 year old shut-in virgin losers like me.

t. Mum is alpha breadwinner, dad is beta autistic.

My sister turned out turbo-successful, took after my mum, found herself a beta autistic husband who does everything she says.

they need to sotp interupting when 2 males are in a conversation.

fucking whores need to shut up when men are speaking. They ruin everything.

man up

fuck off meme flag

It almost always ends badly, garunteed.

Women are better as property of a man’s ownership

Because the woman will leave when she finds a man she trusts enough to be the head of the family

Too far gone to man up. I'm cruising until death now, enjoying the neetbux. Will get a substantial inheritance so I will never end up homeless.

I wasn't built for normie life, I'll be staying on these parts of the internet for the rest of my life creating memes.

I have been part of many real life major events, so I do feel like I am doing something. Meme creation is vastly underestimated, it is a very powerful tool, and I am willing to do it for life, for free. In a way we're like the Jews, manipulating with the world through thought.

If you're white donate sperm at least.

>having a smaller frame than your gf

literally not gonna make it

They'll fill your house with niggers because muh refugees

Hmm. Do these women use strapons to dominate their men?

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because any man worth salt would throw himself in a fire if it meant a better life for his family. women simply not wired that way, they are basic and slave to biological urges because their instinct is the propagation of the species.

>more likely to leave you because "muh independency" (see 30 something top manager women that can't get laid)
>more likely to not want children because "muh vagina" (see correlation between gender equality and amount of offsprings)
>more likely to be in disagreement since men (that are more assertive than women) will still want their opinion heard, so there will be now two opinions in contrast instead of just that of the man
>more likely to raise cuck children because "muh empathy" (just look at what the countries with more female power have produced as people, cucks)
>more likely to have bad opinions. women have shitty opinions in almost all topics, period and they know it too, they just want it to be considered and our role is to give that illusion and discard it for the wellbeing of the whole family
>more likely to not be supportive, women's role is to care for children, if they start getting the impression that they should be anything else and want to start working, no one will be there for the kids. So unless the man cucks out and stays at home (this goes to back to women breeding cucks) she will just earn those couple of dollars you'll have to spend on a babysitter with the drawback of now having kids brainwashed by the TV and public education

for some it works.
but marriage is supposed to be a spiritual collaboration of the highest order.
no some materialistic fucked up slave master power dynamic.
when there is collaboration there is a less likely chance of someone cheating/adultery
with power dynamic there is more justification to cheat. i.e. the milkman and the home-maker, the husband "staying late after work"

not to mention the whole condoning of mistresses for some socio economic people.

what's wrong with that?

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They dont learn from thier mistakes


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Why would you let a child run a family?

What if the man is risky and financially stupid and the mother is financially prudent?

>tfw no "head of the family" woman sweeping me off of my feet and making me into a house-hubby

Why did matriarchal societies disappear? They just can't compete.

Then it's still the case
>Man chose a financially responsible woman
>Woman chose a stupid impulsive man

being a subordinate housewife seems really cosy tbqh

But if he's financially stupid then letting all his decisions go can lead a family to financial ruin. Letting a family get financially wrecked isn't smart to do just for the sake of tradition.

I think the smarter spouse should control things regardless if male or female. Also lots of people choose their mate in high school before they live on their own.

Men are beings of logic and reasoning.
Women are beings of emotion and feeling.

Emotion is a terrible influence when making important decisions, they cause unfounded biases.


The fact that men are, and have always been the head of the family. When a woman gets married she takes her husbands family name, not vice versa

It goes against evolution. Humans did not evolve that way. It's only our modern technology that allows for women to be in charge of anything, and look how poorly they are faring. Women evolved to be amazing mothers, homemakers, school teachers, muses and support for their husbands.

taking someone's name isn't done here anymore for decades.

>what's wrong with women being the head of the family?
Women. That's what's wrong. Women.

>Househusband backlash as high-flying wives ditch men they wanted to stay at home
Househusband backlash as high-flying wives ditch men (((they))) wanted to stay at home

>not blowing all their savings on impulsive shit

Which one is the woman in this pic?

In evolution we never had a household budget. If the man is financially stupid the woman shouldn't allow the man to lead the family off the cliff.

when women are sending their heads, they're not sending their best

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Nobody knows exactly
Only children’s with whom mothers were the head of the family invariably turn out worse

kek that picture is every married 4channer in a nutshell.
>p-please let me see your p-pussy! i will give you complements and protect you from mysoginsts! ill pay attention to you bb!!!!
i cant wait for this cucked shithole to be removed from the internet

Women can only be heads of the family if their man is that cucked.

what's wrong with sweden

Basically this.

Correction, they USED to know how to make people feel better. Over 50 years of feminism is rough.

Take it from a man who's been married 10 years. Women are not meant to be making decisions.

I let my wife learn from her mistakes, it's the best method of teaching. I let her make a couple important decisions early in our relationship on things that wouldn't be obvious at that moment, but 3-5 years later that decision would make an obvious effect (example would be her vehicle financing). She learned very quickly that she is not good at making important decisions. She can't think past her emotions (happiness of getting a new car), that she didn't see how bad she was getting fucked by LEASING a vehicle. So I let her do it, knowing that when she wanted a new vehicle she would have 0$ to put down towards a new one because she could not sell her lease. She learned very quickly how fucked she was when I told her she's on her own in getting a new vehicle because she just HAD to lease the other one.

Simple things like that will tell you if your woman is smart enough to learn from her mistakes. If she keeps repeating the same mistakes, she shouldn't be married. My wife comes to me anytime there is an important decision to make, in fact she will tell anyone that she needs to talk to me before making some decisions.

>woman chooses to get with man
>it's always bad boy trash that leaves her alone with a child
>woman tries to raise the kid as her future beta provider
>kid either grows up to be a criminal in rebelling, a softboy woman worshiper, or a messed up sad sack of shit that's redpilled but can't do anything because he was literally never raised to be a man

Women should never be allowed to huge decisions. Fathers and husbands should always guide them, like it used to be.

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Why is she even with such a man in the first place? It's rare for a woman to be with a man who's more illogical and bad with women, at least in a long term relationship

So if the man is squandering the money the wife should just stand by helplessly because evolution says so?

Because there's lots of couples where they committed to each other in high school. My parents were this.

>in fact she will tell anyone that she needs to talk to me before making some decisions.
Why does that kind of shit make me so erect?

Unironically nothing. For centuries they kvetched how they've been marginalized and shit. For centuries they kvetched how they would do a better job. Well, lads, it's their turn now. Sit back, crack open a six pack, and let women take control. Soon they'll realize what it feels like being in charge, and you can bet they won't like it. Soon they'll be miserable. Soon they'll start commiting suicides. Soon they will see things our way. For far too long we've been bleeding on the battlefields just so we can come home and listen to women ungratefully kvetch and psychologically ruining our selfesteem, pride and inner child. Fuck em. They want to take control? I say let them.

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>messed up sad sack of shit that's redpilled but can't do anything because he was literally never raised to be a man.

Good joke.

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If these are my peers why should I submit to them? You even admit they were raised wrong so it would be putting myself at risk.

Jesus spoke out against this.

On average.

>Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
>Ephesians 5:22-24

I have a challenge for Jow Forums, if they have balls they will take it. Tell me if you ever met a couple with a woman being the sole breadwinner that created offspring belonging to both parties involved and lasted at least 10 years.
Good luck, I'll travel around the Earth while you think about it.

ignore the normalfag cancer brother, we will always be here. we would have been monks 1000 years ago, let the normalfags wash off you like rainwater. their words are like the birds in the trees

only if she's the one who lifts the other up during sex

The only exceptions to this rule are down to the man being a piece of shit and the woman being forced to do better. Most women will not do better as a result of a weak man and none will be happy.

defies natural order, you can’t wish away a million years of evolution that has defined our genome and gender characteristics

This kek got a cute gf and ur all incels, how does that feel

U will never have cute gf

my mom didn't even understand your supposed to raise kids with boundaries and she thinks its the same as limiting potential.

Where can I get a domineering femdom gf?

They should be at the mid-level of society

so many pathetic incels itt

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Same thing that's wrong with letting them vote/hold office.
Men are wired to keep their people safe and healthy, to keep invading hordes away and protect the women and children. Women are wired to spread their legs and convince their daughters to do the same if for whatever reason the men fail to keep the rapehordes out.

When women are allowed to make decisions the "oh shit since I'm calling the shots the men must all be dead" instincts kick in. It's a death spiral from there. Why do you think coalburners typically come from single mothers? And trannies? Leave a woman in charge and she subconsciously raises the kids to be cocksheathes, it's all they know to do.

Put a woman in office and she spreads the legs of her city/nation. It's all they know to do.

Problem is she's gonna ditch this cuck for another guy eventually
Don't feel envy for him, feel pity

Women dont maintain society therefore have no real concept of reality

The very concept is absurd.

If a woman respects the 'leadership' in choices of her male partner, then she simply yields in decision making. It's not up for debate beyond that. "Male headship" is mostly just a concept Churches and Governments try to sell men, to give men the false sense that they have a hope of having control and authority in relationships - and this desire for control and authority comes entirely from insecurity instilled by the same organisations.

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What if the pet goldfish is more responsible?

you could probably teach a dog to drive a car

We jews now boys. Keep up the good work user. The #disarmthem thing needs some concentrated autism to get results at the moment, working on anything?

woman have traditionally been head of the family

absolutely agreed. And even intelligent women don't make good decisions and it's all because their emotions fuck everything up. Look at what happened to yahoo once a woman became a CEO. It turned into a disaster. I also have lots of personal experience from academia where the "intelligent" female advisors would just run their grad students into the bone while not producing any papers. It is truly mind boggling how dumb they can be.



Because sooner or later she will introduce another male and declare "you should deal with it or leave", the moment white men stopped beating women west was lost.

In that relationship? Nothing. It's clear who has the most testosterone between those two.

user, you are projecting so fucking hard. Get yourself together, not only will it secure your relationship it will make you feel better about yourself, reducing stress and increasing self esteem.

Looks like she's bad at makeup

>sorry, no food this month. I bought a bag for $2000 instead

or just tanned while wearing a hat on.

S 0 i

Since we're on Jow Forums the answer is most likely "yes".

>using a hat in a tanning bed