When will Jews rebuild the Temple of Solomon and take over MENA whole?

When will Jews rebuild the Temple of Solomon and take over MENA whole?

Attached: 1536558780792.png (921x717, 40K)

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And where will all the MENA shithole-ites go to? Congrats, you just moved them further up north, arming them with nuclear weapons.


never. it's just a silly conspiracy made by stormfags and Jow Forums fell for it

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greater israel's borders will be roughly the ones in your pic by ~2070. however effectively israel will create a federation of most other first world states and will be at the head of this federation so it's effective borders will be much greater and will include north america,all of europe ,russia,australia and all southeast asia .

Attached: bibiweakcrumble.jpg (1000x922, 103K)

>Zionism was invented by stormfags

Not sure if retarded or just jewwing.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.gif (360x346, 170K)

Israel is a Moroccan colony, not the other way around.

jews greatest enemy is their hubris, it was their undoing countless of times and will bring them great ruin before the turn of the century

you faggots cant even fight your own wars. goos luck with that shit
litterally this