
>actually thinking atheists wear fedoras
only theists use reddit you fucking faggots

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I remember 2008 when the atheist vs christfag stuff was the rage de jour

Not just Christianity though. Every (((abrahamic))) religion. Islam in particular is a much bigger problem than Christianity

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Low quality post, lurk more before posting again.

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kikes hate Christianity.
They literally had Jesus killed, They forfeited the covenant that God had made with them. Their denial of Jesus was the end of their run as the "chosen people". The New Covenant that Jesus died for is so ideologically isolated from Judaism that only an absolute retard could associate it with "the jews".

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ur goin to heck dude :/

Only atheists use Reddit you retarded ultrafaggot. I'd sooner pair with Christcucks than you brainlet atheists.

hmmm sounds like another middle eastern religious code i know of...

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"Christian rhetoric and antipathy towards Jews developed in the early years of Christianity and was reinforced by the belief that Jews had killed Christ and ever increasing anti-Jewish measures over the ensuing centuries. The action taken by Christians against Jews included acts of ostracism, humiliation and violence, and murder culminating in the Holocaust."

"If Christianity had come from Judaism and Jesus was a Jew, how and why did the Jews reject such core elements of Christianity? The most widely held explanation was that Jews had been the chosen people but broke the covenant with God, and were condemned to spend the rest of eternity suffering on earth, a symbol of degradation and sub-humanity."

"Many New Testament passages criticise the Pharisees and it has been argued that these passages have shaped the way that Christians viewed Jews. Like most Bible passages, however, they can and have been interpreted in a variety of ways.

Mainstream Talmudic Rabbinical Judaism today directly descends from the Pharisees who Jesus often criticized."

"Professor Lillian C. Freudmann, author of Antisemitism in the New Testament (University Press of America, 1994) has published a detailed study of the description of Jews in the New Testament, and the historical effects that such passages have had in the Christian community throughout history. Similar studies of such verses have been made by both Christian and Jewish scholars, including, Professors Clark Williamsom (Christian Theological Seminary), Hyam Maccoby (The Leo Baeck Institute), Norman A. Beck (Texas Lutheran College), and Michael Berenbaum (Georgetown University). Most rabbis feel that these verses are antisemitic, and many Christian scholars, in America and Europe, have reached the same conclusion"

holy shit op you're right and totally not a braindead faggot

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Pol is a Christian board, convert or join the bolshies.

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Judaism and Islam were built on deception and war

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Patristic bishops of the patristic era such as Augustine argued that the Jews should be left alive and suffering as a perpetual reminder of their murder of Christ. Like his anti-Jewish teacher, Ambrose of Milan, he defined Jews as a special subset of those damned to hell. As "Witness People", he sanctified collective punishment for the Jewish deicide and enslavement of Jews to Catholics: "Not by bodily death, shall the ungodly race of carnal Jews perish ... 'Scatter them abroad, take away their strength. And bring them down O Lord'". Augustine claimed to "love" the Jews but as a means to convert them to Christianity. Sometimes he identified all Jews with the evil Judas and developed the doctrine (together with St. Cyprian) that there was "no salvation outside the Church"

Other Church Fathers, such as John Chrysostom, went further in their condemnation. The Catholic editor Paul Harkins wrote that St. John Chrysostom's anti-Jewish theology "is no longer tenable (..) For these objectively unchristian acts he cannot be excused, even if he is the product of his times." John Chrysostom held, as most Church Fathers did, that the sins of all Jews were communal and endless, to him his Jewish neighbours were the collective representation of all alleged crimes of all preexisting Jews.

Christ is present in all things, but a closed mind is a mind that stagnates and stagnation is to move backwards.

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"St. Jerome identified Jews with Judas Iscariot and the immoral use of money ("Judas is cursed, that in Judas the Jews may be accursed... their prayers turn into sins"). Jerome's homiletical assaults, that may have served as the basis for the anti-Jewish Good Friday liturgy, contrasts Jews with the evil, and that "the ceremonies of the Jews are harmful and deadly to Christians", whoever keeps them was doomed to the devil: "My enemies are the Jews; they have conspired in hatred against Me, crucified Me, heaped evils of all kinds upon Me, blasphemed Me.""

"The Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 was the first to proclaim the requirement for Jews to wear something that distinguished them as Jews (and Muslims the same). On many occasions, Jews were accused of a blood libel, the supposed drinking of blood of Christian children in mockery of the Christian Eucharist.['

>Angry athiest
How is being 17? Are you parents treating you OK?

Vehemently rejecting the idea of God is pretty stupid considering you don't understand what conscious observation would even be perceived as when you leave the dimension of time.

The pagans need to get that memo then, the only way forward is through accepting christ and spreading his word.

Somebody sounds euphoric.

>only theists use reddit
This is a shitty trick and you should feel bad for it

" On 31 March 1492 Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, the rulers of Spain who financed Christopher Columbus' voyage to the New World just a few months later in 1492, declared that all Jews in their territories should either convert to Christianity or leave the country. While some converted, many others left for Portugal, France, Italy (including the Papal States), Netherlands, Poland, the Ottoman Empire, and North Africa. Many of those who had fled to Portugal were later expelled by King Manuel in 1497 or left to avoid forced conversion and persecution. "

"In his book On the Jews and their Lies, Luther excoriates them as "venomous beasts, vipers, disgusting scum, canders, devils incarnate." He provided detailed recommendations for a pogrom against them, calling for their permanent oppression and expulsion, writing "Their private houses must be destroyed and devastated, they could be lodged in stables. Let the magistrates burn their synagogues and let whatever escapes be covered with sand and mud. Let them be forced to work, and if this avails nothing, we will be compelled to expel them like dogs in order not to expose ourselves to incurring divine wrath and eternal damnation from the Jews and their lies." At one point he wrote: "...we are at fault in not slaying them..." a passage that "may be termed the first work of modern antisemitism, and a giant step forward on the road to the Holocaust."

All that happens is natural my friend. Worry not about specifics. All religion is one and the same, for KRSNA cares not by which name He is called.

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Islam is anti degeneracy and glorifies Christ as a prophet. Making a moral equivalency with Talmudic Judaism is a kike trick.

>inb4 achmed
Islam/shitskins have no place in the West. I have no problem with them doing what they want in their own lands.

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>today I will craft the most perfect Jow Forums thread and finally BTFO god believers for all time and then atheists will finally get the recognition of being the ultimate smart and cool dudes

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They won’t listen to facts, they’ll just hate Christianity because Jow Forums by nature hates anything that’s mainstream. If everyone hated niggers and kikes Jow Forums would love them

>all religion is one and that same

I wonder why they all have such distinctly different laws, culture, and ideologies?

Spiritual pseudo-intellectuals espousing this new age hippy garbage under the guise of enlightenment are hard to tolerate.

>glorifies Christ as a prophet
Christ is god you inbred piece of shit
>checks flag
Why am I not surprised


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You're just stupid.
This is fine.

I still hate Luther, though. There were much more based kike-haters

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I agree, i was just trying to establish an antiquate timeline that illustrated the deep divide between Judaism and Christianity over history. He is certainly not my favorite either, but his name is easily recognizable and his contributions to the literature of his time make him difficult to dismiss.

So the swedecucks and commie chinks have the most atheists. I’m not surprised

Thats right goyim, evolution is science and christ was a dirty jew. Trust us we know whats good for you and its not that lying carpenter. We will rebuild the temple and be the chosen ones yet again.

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>not believing in evolution
Is the earth also flat and 3,000 years old, bud?

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No of course not. The world is without question a globe, a sphere you might say, its a little oval im sure actually. But yes the world is obviously not flat.

Creatures do evolve, but they do not evolve into different species, thats an obvious lie that was peddled to undermine and troll christians, i cant beleieve you guys are cynical enough to believe it. What a joke.

How manh years would you say it would take for me to magically ((evolve)) into a whale? Or better yet a fish man hybrid? 3 millions? A billions years. Tell me goy

Hegel says the argument "something comes from something" in its fullest implications is pantheistic. You sure you want to go with that one kike-lover?

So you believe that 5 billion years ago, lightning hit a a puddle and then then life started on earth? Bacteria evolve into a plant, then a plant into a fish, then a fish into a dino then a dino into a rat, then a rat into a fox then a fox into a monkey? You actually believe that shit user?

Biggest jew lie ever created and all you normie athiest fags bought it hook line and sinker didnt you.


It's time to grow up.

If the world is an information based simulation of a physical reality as they are now saying it is, then the simulation could have been booted up with apparent antiquity so that the participants in the simulation would develop means to age the simulation as being of extreme antiquity, when in fact the system is not as old as it appears. Your cosmogonic certitude is unwarranted.

are you implying that it's not impossible for us to be the first generation of humans in the simulation, living in a world designed to have a convincing yet fabricated history?

Atheism has been spread by Jews.

And prove to me that matter exists. Oh no you ain’t gonna do that because it doesn’t exist. Perfect, you are therefore as religious as the average theist.