I'm getting 5G where I live and after seeing this IAM worried about it. someone ease my fears or make me more paranoid...

I'm getting 5G where I live and after seeing this IAM worried about it. someone ease my fears or make me more paranoid. I'm very suggestible. From the limited research I've done it uses same wavelength as area denial systems (mind control)

Attached: Capture.png (1110x963, 394K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you survive you're meant to live in the 5G future. If you die you are unevolved.

Hey Karl Bode, this img is for you

Attached: alt-is-kill.jpg (900x675, 135K)

Im more concerned about mind control than cancer. funny joke anyways

not Karl Bode

I would have addressed the post to you if I thought so

>I'm very suggestible.
There's your problem

ok, this faggot belongs in the dirt

are you fucking retarded?
no, really.
that post was directed at the author who might show up because an alert notified his name was used.

thx 4 confirming it Barbara

>The Alt-Right


Hmm, you should see the tech thats coming

I do understand you misunderstood I was agreeing with you

why you have to be cryptic like that?

>shut it down

We are?! well damn i must've missed the memo, someone tell bob at HR to send a new email so we can fix this.

T. user

It wont kill anyone its to enable their surveillance wet dream. As is surveillance isn't up to snuff with the rate of data transfer but soon internet of things will be popping off watching your every move in real time.

posting before everyone gets cancer in a decade

I really hate how (((they))) just cruise forums and once truth is being disseminated they mock in in ""journalism"" with thinly veiled hit pieces like this....and I hate even more how the public at large eats it up.

Last time I checked no one brought that up except the people writing the article, so it's definitely true because the jew loves to rub it in the goyims faces. It's like when they grind up little girls and put about 1% over multiple food products in our food supply to cover their tracks and the FDA has no jurisdiction over the processing plant, they love that goyim eat each other. That's why they don't eat anything that's not kosher. They make it so abundantly obvious but the useful idiots can't and won't see it.

Attached: 8O.webm (508x480, 1.92M)

it upsets me too because this was the first thing suggested when 5g safety risk *debunked* (google suggestion) was searched.

They'll die for it though

Cell phones are literally designed as mind control devices...

These ''journalists'' need to fuck off already.
Everything is muh alt-right to them, every time anyone says anything they dislike it's muh alt-right. I highly doubt that Jared Taylor or Spencer talked about 5G.
What they mean by ''the alt-right thinks X'' is that they saw some anonymous poster say something bad about 5G.

These kikes need to put in gas chambers already.

Spend more time in nature user do it now

Anyone have an idea what this antenna is used for?

Attached: C4F8EABC-00A2-4B31-BF70-3316DBBDFD29.png (750x1334, 2.28M)

Don't you retards get it. 5G is the ascension we require to reach meme-space.

Let it happen.

Attached: and that's how i met your mother.jpg (1024x576, 185K)


those are for electric companies to check the line conditions I'm fairly certain or thats their cover story ;)

death to tavistock and order of the garter

lol so random XD

when you start seeing Lain tier reality breaking remember me

these people aren't altright they are fucking retards.


"Meme space" is just satanic bluebeam delusion. You're cheering on the antichrist

I'm actually looking forward to 5g personally.

Attached: hysteria strong vader.jpg (500x344, 156K)

why? how would you need that much speed? it gets worse coverage

the jews say it's a conspiracy so it must be true

Attached: 15365374427341241.png (403x378, 119K)

> bob
> in HR


Attached: 153653744273411.png (496x365, 249K)

lmao they don't need fucking 5g to control your mind.

Now, mass manipulation of your minds, maybe. But it would be more simple things like "don't be a lazy nigger during the day" or "buy more shit goy!". It would probably suppress your violent instincts too.

Now, obviously it would not work for niggers because they want them to kill each other, and you. They fear the white man more than anything.

Attached: three quarters roughing endmill.jpg (1382x778, 230K)

I'm pretty sure it's going to make us sick, which will have a mental effect.

Its all a con anyway. Remember when 3g first came out and it was fast as fuck? Try using 3g now, its like using dial up, not even half as good as it was.

They are already building out "microcells" , which will be placed on light poles, the sides of buildings.. all over the fucking place because they have significantly less coverage than previous technology. These things are going to be everywhere and to make things worse there are multiple carriers competing for space anywhere they can to stash this shit. I think the network is going to be unreliable as fuck since there is usually no protection circuit, only a single (simplex) fiber path that is usually direct bury a few inches to a few feet below in the ground using poz'd microtrenching or leased fiber from carriers like comcast where they break out of a local splice case. I believe it has been proven that the wavelength of 5g does cause damage to DNA structures and causes cell walls to rupture.. so yeah future looks great! t. AT&T network faggot

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There's a lot more communication going on in the 5ghz and up already that you would have died ages ago.

Why didn't anyone bring it up then?


people did. I'm not really worried about radiation but effects on mind state. other user mentioned internet of things which I do know they have had a goal for a long time

5g is a fucking sham, you have to get closer too the damn poles to use em and they need more poles to make the things work. 4glte is perfectly fucking fine why break something that works fast enough.

an user said that the radioactive effects on the mind are going to be way worse, its like 20mhz electromagnetic waves hitting you every second in time.

Neural interface machines will be available by Q4 2019. The'll be cheap, and then you'll understand why you'd need so much bandwidth for mobile devices.

>neural interface machines
for what the price of like 1500 bucks? No way they'll make that cheap and i dont trust chinese tech making that shit. Also wouldnt that absorb more radiation

>the alt-right is one person

If 5G comes anywhere close to me I'll smash them all

5g works on a frequency that is fucking proven to fuck live organisms up

have fun electrocuting yourself, make sure to do it at night and to wear a ski masks and gloves, also have fun smashing all of them theres going to be thousands of them. They are shitty coverage and waste of money, this is just expermenting on the people to see the effects of this shit thats what it seems like.


Lucky for me I can't afford things.

Meaning a way to communicate with thought, the interface as optimized as logically achievable!
It will not be free, but all great bounds of technology go down in price as future generations of the product are created!
As for your concerns about radiation, there is no cause for concern there, these are designed with all facets of potential problems thoroughly understood and it reflects in it's design!

Jews have less than a hundred years left on this planet and they know it. They know another Hitler is bound to come along eventually. They're just trying to do as much damage as possible before they're all killed.

If you are too stupid to understand the technology then you are too stupid to be given a fuck about.

it's a universal anti-op mechanism

Attached: 1531034806690.jpg (960x640, 286K)

what company will be making these things, tesla, apple,google?

Do you have more info on this? Like the actual wavelength/frequency, proof of "microcells" being built, supporting documents, contracts, pictures of prototypes or construction, etc.

All you gotta do is cut the fiber lines running to the towers.

The fiber will be cut soon and none of these towers will work.

All the above!
All major phone producers will be allowed their shot at development of this product, it's the next step of smart devices.

All I use on my phone is 3G due to having a dedicated IP by choice. It's plenty fast. Comparing it to dial-up is stupid.

The new Samsung S10 won't support 5G.

But if they want their stake in this evolution of mankind, they'll need to have it in their NID, after all who wants slow internet and neural interface devices?

4g can get bad in dense usage areas. Networks already set up microcells to alleviate this. Not sure if 5g will be any better at density though.

get a load of this "cleveR" goyim

I’ll bite, who are you.

If I said anything on who I am I'd be in breach.
I am allowed to speak of the product, introduce the idea of it before release, that it might gain more curiosity as a form of pre-advertisement.


Can I chicken wire my room or something?
How about these crystals? Bullshit or?

Attached: [email protected] (1060x704, 100K)

is this orgone? lmao. wilhelm reich made some interesting discoveries but I think these so called "life energy accumulators" are just a way for deadbeat hippies to make money.

Spill everything you can, I’m very interested.

Bullshit. This site orgonelab.org/ tries to understand what orgone perhaps is. The owner debunks these stupid things.

Basically the NID will allow you to directly communicate with anyone else wearing a NID at a speed faster than speech.
It will enable two people to talk on a point in the most effective method, even better than verbal communication can relay information.
It's like they will just know as you know, and vice versa!

So the Q4 of 2019 we should hear about this device, interesting. It’s going to be an implant right, will it be like futuramas eyephone.

What operating system will these things use, will it be a custom operating system, or will it be android.

It’s fine if you don’t want to answer these. You already spilled everything.I’ll keep an eye out though.

No, it will not be an implant, it will be a lightweight "crown" type headgear.
I do not know as of this time what OS there will be, I do know that there will be single OS across all NIDs as to eliminate compatibility issues.
You wouldn't want such an impressive piece of tech to be held up on something so trivial, would you?

Have fun bleeding out your ears,eyes, and cock, faggot.

So these things will just be head gear that allows thought based phone communications? That’s not too bad it’s a break through of what we have right now.

>.....AT&T Proprietary (Restricted)
>Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution.
uhm no sweetie, 5G is pretty well documented and im not going to log in to the myriad of shit to get you info that could easily be traced back to me lel, plus most of it you can find it online. AT&T has been public about deploying 5G in select cities, all you have to do is walk around or drive around, look for marking paint on the streets (orange or white) with a square box with AT&T written usually with a line going to a street light or whatever. They are everwhere in my city rn.. and its just the beginning. I have feeling that they are going to use some sort of mesh topology so some locations wont even need fiber, they will just be repeaters or will be riding an IP network of another carrier to the clearnet and back to the closest edge router... its still early

And what's more, I have been allowed to tell you this:
The original prototype was made by one man in his garage out of a modified MRI helmet.
He was, and is a man of dedication, and the founder of what now may be the most important technology that has ever been created!

Could you possibly make a thread on Jow Forums. About this, they might love this.

Perhaps on another occasion.
It has been stated that I am to add information about the product to threads already started, and only when relevant.
Otherwise it would simply numb people to the idea, which is exactly why we strive to slowly reveal the product over the course of 2018 and up to official announcement Q4 2019.

I’m still confused as to what alt right is. I get what the MSM’s definition off alt right is but, their meaning is definitive of the alt left. They play with words so that they can justify attacking people who hold populism and nationalism beliefs.

Democracy is under attack. Sweden's elections have been compromised. They are getting desperate as we move towards the crescendo. Please spread this and don't let it die

Current thread:

Old thread:

Looks like cyber Dragon dildo

Attached: DANGER-ISLAND-10.jpg (1180x1600, 1.14M)

Fair enough have a good day

Is it true that it's going to give everyone cancer by accident because it's a form of radiation therapy to treat the "cancer" that is feminism?

It will not give you cancer.
I am not at liberty to discuss the other topic.

The alt-right is lead by people such as Richard Spencer who call for a white ethno-nationalist state. In many ways it mirrors the identity politics of the left.

>Google overlaying the Satanic triangle, which is the literal appearance of evil spirits when observed through Gnosis
>they think this misdirects us from the truth by appearing to make it out into a joke
>this just makes their ulterior motives even more obvious

>Niggers spam shit on Jow Forums
>Headline: "The Alt-Right Thinks..."
KYS niggers.

Ah, I am allowed to respond with this:
Imagine what might happen if a "rational" woman were to hypercommunicate with a "feminist" woman.
Keep in mind that logic formed in the mind is "stronger" than anything else, and an agreeable conclusion would be made simultaneously as they connect.
Use your imagination. ;)