Social interaction with army recruiters are the worst

Social interaction with army recruiters are the worst

>see chad armyman at my college campus
>hungry for fit people
>usually just walk by them with headphones on
>no headphones today
>go around the building to avoid contact

I'm as much go america as the next burgerfag but if i wanted to join the army i wouldn't be talking to some greaser at my college campus.

pic unrelated. fuck injuns

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It kisses me off that all these Mexicans and blacks join the military only for themselves, only what they can get out of it....or the bum who have nothing else to do. They have no respect

just tell them "no" you fucking pussy

Tell them to go recruit over at Goldman Sachs. Surely all those Jews pulling the strings can also go sit around Syria setting ISIS up all by themselves.

Tell them to fuck off and go die for israel. they're probably all cia niggers anyways.

>aay gringo, I fought for this country more than you! (not for the benefits for my anchor children)

stop being such a pussy. look him in the eye, pull your pants down, shit on street like we do but in front of him. let me know how it goes.

revert back to me if he bothers you again, I will do the needful. this is rajesh from technical support. hope I was helpful.

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Will shitting in the street get me laid?

Assert your dominance by expelling the biggest and worst smelling turd in the area, then you shall be rewarded with the local virgin woman

It will in india. Jeetas always flock to the street shiter who runs the most streets. The dot heads have turf wars to see who can control the most streets. Because he who controls the streets also controls the bitches in them.

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Just ask him how does he feel about sending his fellow countryman to die for Israel and oil corporations

I bet i could have those streets on lock, let me get a taco bowl from Moes and i could shit up a storm.

They're just doing their job. they get pushy because it works and they have way thicker skin than you think

Cool blog post!

It's weird that they are recruiting people at college campuses. The entire purpose of higher education is that you won't have to do shitty jobs or join the military but I guess that's not true in the land of meme degrees where every mouthbreather attends college instead of just the intellectually brightest.

Fuck yeah, bro.

Dropping a huge, stinking deuce onto the street is one of the most alpha things you can ever do.

Education gets you commissioned.

I'm so bored. And I'm a bum. Can I kill people too faggot?

the Army recruiters go to the Community Colleges to recruit kids. The Community Colleges are full of kids who are not winners, will be wagies until they die. So they are susceptible to the Army Recruiter song of military entitlements and job stability.

>too much of a cuck to join the army
>instead, rages about spics and niggers who join the army

wow you're a real winner little guy. dad must be proud.

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Many have tried my friend. Many have tried. The lure of Jeeta pussy can be strong but very few actually have the ability to take it. Controlling the shitting streets can cost you your life...

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Underrated post

I don't care about the Jeeta pussy, I'm here for one thing only and that is legacy.

But for he who succeeds, the rewards can be magical...

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I fuck with that dog's giggln

Didn't some Jeeta die because a doctor covered her in cow shit in hopes to drain poison from her body from a snake bite?

You can become a legend! But the competition is fierce! Grizzled and hardened veterans doing combat every minute, every hour, and every second of the day to control the shitting streets. They know only one motto and have only one dream "Rivers of shit."

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Yeah, I think that was like 2 months ago.

I'd like to join up. Convince me otherwise

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so youre intimidated by someone in the army? youre a bitch dude. I was a grunt in the marines so I might be jaded, but seriously youre a massive pussy for being upset by the presence of someone you clearly feel insecure around.

join the army goy, die for israel.

>be Aussie infantryman
>get outflanked by dodo birds

No one joins to be patriotic. everyone in my unit literally just joined so they could shoot brown people. no one gives a fuck about jews.

I though about joining to shoot sand niggers

the band played waltzing forward to the apex gang ridden country you inhabit. some men fight for their country, some just bitch about it on Jow Forums

the war is over, dont do it. peace time marine corps is shitty from what i hear from my buddies who stayed in. wait for the next war.

Americans being that good goys will never stop to amaze me.

You missed the whole point of the post pedro

i cant wait to see you get absolutely decimated for the third time when russia and germany get ambitious again.

>usually just walk by them with headphones on
>go around the building to avoid contact
>some greaser


Do female indians have their own designated shitting street or do they do it in front of the men? Wud be pretty hot in that case


we need to study the shit wars and learn

>implying I care about my shithole country
Trust me, everyone here with iq higher than 90 would rather see Poland being part of Germany than independent country.

you guys invented a whole genre of porn involving shit. street shitting seems tame in comparison.

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>be Jow Forumsizen at job fair
>two army manlets with receding hair and a landwhale public worker at the army stand.
>army guys flinch with their eyes when i look at them
>landwhale actually knows what she is talking about
>spend 20 minutes debating the ups and downs of being an officer that will never be in real combat for 2/3 of what i'd make in the free economy
>army guys try to break up every now and then to impose how hard the training is, but laugh on the inside about manlets trying to impress me by marching 10k in a day(bitch i marched 20k at 16 through the mountains with a 10kg of bag on my back)

Heard from a bud who is doing officer route that the basic soldiers are given a choice when they are too pathetic and timid. Either do recruiting and fill a quota or get send to war.
This way, the supply of recruiters never ends. Kinda pathetic.

>he thinks people who join the army are losers
The army also recruits med students, dentists, engineers, math majors and so on. There are more position in the military than being a fucking good goy dying for israel, at least here in canada.

>>usually just walk by them with headphones on
Loser faggot.

The Texas McMansion