Melatonin-pill me Jow Forums
I use it as a mild sleep aide
Is it also a tool to control African people?????
Melatonin-pill me Jow Forums
I use it as a mild sleep aide
Is it also a tool to control African people?????
This nigger thinks melatonin is the same as melanin aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Enjoy becoming dependant on sleep aids.
Just do some calisthenics before bed.
Wait until these anthropoids discover neuromelanin
Niggers just niggers
>calisthenics before bed
exercise awakens the anglo, dumb nigger
Anyone have the blacks can't read cursive meme? It was one of my favorites.
This is where it comes from, even though neuromelanin also has no relation to skin color. I don't know if black people have heard of this, and are confusing melatonin with it, but they believe that black people produce more melatonin than their white counter-parts and it gives them mental, physical and paranormal powers. Even the ancient Egyptians had increased melatonin, ording to them.
let's tell them whypipo are trying to steal their brain melanin to keep us young
>Burger education