
It's just a matter of time, until they'll rewrite the whole story.
How to stop it?

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Putin I know that you're reading this, please stop saying that you're not white and just invade us already. I dont want to die old in an Islamic shithole, we all want something to happen and it may kick off some kind of internal frustration here so we can actually get things done

it's like they get the niggest nigger to portray these roles if they got a half like wentworth miller i'd be okay with it, but no they had to get a full blown negroid

Attached: half_breed.jpg (428x500, 28K)

Dont pretend like its not your fault russfag

>rewrite ww2 to be star wars
>rewrite medieval history to be the boomdocks

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Nuking London should do it.
Drop one on Stockholm while you're at it, and Ma... I dunno, Gothenburg or Malmo... prolly both

>year 2120
>new documentary coming out on the u.s. founding fathers
>benjamin franklin is now black

you know it's coming


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Yep. When pigskins will stop rewrite history

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