The end is nigh - follow up thread

Some shady shit going on in Sunspot.

>FBI evacuates town, Post office and observartory
>no one knows wtf is going on

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The end is neigh

user said it
I believe it
That settles it

hey it's bound to be true eventually (solar observation website) now 404ing. NASA is about to "upgrade" their site.

you forgot to add the fact that NASA is blocking out the sun on their little shits

Have a water plan

Pretty odd to cordon off an observatory. Do people work there or is it ran by machines? That's the important question.

very, very spooky if true

Probably not the end. Just some glow in the dark shit.

>Post office

it's Anthrax

Basic youtube info about CME's:

Oh shit, does he know something? Also: did Trump write this himself? If so, i didn't know he was able to form coherent sentences.

So use this

Appearantly all scientists working there have been silent on twatter since 7th Sep even though some of them were fairly active on twatter.

bump this is some shit going down

I sure hope Merkel doesn't find out about your hate post. You could get in trouble for a post like that.

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Sun was phone?

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Reposting to clarify how post office operates during terrorist threats or the like:
One user mentioned that it might have been closed to prevent something being shipped out, which is a possibility, too. If that was the case, it being only the local P. O. thays down, then it's not bombs or body parts or powdery substances being shipped. It'd be information.

Democracy is under attack. Sweden's elections have been compromised. They are getting desperate as we move towards the crescendo. Please spread this and don't let it die

Current thread:

Old Thread:

Merkel is too busy sucking refugee dicks.

Maybe nothing, but I remember when all that shit went down in Tucson the observatory was nearby.

Now this, and the Muslim camp a couple weeks ago. Idk

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Tripadvisor gives a phone number for the observatory.Some burger could try calling it and asking around

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We need help from /x/ here

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>Sweden got buttfucked
Surprise surprise

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/x/ is a worthless schizo board nowadays.


I want me a satanic kitty.

muh sunspots

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I wonder if it has to do with biological waste or even a sudden observation of the Sun that reveals inescapable data warning of an impending solar flare

maybe the security issue is seriously a matter of them shutting everything down, filling the observatory where this inescapable data was originally sourced with federal scientists, and beginning data analysis to begin to scope an understanding of what to do to insulate our world from this hypothetically inevitable phenomenon.

they're just covering it up as this or that on purpose, and only informed the local LE what they need to know to preserve the idea of peace and stability in the minds of the local citizenry

then why would fbi be messing around with antennas?

They effect a lot of shit. Your wireless will be 100 x faster when we hit the Solar Maximum again.

Maybe someone put the (((information))) on a hard drive and tried to ship it out through the post office?


I'll call

what should I ask

Someone probably saved pics or video and kept copies at their home and their friends home so that's why the Feds evacuated the entire town

ask them if you should make a Faraday cage or not at least

weather balloon sucking up swamp gas

>One of my usual sites was saying months ago that the sun would go from extreme calm to a full coronal expulsion leaving us in darkness for three days

Check out the 3 days of darkness in catholic prophecy, predicted to happen this century. During which the gates of hell will be opened (Antarctica) and the devils unleashed on earth

Call and ask how their reception is

>one or two observatories capable of investigating sunspots get shut down
>a fuckin end of the world

Coronal holes moving into the earth strike zone:

Ask that you're planning a trip with your kids to show them observatories around the US and thus you wanted to know if they offered any tours.

A copy of battletoads, for starters.

the worst of the Four Horsemen by a large margin. Scott Ian is a massive faggot.

Give me the number, I'll call

there isn't any in Europe or Asia that can tell us what's going on?

Inb4 resonance cascade

Kek has spoken.

I remember some anons figured out the observatory had a clear line of sight for the border. Just a thought we may be seeing something similar. I highly doubt the FBI would be raiding an observatory for solar data.

>sunspot observatory houses many (((scientists))) and other international type people
>sunspot observatory is one of few hospitable places high in mountains surrounding white sands missile range and was originally secured by the air force because of its vantage point over it.
>testing at white sands missile range starting september 7th
>FBI probably got wind of some disloyal american or foreigner trying to ship out data on stuff being tested.

This for starters.Don't make it look like trolling.just act like you want to visit

Battle Toads

I'm sure there's plenty of those unless proved otherwise. It doesn't take an amazing technology to see sunspots. I think people were capable of seeing them long time ago.

they're too busy beta-orbiting succubi

Jow Forums is much better at /x/-tier stuff than /x/ itself (who are more like Jow Forums who finally popped a fuse)

so is pol atm

The observatory is closed. No one would pick up the phone i guess. But worth a try. Say you're a concerned citizen and you want to know if you are in danger.

>activate it

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Then what else do I say?

They'll say I can't visit right now, then what?

Ok then why are we wondering what this observatory saw, surely we can contact one of these other ones and ask them what's going on or view the sun through them perhaps?


this is how the movie Armageddon started.

Fuck you! I bet you work for Elon Musk and push the cover story that he's South African when he's a actually a Finnish Supo Spy sent here to undermine the American Military-Industrial complex to cripple us so we can't render aid to Sweden or Russia when Finland goes to take back it's "Rightful Clay."

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I just called and nobody answered.

Gearing up to defend the Qwain Bae now that one of her main congressional enforcers got straight out whacked by bad vibes from basket weaving enthusiasts that happen to worship an ancient Egyptian chaos god and don't work for her third dumbest beard is going on, and they can't dip into their "extra-curricular" "budgets" to do anything about it now because Trump probably has his own agents watching those kinds of accounts (specifically the Secret Service, who also police federal budget and treasury abuse, remember).
It has to come from somewhere, and this is exactly the go-nowhere project that'd be first up on the budgetary chopping block.

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What, there was a large-scale 'test exercise' taking place at a military facility nearby at the same time ?
wew, that is a relief. Good to know, I was worried for a while there otherwise. Nothing to see here folks, lets all move along now.

I'm going to set my tinder to that area and swipe on girls then see if I can get some snapchats and ask what happened

checkmate Feds

Ask them when you the next available scheduled tour is, if they even offer tours.

this is it

Apache Point observatory is down the road

Check for signs of life or see if you can get anyone talking there perhaps too.

you need to let it ring till they get mad and answer. Or just pick up and leave it off the hook, then you can HEAR EVERYTHING

Gonna take a shower and then hit up tinder and facebook to see if we can find out why people were evacuated or the reason they were given

Fucking hell, user. That's genius if it works.

or he could try asking why they're closed.But if actually called i guess no one will answer.
Maybe there is a private number to it that someone might answer

That's some good shit. 300 IQ gameplay.

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>The earliest extant report of sunspots dates back to the Chinese Book of Changes, c.800 BC.
>A large sunspot was observed at the time of Charlemagne's death in AD 813.[10] Sunspot activity in 1129 was described by John of Worcester and Averroes provided a description of sunspots later in the 12th century
seriously, you don't have to have a specialty in 'sunspot technology' to see them in a typical observatory

>weather machine made it overcast here
>haven't seen the sun all day
we gon die

Well my anthrax theory goes out of the window

>user finds horny ayyys on Tinder

I'm going through all available avenues to get someone to pick up. No dice. Also, fuck you.

My dude! Only Linus Torvalds and his Swedish speaking minority, but ultra right wing Finn posse can save us. Linus then plans a collaborative but authorization government spanning Norway to Moscow, governed from the Ă…land islands.

hats off user

You should be a detective, you're smart as beans.

He'll be employed by ebaum's in no time..

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the ELF communication system thing made sense

Why the rude, user?

i think this is the best theory so far:

Sweden made their bed, now they can lie in it.
This thread is about other shit, stop trying to crosspost.

Sorry user the fuck you was meant for the guy who only replied "pussy".


FBI is checking antennas to see if one of the people up there installed something of their own to get information out long LOS up there with the right antenna, you could get stuff out and far away quickly.

>post office

I'm going to bet some recently delivered piece of scientific equipment or material sample is leaking radiation.

Are there any other observatories like this one? Maybe someone should call them and ask what's going on. Can't imagine that these people dont network with eachother.


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I can see that. But if it's leaking radiation, why would they send the FBI in and not a Hazmat team?

Can I get a quick rundown?

Did just an observatory get evacuated? Why is this strange? Is the entire town being evacuated? What do we know for sure? Why does OP think this has anything to do with sunspots, and should I call out from work and go see my family?

That's kind of boring though