Famous /lit/ tripfag here, Jow Forums. I'm a girl, btw

Famous /lit/ tripfag here, Jow Forums. I'm a girl, btw.

Just watched an episode of Steven Crowder's "Change my mind" series regarding abortion, and in it he is queried about his position on pregnancies which occur during rape. He states he is in support of forcing the woman to conceive. His presupposition being because it isn't the woman's body, and isn't the woman's consciousness, she has no say whatsoever over the issue. And that nobody does, so long as the organic being inside her is incapable of making the choice either through lack of capacity or lack of communicative ability.

Which got me to thinking; I bet a lot of you incel, faux Christians believe the same thing.

My question to you is thus:

>What gives the government the right to terminate your life support, if you're in a comatose state? What gives anyone the right to allow you to die when we could be forcing you to live as a brain in a jar or as a comatose body, conscious, but unconscious, in perpetual pain and agony so long as your organics don't decay down into a rotten, degenerate state. By Crowder's logic the Government has a moral obligation to keep your consciousness going, no matter the pain or suffering involved, simply because you can't communicate.

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>I'm a girl, btw.
stopped reading there
you know the next line

A growing baby is different than a warm corpse.

I agree with abortion when the organism has not yet developed the ability to feel pain or consciousness. Especially in the case of rape or incest.

Well if you bring up your gender for no reason I'm going to have to ask for a picture of your milkers

And they better be fat udders

I’m pro-choice and disagree with Crowder, but you still know the rules: tits or GTFO

How so? Asides from the fact that comatose people sometimes do awaken with full conscious faculty, whereas a fetus, arguably even children up to a certain age, have comparatively little capacity for articulation of what they comprehend.

>And that nobody does, so long as the organic being inside her is incapable of making the choice either through lack of capacity or lack of communicative ability.

That nigger syntax

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the pol position is that abortion is murder but that it kills far more niggers and spics than any other group so its a boon to society.
Abortion should be mandatory for niggers

Learn to use your own language before trying to sound smart

a fetus can't communicate its intentions before it's "taken off life support" (aborted). generally comatose people are alive long enough that their family/friends will know what the best decision for them will be

>I'm a girl
Start stripping

shut the fuck up you dumb cunt lmao, tits or gtfo

What is it with the French and pretending they're capable of shirking the liquid dog shit that is the French language from their feudal little brains.

op writes like she has penned several erotic fanfictions

You haven't clearly differentiated the principle difference between a mother wishing to abort a fetus in order to prevent it from living a life she believes not worth living, and family and friends terminating a comatose family member who they believe will live a life not worth living.

more adjectives = better writing, amirite?
kys /lit/let

>Famous /lit/ tripfag here, Jow Forums. I'm a girl, btw.
Stopped reading there.

>I'm a girl, btw.

This is where I stopped reading.

Posters who speak English as a second language will have their opinions, much like their culture, discarded.

>What is it with the French and pretending they're capable of shirking the liquid dog shit that is the French language from their feudal little brains.

That thing is supposed to mean something?

Pro tip: In order to look smart you actually have to say more with less not the oposite.

She's from /lit/, they're all borderline retarded over there.

>By Crowder's logic the Government has a moral obligation to keep your consciousness going, no matter the pain or suffering involved, simply because you can't communicate

And this is absolutely correct. That's why it's important to communicate to your loved ones what you would want done in this situation.

Not a Christian & while I do consider myself Pro-Life, I understand that there are certain situations where it is necessary....just not "I'm irresponsible and this human's existence is not convenient for me right now. Please kill it".
That said, they're two different situations.
1. Person A is sick or otherwise UNABLE to live without machine assistance. In the described scenario, they will NEVER be able to live without that assistance. They're alive in only the most technical definition of the term.

2. Person B is a developing human being at their most vulnerable. They will eventually grow and be able to survive completely independent of their mother or machines...they have, through no fault of their own, just had the misfortune of being conceived the wrong way.
That said, the vast majority of abortions are due to convenience...not rape or health problems. I don't understand why some Pro-Choice people try to make the argument about this MINORITY, when they want abortion on demand.

Jow Forums is pro-abortion because it's a means for nigger culling and it's the only thing we currently have that resembles a eugenic program

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"""Discarded culture"""

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Christcucks get out

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Roasty getting toasty desu

Well, it's quite clear to anyone with any semblance of education in the field of ethics and morality that this is an immoral principle to adhere to.


>any semblance of education in the field of ethics and morality
morality is literally just feelings

Personally, the difference I see is that a comatose patient lived a life. They had the responsibility to leave a will or inform their family what their wishes were. An unborn child hasn't had that chance. I feel they have the right to live the moment that unique DNA is created that could support human life.

A baby is a literal parasite btw. Definitively, being pregnant is willingly growing a parasite

>Steven Crowder's "Change my mind"
I made it further than most.

says the woman

I support abortion for eugenic reasons, not because some midwit whore like you can't be bothered to take a Plan B after you get gangbanged.

Check these digits.

That's not exactly true, many people in comatose states, which would die without machine intervention, have suddenly woken up and regained full function. If you would have turned the machine off one day early, they'd be dead.

Not unlike removing a baby prematurely from the womb.

OP is proudly discarding culture...what a surprise.

Let's see the tits famous /lit/ tripfag.

checked people get mad over the "abortion led to the drop in crime" argument when really its just most of those not born due to abortions are niggers who never grew up to be nogs.

I'm in the same boat.

show milkers

So at what point is it not ethical to terminate? If communication of intent is a factor why not aanytime up until a kid can speak?

I wouldn't call the loss of French culture a loss, Mohammad

>implies christians have a problem with that

*principal, and "differentiated the difference" is redundant.
and we need to think carefully here because i believe there is a distinction between those two circumstances. here's my logic:
1. murder is wrong.
2. killing is not necessarily wrong if consent is given.
3. in the case of comatose people, this consent is usually implied. for example, as comatose people are not able to consent to their deaths, killing them must be justified through the comatose person's thoughts and actions before the incident which rendered them comatose.
4. only the comatose person's family, or possibly friend/friends knows the person's actions and thoughts well enough to make an informed decision about consent of this magnitude.
5. further, the comatose person can in advance designate a family member/friend to make these decisions for them.
6. the fetus has no such options. a mother does not know a fetus until it is born, and a fetus has no relationships, so nobody can truly know whether it would want to be killed or not.
7. the best a mother can do in this case is guess. they can make a guess that the baby's life may be miserable due to a bad family environment, and they can guess that down syndrome (many babies with down syndrome are aborted) will cause the baby suffering. these are good guesses, but guesses are the best they are and can be. a statistical probability that the baby might suffer is not a reasonable excuse for an abortion.

Then why so butthurt about muh Christians? True believing Christians want to save the baby for the same reason they oppose euthanasia.

>I'm a girl, btw.

Attached: Tits or GTFO.png (1338x275, 445K)

Democracy is under attack. Sweden's elections have been compromised. They are getting desperate as we move towards the crescendo. Please spread this and don't let it die

Current thread:

Old thread:

There was a shut in case i studied. Concious but paralysed and unable to communicate. For 27 fucking years. I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy. Pulling the plug or euthenasia is to prevent suffering. Abortion (for non medical reasons) is merely convenient.

>n episode of Steven Crowder's "Change my mind" series regarding abortion, and in it he is queried about his position on pregnancies which occur during rape. He states he is in support of forcing the woman to conceive. His presupposition being because it isn't the woman's body, and isn't the woman's consciousness, she has no say whatsoever over the issue. And that nobody does, so long as the organic being inside her is incapable of making the choice either through lack of capacity or lack of communicative ability.
>Which got me to thinking; I bet a lot of you incel, faux Christians believe the same thing.
>My question to you is thus:
>What gives the government the right to terminate your life support, if you're in a comatose state?
They don't have that right. So long as the family wants to keep paying for your life support, they can. If they decide not to, okay. But in that case they aren't killing you: your injury killed you.

A braindead corpse will never be anything more than a braindead corpse. A fetus will grow into a person.

Question for you: Since abortion is chosing one life above another, why should we chose the woman's life? The baby has much more life ahead of it, so it's logical to render the woman comatose so her braindead body can carry the fetus to term. Why should i care about you when you don't care about your baby?

Inclusion of "I'm a girl, btw" serves no purpose if your argument is cohesive it will stand by itself. Post tits.

a lot of people on this board are pro choice, if minorities didn't get abortions the demographic shift in this country would be catastrophic. And the fetus occupying your womb violates the NAP.

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Fpbp fuck off cunt

>education in the field of ethics and morality

This is literally just people telling other people to feel the same way they do. There is no other authority on what is morally right or wrong besides God.


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Stopped reading

>comparing a vegetable with no chance at life to an unborn baby with endless potential


>I wouldn't call the loss of French culture a loss, Mohammad

We already knew that you were a retarded


>I wouldn't call the loss of French culture a loss, Mohammad

We already knew that you were a retard

Rules confirmed

>So at what point is it not ethical to terminate?
If the mother wants the child, and has the means (meaning all the necessary requirements for the raising of a healthy child) of doing so. At that point, termination of the pregnancy is immoral.

What constitutes the necessary means is what needs to be instantiated into common knowledge and law. As it stands, women are having children without the means.

I browse /lit/ and no one likes fucking tripfags
Stay here on Jow Forums

>conscious, but unconscious
This is when I realized you were retarded and moved on

>/pol vet
>no tits

Either on or both is a lie
Tits or GTFO

I still have not seen tits. GTFO

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>lol humans are just pleasure machines bro

Why is this an issue? Doesn't this vary by state, and if so why not just move to a state that either allows abortion or bans it?

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Not doing all types of murder is illogiocal and against biology

Abortion in case of rape, health concern for the mother or deformity etc. should be allowed IMO.

But let's not kid ourselves, it still is murder and we are no better than Spartans who used to let kids with deformities or who were concerned a burden to die in the open.

>What gives the government the right to terminate your life support, if you're in a comatose state?
Nothing, the government should not be supplied the right over end-of-life termination, nor should the government force people to continue living should they choose to take their own life. People should be free to die with dignity if they choose, however they choose, as long as that choice is not physically harmful to another being.

You are equating the responsibilities an adult is expected to understand and undertake with children. By the logic you have implied, we should view pedophilia as acceptable but we don't because of the inherent irresponsibility of children.

The argument is silly at best unless you hold children to be equal with adults, which is also just as silly.

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I didn't specify brain-dead, just comatose.

>why should we chose the woman's life?
Why choose the fetus? In essence you're valuing potential over actuality. Given that fact, why choose the baby if the woman doesn't actually want to maximize the potential of her child? You're simply giving a woman the opportunity to create a net drain on society through force.

That's how /lit/ supplements their neetbux. Pic related

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im sure most of Pol thinks the government should not be able to tell you what you can do with your body male or female

>The argument is silly at best unless you hold children to be equal with adults, which is also just as silly.
I hold that an unborn child, a fetus, is a potential candidate member of society. And every effort should be made, if can be made, to maximize their potential opportunity to contribute to civilization.

The same ethic holds true for those who are comatose.

Did you deliberately dodge the question or are you just retarded?

>right to terminate your life support
they don't have that right

You are building a strawman on the presumption that you can apply what's intended for life only about to flourish to people who got into a comatose state. You're comparing healthy babies to people stricken with disease or niggers in their neighborhood. I'd delve further into the issue were this a serious thread, but it's clear you're baiting on emotion. Like a woman would, of course

Reading this shit turned me into an mgtow incel faggot thx m’roastie

>You're simply giving a woman the opportunity to create a net drain on society through force.

>through force

Oh nononono

>I hold that an unborn child, a fetus, is a potential candidate member of society. And every effort should be made, if can be made, to maximize their potential opportunity to contribute to civilization.

Yes, killing them will definitely maximize their potential.

An unborn child is not likely to go on to live in an unconscious vegetative state indefinitely, while a person who is comotose and in an unconscious vegetative state is very likely to continue existing in that way.

The woman in the case you mentioned is killing and individual who will have the opportunity to live life on his/her own terms once they reach adulthood. The family killing the comotose vegetable person would be doing so with the knowledge that they probably have no chance to live life on their own terms going forward if they even do manage to acheive something resembling a recovery.

>I'm a girl btw

I'm honestly disappointed this was entertained at all, given the rules.

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Cringey larp, tbqh


Thou shall kill self

>you're valuing potential over actuality
>you're valuing a potential human rather than a cum rag that can't keep her legs closed

I never claimed that a comatose person can/has never come out of their coma. I was addressing the scenario that the OP brought up. Obviously, there are exceptions. That said, in the vast majority of cases, if someone needs the medical help described by OP...they're not getting out of the hospital alive.

And that's the difference between the 2. One is developing into a healthy person. The other was healthy but can no longer survive without assistance.

You destroyed your own argument by declaring
>Who’s choice is it
By the highest moral standard the choice is the parent(s)
Any logic saying otherwise is rooted in the idea of overriding that choice in favor of the government
If you are in disagreement with what the government chose
Well welcome to America cunt
There’s a reason people hate socialism and it’s parent schools of thought
It robs the people of your precious feelings and virtue choices
For the greater good TM

Forcing a woman who was raped and now pregnant give birth to a child she does not want, will not love, and will immediate give up to a foster system which is run in its entirety by psychopathic pedophiles is also not exactly a maximization of state resources given that the vast majority of people born under such circumstances are net drains on the state.

That's your taxes that get burned on a large heap to keep people alive who are broken and capable of nothing but suffering.

My how compassionate you are.


I dont think i have EVER seen a single OP this blown the fuck out in my entire life and I've been here nearly a decade.

Please someone screencap this thread. We are going into life-changing levels of destruction. I dont think December will even be the same after this.

>Famous /lit/ tripfag here, Jow Forums. I'm a girl, btw.

She thought she was famous and smart, destroyed her own argument and others destroyed her more. I love you Jow Forums.

kek this

>The same ethic holds true for those who are comatose.
In principle the ethic is the same, they are both discussing taking a life, but I disagree as the issue is more complicated than "Abortion is right/wrong".

The potential of the individual does not do anything to explain the base morality for taking a life before its natural death. In the case of comatose patients, given that they are in severe amounts of pain and/or have demonstrated a detrimental lack of quality of life, the moral angle is that you are relieving them of the suffering for which they are currently experiencing, and which will eventually carry them away to death anyway.
With a fetus, the only mercy you are offering is to remove a potential suffering they might experience after their birth, and the mercy of having not to deal with responsibilities yourself as a parent.

Lastly, do you believe this
>every effort should be made, if can be made, to maximize their potential opportunity to contribute to civilization.
has any basis is morality?
My potential in this world was to colonize Mars and save the human race, yet I chose willingly to become an artist and do what I enjoy. Did I somehow fall short of my moral responsibilities?

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> That thing is supposed to mean something?
L’anglais a une grammaire differente de celle du français, Adbel Kader. Une question se pose en inversant l’ordre (SVO -> V2SVO), et generalement en utilisant le “do support”.
> Is this thing supposed to mean something?

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Not all Jow Forums is the same. I have the libertarian position, I dont care about abortion at all as long as im not paying for it.

>Forcing a woman who was raped and now pregnant give birth to a child she does not want, will not love, and will immediate give up to a foster system which is run in its entirety by psychopathic pedophiles is also not exactly a maximization of state resources given that the vast majority of people born under such circumstances are net drains on the state.

Stop deluding yourself into believing that youbhave the ability to cram all of your ideas in one sentence without sounding like an absolute tard.