
Why are men being encouraged to turn into girls?

I see it everywhere from shows, to news articles, etc saying its okay.

It's even easier to get prescribed estrogen than it is to get testosterone and men are constantly being feminized. How do we put an end to this?

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because females have more privilege

Jun 28, 1969 – Jul 1, 1969...the date that turned men gay

>why are white men encouraged
There fixed it

Because traps are superior to women and we need more of them.

Attached: trap.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Nobody is encouraging them. It's what they want to do. If you are talking about the literal sense, like in pics attached, they do it because it gets them off. That's all. If it doesn't get you off, you are free to judge.

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because feminism has the west by the balls and cucking you all out to refugees.

Also Asians and spics

According to the plan there will be mostly muslim mutts on earth by the 22th centuary

If it is a girl it is not gay

True, but the number of Spics and Gooks doing this is minuscule in contrast to the growing number of white sissies. Plus whites just make for better traps, and are more visually appealing as a result of their already innate feminine features.

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>It's even easier to get prescribed estrogen than it is to get testosterone
I spent 5 minutes talking to the nurse, not even the dr at an HRT clinic and I'm on 200 ml/week.

>1 post by this id
Why this thread will not get deleted can someone enlighten me?

That's the spirit, user! Boypussy is still pussy, and pussy is not gay.

There you have it, straight from the source

How much does it cost? I'm interested nohomo

Nice, any pics to share of your soon to be cum slut face?

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Another commie wearing an ancap flag

BASED happy old man poster

it seems to encourage suicide

i'm not really that right wing, idc if you dress up like a girl. However the fact is they are all pretty much killing themselves

I pay something like $160 a month for Testosterone, HcG (so my balls don't shut off) and Amastrazole (so the testosterone doesn't raise my estrogen). Most clinics prescribe these 3 together. I'd be careful though. Once you get on it, it's a bitch to get off.

>A brother and a sister were talking
>He was pissed off because she was every day doing something exciting
>He said to her "How is possible you eat every day in a restaurant and do whatever you want? I can even do a week of what you do that I'm out of money!"
>She replied "it is because you don't have a boyfriend, silly."

Masha Allah based kike says how its.

I'm on Testosterone you dumb nigger.

They've lost all shred of dignity and humanity so they turn to satan for help

I'm a hard core Free market capitalist.

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degenerate i will see in court

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gas her

Kek at the bulge getting bigger at the sign in the lower pic

gotta take (((them))) out

I think transgenderism and the way doctors feed tranny delusions will be looked back in future generations the way we look back at teeth pulling and lobotomies as medical monstrosities.

That being said I don't give a shit, they make my cock hard so I don't care.

Well you should maybe consider switching to a more Estrogen based hormonal drug cycle.Maybe even get a complementary butt implant to match your model tier panties.

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If everyone would just stand up at once, all the craziness we see, would stop instantly.

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>they make my cock hard
I've been literally jizzing all over my keyboard for the past couple of hours, rubbing my cock out to trap porn.

Attached: Made me come.gif (480x270, 502K)

post more fembois

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Fake and gay, and that pic really only applies to non passing trannies. Passable trannies usually look like pic related.

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To rule a society you weaken it.
The best way to weaken it is by killing its ability to form stable bonds, families and grow up healthy and in a positive environment.
Masculinizing women was the first step. They made sure women were out of the home and into the work force, made finding non cheating women harder, ruined one half of the pair bond that forms family.
The next step is to feminize men. Make it further incapable of resisting the conditioning, incapable of fixing themselves and their society.
Women were easier to corrupt, but hitting men as well was necessary because men are the ones that actually tend to fix issues.

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Wasn’t Dana International your biggest pop star going back decades before this shit was ever normalized?

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I unironically can't wait for Whites to be bred out of existence

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Democracy is under attack. Sweden's elections have been compromised. They are getting desperate as we move towards the crescendo. Please spread this and don't let it die

Current thread:

Old thread:

Feminine = easier to control. Jow Forums loves to talk big shit but in reality everyone here is too afraid of violence and criminality to actually do anything, because whether you realize it or not you're already feminized.
Timothy McVeigh was the last aryan with a plan and a pair of balls.

Stop spamming this shit, faggot. Traps are more important than that literal meme country.

Well in the mean time you should consider breeding with their prostates and their women.Look up the blacked video statistics, both white men and women enjoy seeing thick black cock.

Attached: European man 4.jpg (640x480, 55K)

Men are frugal

Females spend much more money

They want the males to become feminine so that they spend more money, it's so fucking simple you fags

More than just whites, whites are just the ones who fall for it the hardest.

>start work labouring 2 weeks ago
>only shot my nut twice
>went 10 days before that
>never felt more of a man making money roofing and fixing my peoples roofs for decent cash
>come to this shithole and see what STATE people are in

If any White male is reading this was an ounce of test, get outside for fucks sake and stop watching porn. Your brain starts to become more serious in what it wants in the long term irl sense. Memory gets better and you are more assertive. Instead of watching goofy shit on jewtube, I am looking to learn how to be better at roofing and make my own company within the year.

I use this sire less and less.

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post pics of white sissies in a relationship with black men.

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Based and red pilled.Traps are a great alternative to women.They don't nag,have tight assholes, and are generally nicer and less likely to cheat on you in contrast to women.

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Post yourself in drag first.

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Because it will make the less masculine men not pro-create
It's eugenics

eternal al saud strikes again

There is only one solution to this problem

What you can call a final solution

Thats how we got it normalozed. Create a couple of celebraties for the goys to mimic. Goy see, goy do.

based hebrew. white men who spend too much time on the internet and have no lives are in love with the idea of having to do nothing in life but succ. i say let them, it'll cull the gene pool of their insanity

this is the true redpill. based luigi

>Why are men being encouraged to turn into girls?


Attached: himmlerflowers.jpg (429x388, 165K)

Destroy family
Destroy culture
Children raised by the gov
Infinite supply for your sex death rituals

> saud
> cross pic
what bizarro world khaleeji is this

>tfw no SO to feed me like a king every day
>tfw stuck on a "whatever's the cheapest at Walmart" diet

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this is 1000% true. if you are a failure of a man just become a trap and let the real men take care of you and pump your butt

pic related is me.

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Traps are mentally no different from women you retarded faggot, they're just as vile and selfish. It's clear you've never actually met one. If you want a relationship based on good personality get with a man.

i love living in these degenerate times

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Not bad, all your missing now is a time stamp to confirm that's actually you.

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In raw numbers but the porcentage of population they are higher in the USA ay leasr

that's pretty hot desu

“Welcome to Tel Aviv, the gayest city on earth”

Very nice, post some more. Could go for another wank session.

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koreans are becoming sissys now too

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I want to kill my self.
Was saying hot until 15th sec.

>(((memeflaggot))) CIAniggers
every time

You don't need a boyfriend for that, that's what credit cards are for. Brother needs to learn. You can always file bankruptcy.

What's up Jew, what's the plan with race mixed guys like me who's 56% beaner/white and has mix raced kids with someone part black,white and eastern european?

We do crossfiy some people tho. For horribly crimes such as rape and murder of property.

Dude, gay men (and traps ARE gay men) cheat waaaay more than straight women. At least straight women are told by society that cheating is bad, but no part of gay culture -especially gay male culture- emphasizes monogamy and fidelity in relationships. Gay marriage does nothing to eliminate promiscuity

You think you're part of the group that decides these things?
S that why there's so many retarded homos in Israel as well?
As much as the Gentiles are being played you're being played to believe you're chosen or superior or anything else then you're being the same shit.
You're a commodity, as valuable as the next nigger or whitey or russian mongoloid out there and nobody gives two shits about you as long as you don't disturb the peace and comply with your role.
Who's the goy now?

Attached: kikeman2.jpg (205x246, 12K)

Staged. Look at that brain someone went and positioned conveniently next to that hollow skull, as if to imply it came from it.

You'ed be a massive faggot if you wouldnt fuck and marry this. Pls give sauce

it is a sign of collapse, civil war or other shit that is going to happen soon.

trap is "Puer delicatus" by Roman classification

nihil novi sub sole

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google says its a real girl. no dick.

What's kikeman1.jpg?

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I'm actually kind of worried that traps are just a fad, and that I'll never get one before they just turn into regular homos again


Fortunately here (((they))) are not so generous with credit.

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yeah but you’d still probably fuck me if i offered though so really i win

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Kek thanks.

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I accidentally fucked a tranny once because i was too drunk

Post a pic and let's see if your words hold up to the guide lines of reality.

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It's super easy to get free money in America. It's amazing. My brother once got a 10k credit line without an income

Only if you wear a bag over your head and don't speak during.

How was it? Did the asshole feel nice and rimmed up?

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It's honestly comments like these that make me consider suicide not the dysphoria itself. Why am I still addicted to here? Am I that fucking masochistic?

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Just go on face book, create a profile that explicitly states that you want a trap gf, and reap the boy pucci in. It's so simple.

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