As a white male, my instincts tell me to live a balanced life, be sympathetic to my fellow humans, to be shrewed and frugal with my money, independent, and constantly learning. These instincts have manifested in a desire to live alone in a remote property, reading and writing as a hobby, enjoying the outdoors, and living a more-or-less self-sustaining existence; essentially escaping society to maintain my sanity.
...but my fellow white males keep telling me that I have a DUTY to raise a white family, and a DUTY to contribute to the improvement of society and its values, and a DUTY to my ancestors to continue the genetic line. This conflicts with my instincts as a responsible adult with a normal, comfortable existence. As well as the fact that I was born a faggot.
Who is right: my responsible, sympathetic, frugal instincts tailored to the modern world, or my genetic programming?
In the end, do what makes you happy. That's the real red pill. Just think long term though; most people won't be happy without some sort of family or social circle.
Carter Flores
I have an existing family, just not a family that I've created myself.
As well, I believe that one should hold beliefs that, if everyone else in society held the same beliefs, society would improve. I don't believe that is the case with these beliefs so I'm questioning them.
Connor Gomez
Atlas Shrugged.
Adrian Sanders
>I believe that one should hold beliefs that, if everyone else in society held the same beliefs, society would improve. Well there's your problem.
Ryder Anderson
Is that not a useful principle when judging your beliefs? (even though I guess it is intrinsically hinged on the belief that improving society is noble)
Interesting. Read the synopsis and it definitely touches on similar issues.
Camden Reyes
Being an individualist didn't mean you can't believe people should help each other out. What you're talking about thigh is coming from a place of racial collectivism, and all collectivism is bullshit.
Tyler Price
>Well there's your problem. Beat me to it.
Colton Gomez
So by not reproducing and living alone, I am not abandoning my duty to my ancestors?