Based or shill ?

Based or shill ?
What does Jow Forums think ?

Attached: 170px-Martin_Sellner_Buchmesse_2017_(cropped_to_head_only)_retusche.jpg (170x257, 14K)

low IQ duginist

i see
in defense of hs iq i must say that his english is pretty clumsy, and he might seem less eloquent to a non-german speaker.

Doesn't he bang Brittany Shlomowitz whateverhernameis?
Probably the average neocon memester.
Listen to all follow none.

Ugly short faggot

Why listen to twerps like that?

I preemptively responded to character assassination associations. If he says something good against immigration be my guest but don't fall for these installed figureheads.
That was what I intended to communicate. I never saw anything of him except that he memes about IB

Guter Punkt.
Allerdings glaube ich schon dass er das Image des rechten Spektrums etwas poliert.
Halt ein Milchbubi und keine hohle nach Bier stinkende Glatze, und somit ein guter Missionar im bekehren von Normies.

Armchair Revolutzer.
Activist type that is just too lazy to work.
Bullshit ideology.
Waste of money and energy.

An Idiot but not controlled opposition. Just an idiot.

>bekehren von Normies.
immer die selbe hohle leier.