Let's be honest, if Kapernick said he was kneeling for dead soldiers, he'd be praised as a hero...

Let's be honest, if Kapernick said he was kneeling for dead soldiers, he'd be praised as a hero. It's only because it's dead black people that you guys have a problem with him bringing politics up in sports.

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But he is kneeling because he thinks USA is oppressive towards blacks.... All while white numbers are shrinking and economy spirals into debt crisis. Niggers can go fuck themselves. We got more important shit to deal with.

I support him. He is the one thing that seems to be able to get white Boomers to abandon their precious negroball.

You're supposed to stand to honor dead soldiers during the national anthem. I don't agree with the people protesting the NFL over this, taking a knee is not the worst thing in the world, but it's having the opposite effect of what Kaepernick claims to want. It's not uniting the public.

I literally don't give a shit. He can get on both knees and suck dick during halftine for all I fucking care. NFL football is fucking gay.

Well the dead solders died for the country desu.


If he was kneeling for dead soldiers he wouldn’t be doing it during the national anthem which disrespects them and the country.

He is doing this purely for the attention and money. Shame him for it relentlessly and anyone who stands up for him. They are traitors to the country.

Protesting over dead coons who got shot while committing a felony which happens just as often to whites who commit felonies

White people are just getting sick of the multiculturalism.... 60 years after the civil rights movement... And what happened? White people are headed for minority status and the economy is going to spiral into debt hell.