How much of the West and South sides do you think Black Lives Matter can tear apart in 48 hours?

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weird how it just seems like this is meant to intimidate jurors

niggers be like

what the hell is he looking at

This is absolutely juror intimidation. I can't believe that this is legal.

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How is that legal?

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Explain for a yuro pls
What am I looking at here

some white dude shot a black dude because he was fucking his girlfriend

What's the jurors fault in all this

Well there's a wypipo confirmed on the jury and the news is giving away information that could identify them.

they’re white. Remember how mad even white people got at the oj trial? This will be that in reverse and the chimpouts will make the congo look civilized.

Good, maybe they will actually burn down the cities they live in. Win win in my eyes.

idk they just want a guilty verdict no matter what

im not clicking that man

>wants to see evidence before coming to an opinion


>I can't believe that this is legal.
I'd guess it isn't, but they control the definition of juror intimidation.

>Chicago chimp out
Daily occurrences aren’t news. Reported.

It isn't
But Chicago has its own laws and because they have so many powerful people at bat for them in DC they can get away with ignoring federal law

Whites are more likely to show up for a jury summons

you have to show up foe jury summons most of the time black people arent smart enough to get out of it thats why a lot of juries are made of dumb niggers.

Soros doesn't pay BLM anymore, so no chipmout

>Two men and two women were picked as jurors in the Jason Van Dyke trial Monday, as another potential juror, a black woman from the West Side, was removed by the defense after she revealed that two family members were victims of the city’s violence — including her son who she learned was shot around the time she was filling out a jury questionnaire last week.

>“He’s fine,” the woman said about her son. But her nephew was shot and killed in April, she said.


Because we dont have warrants!

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Jurors can be removed for any reason, and even no reason at all.

They pick a huge pool, then the attorneys go through and say "not this one, this one, no to her," etc.

Both sides will want to stack in their favor.

>this is legal
Yeah I'd like to see some proof for that somewhere

These digits tell a story

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I am black. Some times I just have to fuck a white chick behind her boyfriend's back. I know it's wrong, but no one should be able to shoot me over that. That ain't right.

Call Alex Jones, he will sort them out.

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they are doxing jurors before the trial even begins??