RIP blue states' gun bans

RIP blue states' gun bans.

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When he gets confirmed the salt will be amazing

post yfw the firearm ban of 1933 gets repealed.

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I just want to not pay an extra$200 for a suppressor.

Well you're gonna get a lot better than that. When Trump says Drain the Swamp and Make America Great Again he's talking about no Federal Reserve and no kike laws


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this guy could have stopped the ObamaCare mandatory fine but didn't. fucking pussy

>Mfw I can have a suppressed fun switch sbr without ATF niggers killing my dogs

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If you think the left are a bunch of stuck pigs right now, you haven't heard anything until this satanic kike heads off to the big oven in the ground. I know Trump has already declared that he's going to campaign for Ted Cruz, but I have a raging America boner from the thought of Cruz replacing that tired old vulture. He'll probably go with a conservative female though.

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Thanks alot drumpftards, now we will have EVEN more school shootings, how retarded do you have to be to even post on pol? good job racist xenophobic homophobic racist assholes

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Please invade us lol. Stop fucking around in the middle east.

Please save me. You need character references for a pistol loicense.
>tfw introvert

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t. posting from the range during cease fire

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Fixed mag mafia Suffolk County checking in. We are not SAFE.

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I can't even imagine how much the left will squeal if the GOP wins (or even expands) its Senate majority this November and Ginsburg croaks in December. What are they possibly going to say? Their whole mantra is "wait until the voters have their say," but if the voters voted the previous month and they lost Senate seats, they have nothing, and if the GOP indeed expands its Senate majority, not even Murkowski and Collins together can bail them out on the next Trump Supreme Court nominee.

I can't wait for the inevitable firefights at the schools. Maybe we can place bets on it how long each shooter will last.

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>t. Californian who loves the state but hates the legislators here

RIP any notion the GOP cared about the rule of law and accountability.

>Releases over 40,000 documents day before senate confirmation hearing

>Claims he's been vetted with shitfaced grins

>Also Doesn't care Kavanaugh repeatedly prejuried himself under oath

Kavanaugh has also lamented separation of church and state. You can be progun or pro-whatever, but the man's a Christian Jihadist.

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WNY fag here. I feel you man. I've lived in my current city for 10 years, but I'm not from NY (no family here) and I don't have enough local references to apply. Any possible references I have are all former/current co-workers and none of them live in my city. Fucking sucks.

>leddit spacing

Good contribution, friendo

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>Make Militia Great Again

>implying liberals care about rule of law
dont rules for radicals me, faggot

>but the man's a Christian Jihadist.
Thank God, we need that against plebbit faggots like you

>but the man's a Christian Jihadist.
so hes pro life?
Christians don't jihad btw

Don't forget about Roe v. Wade. Roasties BTFO

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Well the leaked plans from the democrap party is to flood the white house with lawsuits. They started off the year insisting a blue wave was coming. Now it turns out all their chimpouts and censorship is turning Americans away. Add to that, more blacks and Hispanics are supporting Trump than any other republican president in history and there are now millennial women going to his rallies to actually see what he's saying without the kike media spin. The stock market breaks a record every other week, president Trump promised 4% GDP growth and is getting more than that so even Onigger gave a speech a few days ago trying to take credit for the roaring economy.

I can go on, but the left is falling apart, so their new talking point is no longer a blue wave, it's "LE RUSSINZ R HACKING DA MIDTERMS!" They wouldn't dare question the validity of an election they expect to win, they know they're going down in flames and they're getting desperate.

People don't vote for the GOP unless the left is really, really retarded.
And guess what? the left is really, really retarded.
Remove social justice, go back to protecting the rights of everyone oppressed by the system, regardless of gender or race, remove the big corporations from the party, fix your shit.
Do those and you will RAPE trump on the next election.
And don't do it from the mouth out, actually do remove social justice, because it is a low IQ collectivism vision of the world that blinds you from some very obvious truths.

Surely you have some family members with a different last name you could use or inlaws.

>dont rules for radicals me

What? Another casualty of Betsy DeVos I suppose.

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No one in Washington gives a flying fuck about the "rule of law and accountability", you dumb sack of shit. It's just a weapon to use by the other party when they're out of power.

.. you realize their mos popular candidate is an fake socialist followed actual socialist right? There's no salvation for the american left. And with good reason, they became intrinsically joined with identitarianism and collectivism.

More like the tax free Church can donate unlimited amounts of money to sway elections.

The GOP doesn't care about you, gun rights, or religion. It's all about the money.

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Nothing would make me happier than to see California btfo on guns.

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We still have more salt than we know what to do with due to 2016. How much more salt before the left dies of salt toxicity?

The weak should fear the strong.

Democrats released all relevant documents for Elena Kagan's confirmation months before the hearings.

Every appointment in this administration has been railroaded with no regard for transparency or proper vetting.

Remember Brett J. Talley? The nominee to be a federal judge that never tried a case? This is the sort of garbage this administration is pulling.

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That's exactly the stuff that would ruin conservative rule. Stopping being about economy and starting pushing their moral crap. This shit will eventually get us bernie on steroids and I will be probably running to another country by then.

>being this stupid

Look at that cranial capacity. The man needs to be put out for stud.


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In a party line vote, the GOP voted to allow Internet service providers to sell consumer browser history and you're worried about SJWs?

Not to mention the planet is dying with record high temperatures every year, and the earth's biomass decreasing by 50% over the last century.

But sure, keep voting for the man that thinks global warming is a Chinese hoax and can't pronounce "anonymous".

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Roberts will cuck out and uphold AWBs and may issue CCW.

Screen cap it.

I can use a VPN. Democrats literally want to confiscate my property by force.

I wonder if you'll keep saying that after internet porn is heavily restricted/banned, like what happened in the UK. Christian GOP politicians in the US are already trying.

You get what you pay for, just like the rural farmers going bankrupt because of Trump's idiotic trade war. All those jobs will go to Brazil now.

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Stop worshipping cucks, you fucking kike lover

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>just like the rural farmers going bankrupt
Oh no a market correction. You think if people ate less high fructose corn syrup the poor corn farmers would be negatively affected?

>I didn't get everything I won't for Christmas so now I'm mad

>Democrats literally want to confiscate my property by force

Didn't happen over the 8 years Obama was president. I'm sure that uninformed single issue voting will pay off some day. It won't before ocean acidification kills all the plankton and ruins the food chain.

Oh, and there's this gem:

"Take the firearms first and then go to court. Because that’s another system. A lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida. He had a lot of firearms. They saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. You could do exactly what you’re saying but take the guns first, go through due process second."

-Trump February 28, 2018

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He's a democrat so he'll likely just try and change the constitution.
Read what he said. He didn't say he isn't against taking guns,

lol, you think the world's retaliatory tariffs against this administration are a "market correction"? Are you seriously that delusional?

Google "George Bush steel tariffs" to see what happened last time this was tried. America permanently lost thousands of jobs that went overseas, and Bush reversed course less than a year later.

That's what Trump is doing, but to several industries. Many of those Jobs will never come back, and the farmers that voted for him will bear the consequences.

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I want national carry senpai

>post yfw the firearm ban of 1933 gets repealed.

Don't get your hopes up, dude. Kavanaugh is better than most on gun rights, but he's still ok with banning automatic weapons.

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The conservative Justices already gave corporations unlimited legal bribery through Citizen's United.

Why not Churches next? Trump has already said the administration wanted to end the Johnson Amendment.

The GOP wants to turn America into single party theocracy.

Your numbers are bunk.
In the past 100 year, only 21 Rebublicans and 3 Democrats were tried with crimes in the Executive Branch, and 11 of the republicans were from the Watergate scandal.

If you expand it to ALL branches of government, the score is:
R - 55
D - 48

Additionally, most of the republicans crimes are process crimes like campaign donation violations and failure to properly report taxes, with fines under $5000 and no jail time.

Meanwhile, Ted Kennedy is killing people with his car and getting a suspended sentence.


At this point only the retards aren't armed.
Any further expansion of firearms ownership is mostly going to put guns in the hands of dumb sheep.

>Additionally, most of the republicans crimes are process crimes
I'm not moved from my rock that crimes like these and real crimes are essentially evenly distributed across the federal government. So what this statistic really shows me is that democrats are more likely to raise a stink about stupid shit in order to harm an opponent.

Christan jihadist

I like him already!


If the shoe was on the other fucking foot you would be laughing in our fucking faced right now and you fucking know it!

Actually that is illegal.
I wish it wasn't.
You are aware that more documents have been released than the last 5 supreme court justices combined?
Of course you don't because all you know is what CNN spoon feeds you.
And now you want us to show you mercy after all the trash talk!
Just take your medicine like a man!
Who knows you might start to like it after awhile!

You only need to look at Mueller spending millions of taxpayer dollars to fine Trump's campaign staff $1000 for forgetting to file a form to see that.

What gun ban?

>didn't happen
What is Obamacare? The massive increase in FICA taxes circa 2010? I got a pay raise that year, and the SS increase not only wiped it out, but I was getting paid less after it.

They will say tha one president picking 3 s.c. Justices is too much power and that this was never the intention of the founders. If she retires/dies when trump has less than a year into the term they will use the same talking points repubs used. Hopefully repubs control the senate and are able to ram down a pick.

In MA you can't buy and AR, an AK, a Glock past Gen 2 and a host of other guns that count as variants, along with 30 mags produced after 1991 and about 50 million other things.

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>implying anyone can afford full-auto ammo costs

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After Trump drains the swamp everyone will be super elite

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