Why didn't you let me save you?

Why didn't you let me save you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


peterson has nothing of value to say.

You can't save others if you can't save yourself
>taking anti-depressants

>let me save you from ethno nationalism so you can be an autistic individualust consumer like me


Reminder that Jordan Peterson (aka: Juden Peterstein) is a long-con Anti-White, pro-jewish id politics subversive agent connected to Podesta and the UN and that this is all verifiable.

Be careful he is a subversive plant.
Yes, he does say a lot of truthful things that helped people, but that is just a ruse to get your trust and then subvert you.
==Jordan Peterson is a long-con globalist that worked for the UN along the same pannel where Podesta was in 2015.==
==Pics and links prove it.==
==Sorry if you got conned.==
Voxday video on this subject:
“Voxday Darkstream 05.13.2018 Jordan Peterson is a Globalist Shill”

“Voxday Darkstream 05.21.2018 An Apology to Jordan Peterson”

==Proof of Jordan Peterson connection to the UN and the push for globalism==

“Dr. Jordan Peterson has been a dishwasher, gas jockey, bartender, beekeeper, and railway line worker. He’s taught mythology to lawyers, doctors and businessmen, consulted for the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Sustainable Development, helped his clinical clients manage depression, OCD, anxiety, and schizophrenia, and lectured extensively internationally..”

Jow Forums bread

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don't forgot your ZOGLOFT pills! Lobster tails!

>"C-clean your room gaiz!"

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I want to fuck his daughter badly and I don't know why. She came off so fucking crazy on Rogan's podcast but there's something about those insane eyes.

Wash your penis.
Wash your penis.
And don't give her your real adress.

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Because Juden has become a meme for the pseudo intellectual community like rick and North

EMJ is the shit.

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If we would take him as a role model everybody would just tell other people what to do and nobody would work anymore and society would collapse into ashes.

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this is not true. he has immensely valuable basic western philosophy distilled into an easily digestible format.

his political advice is terrible and not his field of expertise but his psychological advice is potent and effective.

>his political advice is terrible and not his field of expertise but his psychological advice is potent and effective
>his political advice is terrible and not his field of expertise
He knows exactly what he is doing, he is a leftist globalist who worked for the UN for 4 years to promote multi-culti and White genocide in the West.
>his psychological advice is potent and effective
He uses common sense advice to gain the trust of the youth.
> he has immensely valuable basic western philosophy distilled into an easily digestible format.
He spouts so much bullshit that I don't really see it.
Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=O7u3Lu-kzgg

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I can't confidently say that he's a traitor to all of you, despite but all I've got from his videos are good arguments to side with whites, perhaps his "fear" is that the left gets so much momentum that the only thing that can't stop them is "the beast", but not necessarily that he fears "the beast" itself. I dunno.

>common sense

if you haven't been paying attention, come on sense is not so common anymore. his ability to restate and lend authority and credibility to what should be common sense is immensely valuable to the goals revitalizing western man.

common sense has been under massive coordinated assault for decades.

he is controlled by many actors and by his own fears and insecurities when it comes.to politics but if you cannot take his psychological advise and translate it I to arguments for our position then you are absolutely useless to us.

can stop them*

because you didn't respect my pronouns.

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Im Going to go to trade school and hope for the best, If it doesnt work out ill neck myself. All worked out user go fug yurself.

peterson has never, ever failed to condemn collectivism when it's done by other races, much less bless it.

Point is, there are A LOT of people trying to get people to invest in themselves and go into /SIG/ mode ("Clean your room"), yet, the ONLY reason Juden Peterstein does it is because he NEEDS to get your trust so he can steer you politically into acting like a moderate lefty and accept globalism.
Sad, but true.

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Also, the way he shills for Israel is disgusting:

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I want to save my race, not myself.


He suck the jews dick all the time.
He is a traitor indeed.
He never once mentions jewish nepotism, and he talks about Israel like they dindu nufin. See:

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Wash your penis.

my foreskin is washed and ready bucko and i am ready to wield it to slay the metaphyisical dragon of chaos like the great heroes of legend

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>Why didn't you let me subvert you?

Now wield you penis against the globalists like Juden Peterstein.

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>you're a lobster
>clean your room
>I've been shoveling antidepressants down my throat for 30 years
>Hypochondriac with undiagnosed yet self diagnosed autoimmune disease I cured by only eating steak
>Ben Shapiro is an advanced political genius
>I don't believe in God but I'm also unironically Christian
That's why

I'm...too far gone

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if that is the goal it is a poorly thought out one.

let us hold as true your belief that he is pushing SIG philosophy in order to subvert the right. if that is the case it is a really risky endeavor as the SIG philosophy so easily fits into our narratives and beliefs. he is promoting an arena that we have outsized control of and so we have the experience and ability to use the baseline he promotes for our own recruitment and conversion goals.

he can try and push his approved political ideas as much as he wants but his arguments in that arena do not.hold up to our own. he knows this and as such categorically refuses to debate the right.

if you support the nationalist right and you cannot see that his followers are ripe for us to influence them you have either a lack of will or a lack of vision.

by refusing to engage in this arena you are effectively ceding the territory to him and enabling him as a gatekeeper rather than using him as a gateway.

Go get them buckos who fell for his long-con ruse, its easy to show them Juden is a globalist shill.
Good luck.

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I'm seeing him on his 12 rules tour mainly just to see him live in front of me. The man will be remembered in time as one of the greatest intellectuals of our time, whether you postmodernists like it or not.

Clean your kill room.

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Don't forget to wash your penis.
He is a moderately competent long-con man, yes.
Enjoy your globalist shilling speech!

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Great graph, I forgot I had that.

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dude you needa chill with the conspiracies. How is supporting the freedom and power of the individual supporting globalism? Quit being a contrarian.

Jordan Peterson saved my life. I used to be a white nationalist and a racist and believed white people should have their own homeland. After reading his book and watching his videos, I slowly moved away from white nationalism because all identity politics suck. I now love people of all races and religions and am not a bigot anymore. Seriously, stop blaming the Jews for all your problems and take some personal responsibility! Clean your room, buckos.

t. Leftist faggot.

I mean sure, it's not ideal - antidepressants are shit. But it's his personal choice to take them. And I don't think it invalidates everything he says.

Peterson has a nice house, a loving family with two grown up kids (one of whom is married and I believe has her own kids - the other one I don't know about), a rewarding career, and makes serious bank from his YouTube / internet activities. And probably makes even MORE bank from his books and speaking appearance (tickets for his shows are expensive as FUCK so he must be making a few bob out of it).

So how exactly is he an "individualist consumer"? I'd say he's a fulfilled and content individual.

Also, who would you rather be: a forever alone autist on a Malaysian finger-puppet forum who fantasises about "muh white ethnostate" (which will literally never happen), or somebody who grabs life by the balls and makes a success of themselves?

Wow this is all a bunch of garbage.

You're dumb as shit, bucko. Wash your penis, and watch this, he himself tells his audience he is a leftist here: youtube.com/watch?v=O7u3Lu-kzgg
>How is supporting the freedom and power of the individual supporting globalism
He is a globalist who worked for the UN for a number of years in order to wite plans of killing off native Western people via miscegenation. This is a verifiable FACT bucko, you better wash your penis and read these:
The fact that he pays lip service to "freedom and power of the individual" becomes apparent because he actually doesn't believe any of that shit, he just says that so you hear what you want to hear, then you trust him, then he subverts you. Its called the long-con bucko, and if you'd had washed your benis you'd know it.
Ask him what he thinks about Israel after you watch this, then wash your benis one more time: youtube.com/watch?v=g49P0WC77cE

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many of his philosophies are considered to be postmodern to begin with. Problem is he takes philosophies that are palatable, but difficult to swallow when you really get into it, and dumbs it down into a chewing gum/common sense that you dont go deeper with

He is a great example of a postmodern philosopher in the sense that he doesn't actually understand what post modern means

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>Wash your penis.
>And id politics are only for non-whites.
>Keep washing your penis while the whole West gets blacked because my kike frens at the UN keep sending them in
You really need to wash your benis bucko.

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Are you mentally deranged? Man you really are triggered.

I have no idea what you're even trying to say because you're just spamming loads of garbage.

So he makes some big bucks from being a globalist shill.
You need to wash your benis bucko.

he is also a self help guru that sells personality tests and tells his audience what they want to hear

he tells his entire audience the heros tale where the listeners are the heros overcoming the blights of villians such as marxism and postmodernism- whatever that mean

So what ? Consulted with the UN so he s bad ? That s super weak, user

He actually can help improve much in everyone's life, drops redpills based on science, on culture, on feminism, on righteousness

Don t target your efforts on the good guys. Save the for the malipulators and hypocrites that hurt us all

Yeah I bet he makes way more money than you do. I'm guessing there ain't much to be made in the internet conspiracy retard business, right?

Not an argument.
Wash your benis bucko, then read these:


Juden Peterstein is a globalist shill.
Sad and true.

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So taking into the account that JBP is a kike shill, would you still agree that his psychological ideas as a mean of self improvement are still pragmatically useful?
I mean you can clean your room and take care of yourself without supporting the jewish globalist agenda.
Also I find it interesting how both the Left and the Right hate JBP with passion, at the same time. Really makes you think

He makes more money at being a globalist shill than I make at exposing him for the fraud he is, that is a truth.
Wash you benis bucko.


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That's cool. I'd like to see him but the tickets are way too expensive.

It means overcoming leftist insanity.

>read all of this garbage that i spammed everywhere because i'm too lazy to respond to what you were saying!
No thanks.

Attached: all that shit.jpg (643x820, 78K)

>27 posts by this ID
>62 posts total

Haha look at this triggered bucko. Don't like criticism of your eDaddy huh?

where can i get this book ?

Some of the stuff he says about self improvement I agree with, no doubt.
That being said, the only reason he presents them to you is because he needs to establish rapport and trust with his audience, so he can subvert them after said trust is established.
Wash your benis bucko.
>both the Left and the Right hate JBP with passion
Irrelevant, you have subversion on both sides (what are neocons but subverters of the right?).
Juden is a globalist shill (verifiable fact) and he refuses to tell the facts about Israel and jewish people (also a verifiable fact). He is an enemy of the West.
Wash benis buko.

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A hypocrite has nothing of value to teach.

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the word leftist is extremely cringe; people like peterson take a massive group of people and dehumanize them until you just see them as an enemy that fits whatever is against your beliefs

"ah these people think this way? must mean they are against my way, darn leftists"

it's really low iq desu

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because you can't even save yourself, you faggot boomer, now go take your pills

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He's not a "kike shill". He's a professor of psychology, a clinical psychologist, and an accomplished public speaker and author.

>would you still agree that his psychological ideas as a mean of self improvement are still pragmatically useful?
>I mean you can clean your room and take care of yourself without supporting the jewish globalist agenda.
It's up to you whether you want to follow that advice. I like Peterson, but I've never really placed much importance on "tidying my room". So I don't listen to everything he says as if it's gospel. But I enjoy watching some of his videos on YouTube because he's a smart guy and his political perspective is similar to my own on many things.

So yeah, it's to you which bits you want to listen to and which bits you don't.

>Also I find it interesting how both the Left and the Right hate JBP with passion, at the same time. Really makes you think
It's only the extreme-right, the white nationalists and supremacists, who don't like JBP. Conservatives like him.

>no, YOU'RE triggered!
Wow that was a really smart argument, turning my accusation around on me. How long did it take you to think of that? You must be some sort of genius. Do you have the intelligence to string even a rudimentary argument together or are you just going to mindlessly REEEEEEEEEEE because you can't think of anything intelligent to say?

>I won't read what you already said because you expose my cult leader for the globalist and zionist shill he is
You really need to wash your benin buko.
Nope, just have an hardon against globalist zionist shills like Juden Peterstein, and I love to see his cult follower become aware of that fact.
Wash benis moar.
Ahh, I see you're a man of washed benis too.
Here: archive.is/8rBlF

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im trying senpai but the porn and vidya too stronk

Evola beat you to it.

Kys you shareblue kike shill

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If you would have cleaned your room I might have listened to you

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I hope the chat was nothing but "CLEAN YOUR ROOM" during whatever livestream that is.

Most leftists do think the same way. There's a spectrum, of course, just like there is on the right. There's always a spectrum of political views. But those who self-identify as being on the left of the political spectrum obviously have a core set of ideas that they all, to a degree, subscribe to. Otherwise they wouldn't self-identify as being on the left of the spectrum.

You really need to wash your benin moar buko.
No argument, much trigger, no good.
Read: ---
He is also a globalist shill and a zionist shill. Quite the character dat buko.
>Conservatives like him
Yes, I bet the Israel first fake-MAGA neocons love him.
Meditation and prayer (if you're into Christianity) might help.
Good luck.
Remember that Juden Peterstein is a globalist and zionist shill, take his SIG advice and be vigilant about the rest.


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He's actually helped me a fair bit.
In regards to self-improvement, he doesn't say anything that you don't already know on some level. It just seems to me that hearing someone phrase it so clearly and emphatically without the woo-woo bullshit like Tolle and the like makes it so obvious what to do and why you should persist.

>inb4 the ubermensch of Jow Forums mock me for valuing a man who I have found helpful because they've always been perfect beings


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Wash your penis.

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That was my experience when I came across his content too.
I was kinda sad that he turned out to be a zionist and globalist shill, but that's just the way it is.
Washing my benis.

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>Tidy your brapcrak :DDD

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Peterson is a frog sounding cuckold who sounds like he's a wizzard to to indoctrinated NEETs .

:"Go clean your room"

OMG what a genius!!!

He's a fraud and a hypocrite and is a paid for shill faggot

Jeez, flood the entire thread just to get your ideas acrossed?
Obligatory shill

Nice ad-hominem.
You need to wash you benin more, not an argument, and Juden Peterstein is still verifiably a zionist and globalist shill.

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He can't clean his own room so why should he tell me to clean mine?
But srsly though fuck this guy Joe pena is better

Omg you guys can be spastics sometimes. Listen to the Fasci, not everyone is a demon wearing a mask, sometimes it's actually not bad to just listen to people that have spent an extreme amount of time pondering a certain subject. They might have some snippet of knowledge that a shallow 17 year old boomer NEET might not have understood yet.

This place can be so anti-knowledge sometimes.

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No matter how much valid info he might have on SIG advice, Juden is a certifiable zionist and globalist shill. It is what it is.
Wash your brapcrack.

Joe Rogan is such an intellectual.

Exactly. But this Portuguese edgelord has decided to spam the thread with garbage conspiracies.


Didn't this place used to be the pinaccle of playing with ideas without having to accept them? Isn't that how "we" got into full blown Facism, Libertarianism and Communism? What has Jordan said about Israel anyways?

Nice ad-hominems buko.
You really need to wash your benis if you think that the exposing the FACT that your cult leader is a zionist and globalist shill is the same thing as being a conspirancy theorist.
Proof that Juden Peterstein is a globalist and a zionist shill here:



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>Why didn't you let me save you?
lol im already a grown ass family man

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I like to listen to people and talk to them no matter what they believe in. This is how one learns. That being said, don't believe me, listen to buko Juden himself washing is benis and pay attention to his words and narratives.

You can also see for yourself Juden Peterstein exposing himself for the zionist and globalist shill he is here:



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