Well, why don't you say it?

well, why don't you say it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Gas these retards

Nazis aren't bad. I fucking hate this timeline.

Sage anything with cnn in it, it's all Jewish garbage

nazis are bad, most people who are called nazis arent nazis, the ones who are nazis are low life losers

How hard is it to say niggers are bad?

How hard is it to stop calling everyone who holds an opposing view a nazi?

>Implying any news isn't kike shit
Gas yourself retard

>implying the NSDAP still exists
American LARPers are not Nazis. They are mostly just pissed off that there is no controls on immigration, which Trump understands. Obongo needs to stfu and fade into his footnote in history.

>It's a 1 post by this id episode

no one said nazis were good, so mr race bait can sit back down.
not to mention that if trump is doing such a bad job according to the liberals then why is obama taking credit for it? really makes ya think!

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>How hard is to tell a lie
Not very hard for Obanana

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How hard is it to say "radical islamic terrorism"?

How hard is it to say Radical Islam?

Nazis were and are left wing socialists so the nigger actually had FAR more in common with Nazis than any conservative. In fact NOTHING from the Nazi platform is anywhere close to a constitutional conservative. But it’s a HELL of a lot like the communist manifesto.

Can't spell Ashkenazi w/o NAZI.

Nazis are very old German men now, they're no longer a threat. Use honest language. They're not Nazis

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>Niggers are bad

Fuck! i tried

How hard is it to say islamic terrorist?

Where's a good goyim star when you need one

Because kikes like Obama call everybody to the right of Mao Nazis

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I dont bother because after i say WHY they're bad i just get in trouble again.

Nazis are ok...
Shit, it really is hard to say. You win this time Obama.

>1 post by this id

Define nazi.

The Nazi party from the 1930's that is long dissolved?

Or the handful of Neo-Nazi that show up to free speech events every once in awhile?

Sure, being a Nazi is "bad", but as a US citizen, they still have rights. Like freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

The school I go to forces us to watch CNN 10. Fucking kill me.

Trips of truth, Nazis confirmed the good goys.
Sieg Heil!

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How many actual members are there in the National Socialist German Worker’s Party today?

nazis are bad is just about one of the easiest low information phrases to say. not only is it phonetically easy it is socially easy. taking the easy route to make a persuasive argument against something is the least effective way to combat it. in fact, those who create and refine arguments will be inclined to search more deeply into the subject of they only arguments against something are facile.

perpetuating status quo lies is easy. speaking truth is hard.

don't take the easy way.

Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.




>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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Obama: How hard is it to NOT call everyone to the right of Trotzky a Nazi ?

but jews were nazi's, and obama is a liberal jew which makes me a nazi too

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>implying the jews wouldn't demand the reshaping of a galactic sector into the Star of David as an eternal monument to the Holocaust.

>shut it down

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Because it's funnier to not say it and watch as 'liberals' chimp out because you don't give in to their demands. Out-Alinsky the Alinskiers

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no, him*

Nazis are bad.

Because it implies the accusations from the left have merit. Fuck off and how had is it to admit white genocide is bad?


that's funny coming from nigger jesus who got
a nobel peace prize then started carpet bombing civilians with drones

How hard is it to say radical Islamic terrorist

Nazis are bad?

Your team redefined what it means to be a Nazi, Obama. This is the future you chose.

How hard is it to say communists are bad?

How hard is it to say Obama was a bad president, CNN?



nazis are bad , so is calling everyone you disagree with a nazi. in fact its worse becuse you are creating room for actual nazis to exist in this sort of moral grey area since like half the population falls under this generic "your a nazi" shit for no reason.

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Obama just keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper

Its Nazis are bad? not Nazis are bad.

is genocide what nazi stands for?

is nazi pure bad or nuanced bad.

is there anything under the umbrella of nazi that is good?

Why don't liberals apply context and nuance in their statements? "Nazis are bad" is beneath a supposed intellectual like Obama.


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not sure if legit

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He was a spiteful politician. For someone who taught Constitutional law there was nothing Constitutional about some of the things he continued from the Bush Administration.

Same reply in both cases.

Pretty much.

Plenty of things.

There was literally ONE (1) guy in Charlottesville with a swastika flag. ONE.

Everybody else was from a wide range of groups, e.g. League of the South, Identity Europa, etc.

So to say that everybody there was a "nazi" is, of course, absurd. But the left don't care about facts and reality. They only care about NARRATIVE. Anything that serves their narrative is good in their eyes.

How hard is for him to acknowledge that if nothing europian touched Africa he would be dancing to fire or around a shit-mud hut


I'm not convinced anymore.

Marxists are bad.

Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.

commies are bad

nazi =/= genocide.
genocide is a result of war famine disease and a refusal of others to accept alternative solutions (explusion)

national socialism has plenty of good to offer the world. it provides a coherent and effective framework for creating efficient and happy societies divorced from the controls of international finaciers. it promotes respect for nature and volk and seeks to improve the lives of it's people.

you cannot hold as axiomatic that nazi = bad if you are an environmentalist or a socialist.

We need Nazis more now than ever


I agreed that they did some thing right. Still, mass killing is just not something I can get behind.


Obama is a Shadow Bringer
Trump is a Light Worker.

So was Adolf
Nazis were the good guys.
Gematria backs this idea up, and you know it.

Nazis never mass killed anyone.
They were liberators.
How many populations have the Khazars genocided? How many cultures are now dust because of their satanic religion?

It ends now.

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>Nazis never mass killed anyone

Right, this story again.

there are no ideologies that you can get behind if that is your metric. if you divorce the atrocity propaganda from the reality of world war two the actions of the germans are not significantly different than any other power. they actively sought peaceful resolutions and expulsions of their undesirables but were stopped at every turn by the 'enlightened' allies.

mass death is a part of total war. the germans are not unique nor are they worst examples of mass deaths as a result of war. that you have associated them as such is a result of the indoctrination you have received since birth from the educational system to the cultural media institutions.

ever heard of the phrase: history is controlled by the victor?

think about it.

But they're extra evil because they used diesel exhaust from faulty Soviet tank engines to mass murder millions of Jews

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>they actively sought peaceful resolutions and expulsions of their undesirables but were stopped at every turn by the 'enlightened' allies.

This is called divorcing yourself from reality.

nazis are bad....for the bankers.

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"At least I'll go down as a President"

*drops phone*


Nazis already got the bullet, commies still need one.

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How hard is it to tell blacks to stop breaking the law?

>Trump is a light worker
>gives corporations even more obscene power
Till you shit heads get your head out of your ass thinking the 2 parties are different when they’re exactly the same, nothing’s going to change.

nazis don't exist anymore


Guys, check the youtube link to this video
>5:5 Q.

It's happening.

Trump isn't of either party you absolute idiot.
He took down the BUSH and CLINTON dynasties.
He's more military than anything.

You wish.

"Nazis" = anyone that isn't as far left as them.

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Because I'd be blatantly lying

no u

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people that are sick of niggers and their shit are not nazis

did Germany not sue for peace multiple times and seek resolutions that would move jews from German territory to Palestine?

these actions were documented and it was primarily jews in allied countries that blocked peaceful resolutions that would have saved their own people. the reason was economic. the powerful jews in allied countries could not abide a country successfully divorcing itself from their international finance schemes so they threw their own people under the proverbial bus in order to ensure a German defeat.

let me put the genocide issue another way.

imagine for a moment that Japan won pearl harbor and took Hawaii. at the time there were concentration camps for japs in north America. Mainland america undergoes a significant aerial bombing campaign reducing transport and food infrastructure dysfunctional. the guards of these camps full of japs begin to miss food and medical shipments. they also get reports of their own hometowns and or loved ones being killed by Japanese bombing. guards begin to withhold food and medical attention from prisoners. thousands starve and those who attempt to escape are executed. some atrocities are committed by some of the guards in what they perceive as vengeance.

once the Japanese win the war they discover camps full of emaciated and diseased Japanese. piles of corpses.

the propaganda machine flares and the reason the Japanese declared.war on America becomes to.combat american atrocities and genocide of the north American japs. for decades after Americans are fed constant propaganda telling them that roosevelt himself ordered the mass killings of innocent Japanese women and children.

do you see my point?

>he took down the bush and Clinton dynasties even though all he does is yell and say he’s amazing and that he did that!

He didn’t financially ruin them. He didn’t do anything to hurt their bottom line. All he has to do is say he has destroyed his enemies and idiots like you just eat it up. You remind me exactly of those idiots that blindly worship Obama when he too was a piece of shit.

That you lack the self awareness to see you’re no different than an Obama bootlicker is honestly pathetic.

His whole speech was that of a panicked man, couldn't believe what i was hearing, this faggot was potus for 8 years, disgusting!

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From the guy who refused to utter "Islamic" and "terrorist" in the same sentence for 8 years straight.

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Obama is a fucking nigger

How hard is it to say Communists should be shot on sight?

I do.

Maybe because life has nuance? Maybe because Germans were just as lost as whites are soon to be? Fucking Obama thinks he's a pol who's better than all the others. Nigger.

This is from the man who actually shot Bin Laden


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Because I'm not a liar.