Does America Have Capitalist Stockholm Syndrome?

>Who are the biggest losers from capitalism over the last few decades? It’s white American men. Their life expectancy is falling. Their income is cratering. Their suicide rates are rising. They’re suffering what Angus Deaton, the renowned economists, calls “deaths of despair.” And yet they’re also the ones who defend capitalism most, tooth and nail—even while its sealing shut their coffins.

>The really strange thing about today is that most of the people who leap to capitalism’s defense fastest and most furiously…aren’t capitalists. And they never will be.

Why are the biggest defenders of capitalism ironically not capitalists? And why are the biggest defenders of capitalism, white men, the ones who have lost the most because of it? Is this Stockholm Syndrome?

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Dunno man, maybe if we were still 90% white people would have focused on fixing those problems rather than fighting with other races. At this point there's no hope of taking down capitalism.

Fuck off kike.

Yeah i have always found it funny how all capitalism apologizers are wage cucks lol

Lol we found one

Capitalism is fine for an expanding nation, much like debt is "fine" when you're making lots of money. But when you're stagnant or contracting both of them are disastrous.

Because any other system offered means endless gibs for niggers and spics while whites continue to be replaced. It's not "capitalism" that's killing white men when leftists are even more pro open borders, It's a concerted effort to replace and exterminate whites using the instruments of the government built by whites

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Capitalism is superior by far to Marxist alternatives, but both are inherently deficient, because they put no value on anything other than it's material value. A Third alternative, like national socialism or distributism, is needed.

What is killing white countries are the gibs they give to the inmigrants and refugees
>that's capitalism
No, that is socialism.
>but muh poor whites that can't have children because they don't have muh free utopic money/resourcers.
Well there is literally 10 times poor people who have 10 children and most of them will survive until they can provide by themselves, the problem again is not capitalism is another leftist shit called feminism and LGBT and brainless ideologies.

Fuck off and get a job, you brainless green-haired commie faggot.

Capitalism kills just as surely as socialism does. It's just slower, and more insidious. Both systems value a nigger the same as a white man and reject virtues in favor of false classes that divide nations.

This is good.

Lol dude The freer the country, the more prosprous, gtfo

its as if god trys to exterminate you mutant mutss but you keep coming back like a cancer. nothing wrong with capitalism, dont like it fuck off to the soviet union...oh wait it doesnt existe anymore because communism doesnt work

>system is capitalistic open market
>something bad happens
Capitalism's fault
>system is command economy
>something bad happens
Capitalism's fault

That's how it always plays out with the lefties' strawmen

Did you just make up your own doublethink? Saged

>it's never true capitalism

>better than communism

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But when corporations and billionaires buy off politicians to circumvent the laws and regulations of the market, and hijack control of the government: it becomes an oligarchical corporatocracy.

That sort of profiteering is inevitable.

>country perpetually slides to the left for 60 years
>blames adverse effects that happen within that time period on the ideology you’re moving away from


gotta have something to lose, minorities have nothing, they are draining this society. you might get your economic revolution, you won't like it one fucking bit, if you survive.

Someone tell me how a capitalist society won't degenerate considering a corporation is valued not for being profitable but by being more profitable year over year? The obsession with efficiencies harms the workers because they have no leverage and ultimately must take what's given to them.

We can still enact certain measures to limit/eliminate it like term limits, strict anti-corruption laws, publicly financed elections, etc

What bullet do you want for free, Red?
9 mm?
40 S&W?
45 ACP?
5.56X45 NATO?
The choice is yours, I've got all four.

>laws and regulations of the market
Statist nigger

Pizza related maps of meaning

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fixed that for you
here's the reason it degenerates

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Evola offers profound wisdom, between some of his more questionable ideas.

It's funny how in a way liberal academic curiosity led me to him.

nope they don't have bodies

The problem is that you are shill. Nothing stops you from outlawing degeneracy or any other behavior deemed harmful full. Just don't touch the free market you nigger.

America doesn't have capitalism, it has (((capitalism))). What's dragging down white men has everything to do with government intervention in the market, not capitalism.

Because white men stand to lose everything should socialism be implemented, if you think the west is bad now imagine it with no property rights, no boarders, 50-80% taxation, and family bonds being openly discouraged and replaced by a state apparatus.

smart people start their own businesses user is it really that hard to figure out you fucking commie

shut up you Israeli pawn you don't even know what it is your advocating for. Get AIDS

Shalom Rabbi. Excellent strategy to refer to the bad goys as kikes. We will beat them at their own game!


y'all dumb as fuck

thanks for funding with your sweat and blood the patrolling of the world's shipping lanes so I can order cheap shit from alibaba though

> why are the biggest defenders of capitalism, white men, the ones who have lost the most because of it?
You are a retarded commie shill. Look at the US, the white population pays 80%+ of the "free" socialist programs. Similarly, in Brazil, the bottom 80% of the population does not pay any direct taxes at all, the entire country and all socialist programs run solely on taxing the white family population and their business.

America and whites in general have a stockholm syndrome on multiracialism. They never got anything from it, yet they keep tolerating it.

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That's a cute way of framing a higher life expectancy, lol

Amazon Fulfillment Center

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so fucking based user, we will keep America great and continue to succeed.

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Would they really gain so much under its alternatives? Given the track-record of failure under socialism and communism, is it not within one's best interest to defend and support the better system?

>Bu-bu-but, the Utopia isn't there. Rich people are rich. Reeee reee reee

Are there flaws at hand? Yes. Flaws that need to be mitigated? Yes. But is trying to implement the same socialistic bullshit in an attempt to plan, democratize, redistribute or socialize man's ills away going to work? No.

Does appreciating and defending capitalism make me some kind of blind sheep, as the author posits in his Marxist-but-not-Marxist view of things? No. Is your average Boomercuck normie deluded? About many things, yes. About capitalism being better than socialism? No.

>And yet they’re also the ones who defend capitalism most, tooth and nail—even while its sealing shut their coffins.

I sure as fuck don't

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>stop being anti capitalist goy
>you wouldn’t want to drain the power of a cabal of financiers from Europe’a merchant caste

Stockholm Syndrome is just what they call women being whores in order to save themselves.

I'm glad you asked because I think most of the natsocs need this lesson as well: DEGENERACY IS NOT STRENGTH. There is nothing profitable in degeneracy. It does not make money for anyone in the long run. You can see full well how it destroys a functional society, the exact opposite of profitable. This lack of profit is why every form of degeneracy REQUIRES government force to take tax money from decent people creating functional families and transfers it to the niggers and trannies and whatnot. Without that wealth transfer, it would shrivel and die.

All nazis blame the migrant crisis on libtards and sjws, while capitalism is behind mass immigration because in order to keep wages low the supply of labour must be higher than the demand. The EU is actively supporting mass immigration not because they want to destroy the white race but because they don't fucking care. All they want is more wageslaves and cheap labour.

>Without that wealth transfer, it would shrivel and die.
The perpetual need for efficiency will still hurt the class of white people that constitutes the majority of the people. When this inevitably happens and a plant is closed to move offshore, should those folks be shit out of luck with no safety net? In a more cohesive homogeneous society, whites will be bothered by such a system i'd think

The problem isn't capitalism the problem is MUH GIBS and MUH TAXES AND MY LICENCES for shit.

Because the lower classes do even worse under communism.

Norway is a capitalist country with generous social policies paid for by oil money.

What's the problem with capitalism?

Oh boy I have bad news for you user

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you could also nationalize your oil companies, but guess who guess who will be the first to oppose that?

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No I'm pretty sure that Gambino what ever his name is, was supposed to represent the average criminal nigger who destroys good black people because he's simply a worthless criminal nigger

Jow Forums LITERALLY cannot refute this. The world that today's liberals say they want is just rainbow colored capitalism without white men. White men have suffered the most from this recession, so they've been a convenient scapegoat (its always most effective to blame the victim).

Communism was led largely by FUCKING WHITE MALES and so was fascism. The common denominator in order that centrism be allowed to reign forever must be white males and white people.

Immigration boosts the rate of profit and lowers wages. Right now, all the capitalist countries are competing to see who can squeeze the most enriching Africans into their countries just so wages won't rise an extra fifty cents per hour.

Its so fucking glorious. This was what you fought for; this is what the Cold War was all about.

>b-but muh based Japan disproves the rule...a-anti-immigrant capitalism c-can work r-right?
Wrong. Japan's rate of profit is lower than other Western countries, its economic performance over the last two decades has been abysmal. And "based" fashy Abe is letting in tons of immigrants just to stop wages from rising even a little bit.

The reason nips and whites can't raise their birth-rates isn't just feminism--wages are too low to start big traditional families. Although, generally speaking, birth-rates are falling across the world and the "race to the bottom" isn't a small part of this, though development plays its part.

>based drumpf will save us by impregnating all the yt wimmin wit his Chad seed!
Assuming he can, you do realize that the effect of that will be too create more competition for jobs when your old and ready to retire and your kids are ready to enter the workforce? Just sayin'

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Top-tier post, thanks user


wtf i love socialism now

Yes what is this integrity nonsense. If things aren't perfect, blame the game. Don't take accountability for anything like idiotic conservatives.

>Abe is letting in tons of immigrants
Not accurate, and immigration is extremely regulated compared to other countries. There is a new economic program in place to allow entrepreneurs in, however.
Abe's planning to let in 500,000 immigrants just because Japan doesn't have enough cashiers and ditch-diggers to fill jobs that should probably be automated anyways. The number of foreign residents has grown by 20% in just the last three years (Abe has been in power all three).

You know what the all the leading business-owners in Japan are saying? It's not enough...

When was the last time Japan imported foreigners on this scale? During WWII when they needed slave-labor for the war effort. Today, there are over a million Zainichi Koreans (most of them born in Japan) that still aren't integrated into society even generations later. These people aren't even figured into Japan's figures on foreigners (over 2.6 million residents) though the average nip sees them as such. Let's add in the fact that Japan has also been importing Nippon-gaijin for decades (aka ethnic japs born abroad) which has concealed the real level of immigration but now there are no foreign nips to go around.

Now, what could go with importing millions of workers (largely from countries that do not like Japan) in an extremely racist country that can't even assimilate nip-lites with Korean blood? Not like thats a recipe for blowback and unrest or anything...

The Japanese population is shrinking and disproportionately elderly--that means ANY foreign national of prime working age is going to leave behind a disproportionately large genetic fingerprint in the country. If two nips die and leave behind one nip whereas the immigrant is still alive (given his younger age) and has two kids how do you think that's going to tip the gravity of the population? Sure, maybe Japan will stay majority nip but it will NOT be a 90% nip society.

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I gotta point out too that the 1965 immigration act was also supposed to preserve the traditional ethnic character of the United States--it didn't turn out that way. Immigration systems are easily subverted especially because capitalists prefer illegal immigration because legal immigrants are harder to deport when they strike. Japan has an illegal immigration problem already, by some estimates it is as high as 400,000.

Let's return to what I said, yes, its true that Japan has been relatively restrictive of immigration and hasn't fell into the sea but how much longer can it stand the pressure? It's rate of profit is already lower than the Western average.

One more thing to prove my point:
>The government is bracing for the loss of 7.9 million workers by 2030 together with higher social security expenses for its graying population. In order to maintain the population at 100 million, theoretically, Japan must accept a mammoth 200,000 immigrants each year, which would lift the fertility rate to 2.07 from 1.42 by 2030. As for the current goal, welcoming 500,000 workers means accepting on average 71,430 workers each year over seven years.
>200,000 a year
And it seems that Japan just doesn't have enough healthy young people to keep the population growing healthily . Japan's youth will be fathered by Pajeets, Changs, and Nigerians.

Abe is also pushing womenonomics (aka getting women out of the kitchen) that policy isn't exactly known for fostering booming birth-rates.

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