His face when he discovers his whole family was owned by native americans is priceless.

You can see the narrative falling apart in his head.


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Other urls found in this thread:


post his face when he find out blacks still own slaves

I wonder how he would react if he found out blacks owned black slaves


>hfw africans sold africans captured by africans to jewish slavers

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desu lads I didn't even know native americans owned slaves, and I'm sure plenty of african americans watched this and had their minds blown anyway

Goddamn this is priceless!! Thank you for this shining light in an otherwise mundane day. His godamn face! Ahahahaha
This is going to break this dumb fuck.
Everything hes ever been force fed, all of it. Wiped away in one single blow. "Ibdont know how to feel about this" ahhhahahahah
Fuck I'm dyin here

>i dunno how to feel on dis cuz i cant call dem crackas out for enslaving me anymo'

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Whites are Native Americans though

most of the history of slavery in America, like many things in America, has been heavily changed. The fucking constitution literally says the country is dedicated to the future prodigy of the founders, aka the European ethnic groups that were in the original colonies, and yet here we are in 2018 at le 56% being screamed at for suggesting biology exists.

Beautiful, isn't it?

>tfw you can’t shame whitey anymore

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actually btfo so many stupid fucking retards libtard narratives.

We're not. I am a Red Man. Native American, but absolutely not a White Man. We can have our differences but I'm not you. Don't ever think that.

>tfw not even the whites wanted to own you

When the reporter tells the natives didn't free their slaves until the US forced them a year after the civil war was over and they refused to give them citizenship he calls them "honorary whites" he can't comprehend the idea of non-whites being evil.

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what tribe faggot and post feather hat with timestamp

That's an insanely racist comment, given the context. To white people and natives. See, it's shit like this is making me pull my kid out of public school.

He's from Idaho. Ten to one odds on that.

just goes to show slavery isnt about race its about FREE fucking labor
no one wants to give up their free shit

He will still find a way to blame white people.

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When will we some compensation from the bering strait immigrants to the native australoid population of the americas and the congoids who were later enslaved by these rapacious predators?

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>>honorary white people

for fucks sakes.....

Someone should inform him how Arabs treated their African slaves. Most of the male slaves were castrated.


The Cherokee fought for the Confederacy

10/10 OP
Would watch again and again.

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>Calls native americans honorary whites.
Its like a slapfight of minorities to see who was the bigger racist.

basically what he says indeed

Lol. Why doesnt cheadle seek reparations against the chikisaw?

It's also important to note how the piece of shit reporter emphasizes that WHITES owned the majority of slaves, when the entire slave trade was ran by joos. Their fortunes were and always have been built on the backs of others. Remember, the most important thing to do in any public forum when slavery is brought to the front is to make people confront the fact that joos were knee deep in owning slaves. Watch people sperg out.

It's pretty well known, desu, people today are just fucking stupid and uneducated. William Faulkner wrote about it all the time.

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He tried in the video. He said something about the genocide of the redman. Not quite blaming whites but at least starting to deflect blame through viewing injuns as a victim class

In fact, native americans used to kill their black slaves whenever the chief died and bury them with the body like the egyptians that killed and buried their servants after building the pyramids.


Or that the first American slave owner was black.

He wouldn’t react in any meaningful way I can promise you that. You can tell by his cadence and syntax he isn’t very bright.

I highly doubt their minds were blown. Look at this guy struggling to sort out two things in his head that are potentially misconstrued. "White murdered all the indians" and "white people captured all the blacks". This doesn't fit their narrative, and as we witness time and time again, it will only be forgotten.

>Famous Nigger calls Native Americans Honorary White People after finding out his ancestors were enslaved by them
Can you see the headline?

I'm pretty sure the US did this too.

Not just castrated. It was pretty common for them to straight up emasculate their slaves.


>calls native american slave owners "honorary whites"
That's so racist it's hilarious. Let's remember only the rich ruling class owned slaves, a small minority of whites. To act like all whites are evil slave owners is insane. Most of us have zero slave-owning ancestors and we do not own slaves.

War Machine/Don Cheadle BTFO!

>yo nigga u tellin me wipipo aren't da only mauvs out herr ownin slaves n sheeeiiit?

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>I'm pretty sure the US did this too.

not anywhere near the scale Arabs did

>Owned by the Chikisaw nation?
>How am I supposed to hate wypio now?

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>your ancestors were not given citizenship by the chickasaw tribe after they were freed
>"what iz dey honorrary yt ppo?"
yes, of course. the dumbass negro has to frame it within the context of white and black race relations. Now I see why anytime niggers get shit on by non-whites the dummy nigras call them "white supremacists" it's just too much for them to believe that anyone can hate them except for mean ol' whitey

Finding out that white people are responsible for the emancipation of your ancestors and that the people who owe you reparations are lower than you on the persecution scale... an absolute nightmare

Literally everyone hates niggers, even niggers.


It was literally different tribes capturing blacks from other tribes and selling them

How do you get as old as Don Cheadle and not have any idea what human nature is like, information that any history book or documentary should have clued you in on, and you're so brainwashed by the unique evil of white people that when you hear contrary information you look like you just learned the earth is flat and the moon is a hologram and are about to have a nervous breakdown

Hoo hoo hoo

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What lmao you’re fucking dumb

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>How do you get as old as Don Cheadle and not have any idea what human nature is like

black here, it's too common

"black" upbringing is very insular with specific rules and conduct passed down each generation and very few who grow up in it (especially the older generations) ever bother to explore any new ideas outside this norm

like learning that wypippo weren't the only ones responsible for slavery

...fuck wypipo tho

>white people fight and die to end slavery
>indians refuse
>white people come back to force indians to free slaves
>indians free slaves but give them no legal status


>blacks owned slaves
>blacks are "honorary whites"
>blacks have white privilege
Racism defeated

pls oh pls can some dindu trace his roots only to find out one side of his black/mullato family owned slaves and his other side were their slaves.

We didn't - big mistake

checking my own digits.

Free labour didn’t just appeal to white people.

If anyone were to research their genealogy history; they'd probably find out all kinds of similar shit that would shift their political views.

Germans from a century ago would make a black-and-white cake and call it 'an American'. Germans typically don't mean to sound racist; they're blunt/annoying, and at the time the USA was considered a mix of whites and blacks, still now. Honestly, if we stopped at the blacks, we may have achieved a utopia.

American blacks are on average 30-40% White. Everyone and especially them know they're crime magnets but they will relentlessly defend one of their own regardless. As a Lyft driver, most of my customers are African American, and no problems with them. They mainly just want to get to work, or back from work. The fucking black prostitutes try to smoke in my new car, and they're aggressive about it. I offer to pull over so they can have a smoke, I could definitely use the time to check/clean the car, but they never go for it.

I get a request for an African named Bula at 2 am. He set his pick up to a small park. I circle around the park looking for him for 7 minutes, then I park. Meanwhile, I call him twice, no answer. The whole time I think he's probably at the American Fried Chicken place a block away but it doesn't seem anyone there is looking for a Lyft and everytime I stick to the gps and not the address; I'm wrong, so I wait.

As I'm about to declare it a no-show, I see a nigger running towards the car flailing his arms yelling at me for leaving him in the cold [when he must have been in the American Fried Chicken restaurant]. Bula continues to make a mess of my car with a pizza, have me stop twice, and deliver him to fucking Summit; the local boon of fares. Lyft has been offering a 70% bonus on rides from Summit for months now but there's never any rides, ever, and the cops are neurotic pricks.

It's mind blowing to have your internal narrative collapse. Don handled it well seeing as he was on record and didn't bitch-out like superman did. Also, based indians not giving up their slaves just because the white man had a war.

based injuns

He cried later for many hours desu.

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who is this ironman 2?

Slavery was a fucking mistake and should have been banned immediately when the nation was founded.

Send ALL the nogs back to Africa.

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obviously the correct thing to do now is to rail on the fucking redskins for oppressing his people

Slavery has been and remains a social reality for all of human history. The real mistake was going to sub-Saharan Africa in the first place user. Should have just left it in the dark.

The world has forgotten that people slaved other people, race wasn't a crucial requirement.

You can see his entire biased belief system melting down in his head

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This, we would have a fraction of our problems today if they died out after a generation

>when you have to share your hate for whites with your hate for Native Americans

>you are one of the few black that was not enslaved by white in America
How many errors in one sentence.

noooo it went in one ear and out the other. it will always be 'fuck whitey' with them til the end of time

NPCs don't think. they just have abstract feelings, colors, and emotions going through their brains

>a Lyft driver bores you with a long, rambling, irrelevant story
wow! color me shocked

While true there are ideas that were rampamt in black communities that would make whites really uncomfortable. Get a 60-70 black man talking about jews.

>Talking Bear owned Dancing Gorilla

Who did this?

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>be enslaved by the Venetians in actual coastal raids
>be enslaved by the fucking Ottoman Turks
>prior to all this the Mongols ruin our shit

Blacks just fail to realize slavery was the norm until whites decided to abolish it.

The only notable exception was China. Since they had a gigantic populace and labor was cheap slavery was a legal punishment in some cases rather than a necessity of life.

Here in Brazil even ex-slaves had slaves. Slavery is much more complex than "muh white opressours!!"

Lol there willbe a daily stormer article with this headline

china didnt take slaves? Are u retarded? What do you think happened to conquered soldiers? They were worked to death.

Then how the fuck did blacks breed so much?

>inb4 whitey impregnated them
Average nigger is 20% white not 50% white

i can think of more than a few indigenous people who might be more than a little upset by that idea

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>conquered soldiers

That's much different from routine slavery. It's a consequence of war, not a planned effort to get slaves.

This, wewlad

thats where practically all slaves came from bud
they just sold them to someone else instead of keeping them

Because Constitutions are only as good as the will (ie: force of arms) to enforce it. People turn to the government to solve problems caused by government, when people with guns could solve those problems with government instantly and permanently. If they wanted to, of course.

It would be the same as when you mention statistics about blacks killing blacks. Disbelief or disregard.

Did anybody tell him how niggers sold niggers to Jewish slave boats?

White people dindu nuthin


Watch Celebrity Jeopardy sometime. Turns out most actors and journalists know very little about the world or history.

you are probably the dumbest motherfucker on earth