Poland yes

25 thousand people in India waiting for working visa in Poland,

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rip poland
thank you (((pis)))


poland blacked

Oh, what the fuck. I wanted to go to live in Poland, sell everything I have to settle there, and now someone what to made it become a shithole too.
What the fuck.
Fucking world.

It's like the old "who shaves the town barber" riddle - he can't clean his own toilet, so who scoops the kurwa

server of polish embassy in India is dead because so many indians want get visa to Poland and send online application, most of them are male

(((international companies))) want bring more workers to poland from asia

fucking good see how ye cunts like it!

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Uzbekistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Vietnam are in the queue too, remember.
Time to get enriched.

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thats the saddes pic i've seen this month

economic growth kill white poland, because now so many non-white want to move to Poland

Great, just what I needed: poos on the streets of Warszawa.

you already have them

I hate the big cities anyway. Just another point to my list of reasons.

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Dont start this shit Poland youre better than this.

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is there still some white country?

Could it be the time for ONR?
More development = more shitskins

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poland is cuced like west countries, people are deganrate and thinking only how earn more money

lol, ONR have less than 1! support

damn those roundtable jews weren't wrong


did you or some of your friends get polish visa or try to?

Yeah, because rigged votes and sheep mindset. Trzeba przestać głosować na PIS(s)

here in the midwest of the US I have seen a rising amount of pajeets where I live they are very annoying and ruin communities and turn them into shitholes

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Theres still hungary

poland is to wealhy, money make countries non-white

but for how long?

no lol.

Well from what I heard hungary's current president that's keeping hungary's border secured and migrants out got around 90% of the vote if I'm correct they also having a rising birth rate which is good im really thinking of going to hungary because so far the US is committing demographic suicide or mabye I'm just black pilled

Please don't.

poland has 70 million inhabitants, 1000 pajeets is nothing

get ready to get BROWNED

It starts that way but there population will keep rising more if poland tolerates this

That's how it begins. First "only" 1000 Pajeets, then they bring their families and cousins. Next thing you know, it's the year 2020 and you can't walk down the street without stepping in poo.

no it doesn't , you are simply a brainlet , actually poles are the ones infesting first world countries at a much higher rate than pajeets

Welcome to the club Ranjeet

soon Poland will be blacked like germany

My fellow burger is right. It's gradual. Almost unnoticeable. Like the frog getting boiled without knowing it. Next thing you know, you're surrounded by them and you're a minority in your own country. Do you think burgerland got the way it is overnight?

mot of immigrants to Poland are man, only women come from Russsia and Ukraine

jaka jest pozycja ONR'u względem kwestii w stylu welfare

sounds fake news bro, indians are barely 1% of US population
also your green card/citizenship process is pretty strict for indians. most people i know came back after 5-10 years.

in Poland there is more than 2 millions immigrants already

anybody of your friends get polish visa?

Ok but they're not 2 million fucking pajeets. You don't understand polksabro. Trust me. You have to nip it in the bud otherwise the poos will take it over.

Bullshit pooman. They're EVERY where.

Not justifying this, it's not right, but I've liked most Indians I've met. They have an interesting history and religion.

Seems like you have never seen non-whites take over places with your own eyes first it starts with only a couple 1000 non whites then the population starts slowly rising then a year later rapidly they then go on welfare have lots of kids then take over schools,jobs and then government positions and then take over white communities and then drive out the white population this is very possible to happen to poland if they decide to keep tolerating this


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Yeah a few are cool but on average there not people you want running places

not for long we will be like Germany or France

But why your govermant do this? I thought your politics based af

This is the problem with democracy. It will always be subverted by those willing to do it and those with money

korwin-mikke is pro immigration though
he's pretty retarded in general

Well if you sit by and let it happen, you deserve it. If you haven't learned from the disasters in the west, then you and your nation will suffer the same fate. And here I thought the polskabros had more sense than this...mfw maybe all is last. Asahi beer and blackpill here I come...

the only condition is that they be christian

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this is our prime minister, is he look like typical slav ????

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There population is slowly rising here

nope, not anyone. i do know friends studying in unis at Singapore, US or Germany though

Bump for polish solidarity.

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most of poles are lunatis like people in west europe

Every time.

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more like pooland KEK

how is modern india today? still bad?

Who's this?

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To understand why this is happening, you must go back to year 89'. Solidarność (polish anti-communist organisation) betrayed our Nation and made deal with commies (basically - let's pretend we fight between each other while we're working together)
After a couple of years, 4 biggest parties had emerged from this communist cesspool of filth and betrayal.
pis - larping as right, po acting as centrum, sld as left and psl as centrum right
Most Poles believe these parties have authentic values, but they are all communists, children of people who betrayed Poland

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Enough polskabro. I've read enough. I will proceed to crack open my delicious Asahi and just not give a shit anymore. What is the point really anyway? Life is too short. Fuck it. Tip my brew to the good poles while the poles last.

God, there's more and more of you here. I never thought I'm a racist, but I truly believe there are lesser races
you people not only stink, but you throw trash on the streets, you don't keep your space work clean, you mumble in broken English
you're pathetic go back to you're own shit hole

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if you have $$$$ no. You can get pretty much literal slaves working everything for you at 20 cents a day. If you don’t have money ur fucked

>I thought your politics based af

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kys. You called the Chinese lesser than you 50 years back, today they beating you pretty much everywhere.


Poland is now getting thousands of new immigrants every year, in next 20 years we will be like france/germany, 10 years ago I would not believe this but now it's reality

would you like to live India?

You meant superpooer didn't you, you filthy gypsy?

Not in the big cities, im saving up for a house up in the hills

That's just too sad polskabro. Whereabouts are you in Poland?

in big polish cities non-whites are everywhere, it's shocking how in last 10 years Poland have changed,

Hmm. Yeah, most cities are shit btw. I know it's not a solution to the demographic problem but maybe you should move away from the city. At least you won't have to actually see the decay on a daily basis. I know, I know, it's easier said than done.

Pizarro said to the Incca's "it's only a boatfull of us, don't be so xenophobic"

This can't be right, Poles on Jow Forums told me that EU-member Poland with rapid economic growth, renowned coalburning women and a 1.35 fertility rate would stay 99% white forever

polish countryside is depopulating, because small farms are removed by big farms, this is amazing, if you tell 10 years ago that polish goverment will give indians 25.000 visa , everybody will tell you are crazy but now it's reality

10 years ago I was thinking like this, but now everything is changing very fast, poland is just 10-20 years before being another germany/france

Fuck man. I guess you'll just have to enjoy what you can while you can. Holy shit have I become depressed. I thought the V4 was the last bastion of white culture. Guess I was wrong. Fuck...

china is lesser than us. most chinks despite economic growth still live in poverty
they destroy their own environment because when copying western ideas they failed to understand concept of harmony and beauty
they have ant mentality look how they live who would want to live in this shit hole?
also be glad that you got invaded in the past by people who brought you culture and religion because India would be similar non cultured hell hole

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Rather, I thought they're putting up a fight. But I guess it's just all a bunch of bullshit. Given the info you're passing along.

yep, not long ago I was think the same, that Poland will be white forever
now in Poland:
we have big public debt
low unemploymet
fast growing invasion from middle east and asia

you're girls are desperate for cock. I find it funny how even when surrounded by pajeets they flirt with me. it's amazing that when given a free choice (not arranged marriage) woman will always choose a higher value partner
they also smell like shit though so you can take them

Knew they would find a way to ram the third world into Poland. They always make it look benign. Trust me, this is how it starts. Best to stop it now before it becomes a problem.

>25 thousand people in India waiting for working visa in Poland
FFS Do they do anything other than shit out kids?
I don't care what anyone says but if their country is such a shithole that they want to leave guess what?
Yours will be soon.

I'm first gen Hungarian. Speak the language, lived there for 9 years. Came back to muttland. Preparing to go back soon to Hungyland. I fear the same fate awaits us too. Maybe a little bit delayed but probably the same...fucking kurwa....

can you shut the fuck up cucks? we will just kill/deport them when world economy crashes again. and that's very soon

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but women in POland love brown guys, just walk on streets of Warsaw or Crakov

there is no real way to stop it, they do everything so it will never happen

I sincerely hope it happens polebro. Realitypilled man...no cuckoldry here...

yes, I heard that we can have new economic crisis

good luck but I'm afraid hungary will go the same way

funny that masss non white immigration is started by goverment who is named far-right by western media

dude what the fuck are you even talking about? I study mechanical engineering at Politechnika Krakowska
I'm seeing what happens in Kraków 5 days a week and it's RARE to spot a non-Pole not saying a brownie/negro
stop panicking and spewing bull shit
trust me there will be no more polish "heroes" saving Jews. this time they will be annihilated, even normies here are finally waking up

Well....just say NO, Poland. How hard is that.

Tell them no. Or else you'll raise their fucking taxes.

I hope you're right. Regardless, I think when I get back to Hungyland, I'm going to visit Poland. Been wanting to do it for at least a decade now.