Wow, this is powerful.
What do you have to say to this, Nazis?
Wow, this is powerful.
What do you have to say to this, Nazis?
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I was half expecting to see a dildo on the 2018 side.
Isn't this comic like a year late?
From your picture it looks like there is a lot more liberalism in 2018.
I’m liking this division. Hopefully there will be a war soon because my life is boring as fuck
I have no idea what I'm looking at. Did we downgrade our torches or something?
There are realistically probably only about 10,000 actual nazis in the United States statistically speaking. Good luck with your propaganda Soros. HUMANITY WILL WIN
There will never be unity again we are in a downward spiral that will lead to The US falling. There are those who value truth honesty and fact and then their are the minorities leftist democrats and socialist. There can be no common ground. Either the left are destroyed or they will destroy the conservatives. genocide is the only answer, for moslems blacks jews and all minorities
Why is the hand holding the torch brown? Is this Ferguson?
2018 was a year that there tended to be more mosquitoes than before. Just saying.
There has been a lot of shit that has happened between 2001 and 2018, when you censor and attack a particular race, they tend to lash out.
I fucking hate polynesians.
Yea that decade leading up to them was great, there definitely wasn't any LA race riots or huge militia movement or Muslims/mossad flying planes into Jew York
America is not divided. The foreign groups (((thrust upon))) America simply can not be united, they were never part of America and never will be.
Wow! Most won't understand. Share if you get it.
I hate American moralists. Truly, I do.
And i wonder who did the dividing?
>What do you have to say to this, Nazis?
It's takes 2 sides to be divided.
>Get nice Greek-inspired statue
>Jewfaggot appropriates it into "lol gib me dat wretched refuse" a few decades later
>Other jewfaggots lead a crusade to exterminate well-crafted monumental art over the next century and a half
>Only reason they haven't called for the SoL to be demolished is because it's one of their oldest and best corpse-puppets
death to tavistock and riia and club of rome and tir
Charlottesville was in 2017 you dumb nigger
You know. When they built the Statue of Liberty
9/11 I think.
(((It's))) getting angry that we aren't so gung-ho about dying for Israel anymore.
It's not retarded to realize the country came together after 9/11. I was there and I saw it. No one was against going to war, and Bush's approval rating were at their highest. Crisis does bring people together. And now we're the most idealistically divided we've been since the civil war so yeah, I agree with the stupid comic.
>What do you have to say to this, Nazis?
gas the kikes
race war now
The Tiki torch represents Charlottesville and white men pushing back against the constant racial attacks against them. It's yet another such attack.
Fuck off Media Matters
>external threat lead to the american destabilization of countries and the toppling of governments overseas
>internal threat instigated by the american government lead to the white nationalist rallies of 2018
Really makes you think
>marching in the dark with tiki torches was literally part of their plan
The sculptor of the Statue of Liberty supported slavery. He originally made it for Egypt which was a major hub for African slaves to enter Asia. The woman sculpted was going to be a slave in a burka but the deal fell through.
literally any source on any of that?
i have 4 of those tiki-torches in my backyard. burned one down by accident, but otherwise they're awesome to keep the ticks away.
The Tiki Torch was a 2017 thing and its not the right that divides its the fucking left!
holy shit thanks man
>Left is what happens with physical tragedy (death, injury, infestructure damage, ect)
>Right is what happens with societal tragedy (Loss of the family unit, nihilism, lack of God, ect.)
I think we need another galvanizing happening like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor to get us “United” to fight Jewish wars.
Right is better
Yep, we were all united in disliking muslims.
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>Anti Trump/Republican/White contigent literally made up of white cucks, third world immigrants and illegal aliens.
Charlottesville is the left's holocaust
but but I thought diversity was our strength?
a nation cannot be diverse and united. pick one libtards.
>shitskins move to america and refuse to assimilate
>"why are you evil white goyim dividing the nation?"
it was the one year the left considered themselves american
it was nice while it lasted
>Everything that doesn't conform to my shitty little narrow sighted world view is sage.
Well at least you'll fit in well with the world faggot.
I don't think any nazis use pol OP.
To answer your question though Liberty and Americas values and freedoms are symbolized beautifully in the left picture, a world before September 11 (I assume).
In the right picture we see the foundation of America, white man, struggling to keep the flame alight, but still holding it high despite the degeneration post 2011.
The torch still burns, the refugees are everywhere, immigrants and POC crying for more more more, slowly America is crumbling but the saviors of America, the white man, hold that flame of freedom high knowing it will return to Liberty one day.
thanks OP
The tiki torch thing was astoundingly stupid.