She got you good, Jow Forums

She got you good, Jow Forums

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>got us

We hate Jewden Peterstein bro.

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We don’t like JBP. He’s a tool of the Jew used to keep young men asleep and a slave to liberal egalitarianism. Fuck JBP.

>I'm a woman and my opinion matters

>Let me just misrepresent Peterstein's philosophy and then mock my own strawman
Peterson sucks, but Jesus Christ these people.

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Women always make things about themselves. Peterson is popular because he is able to act as a surrogate father for men that have none, and creates a heroic narrative about life as opposed to a nihilistic one.

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Who the fuck that browse Jow Forums and likes juden peterson? sage


>expecting women to understand philosophical statements

Settle down sperg, they both work

Roastie can't even understand a bunch of losers looking for guidance, all she thinks about is her meat flaps.



peterson is an actual true-to-life cuckold

>paragraph long run-on sentence saying nothing
roasties in a nutshell

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Have you ever seen a single girls room?

Or bathroom, for that matter? The filth in which they are capable of living would put any hikkikomori to shame.

I’ve heard they poop now too, IS THERE NO END TO THEIR DEPRAVITY??

Jordan Peterson got famous because there is an epidemic of young men who are about ready to start incinerating kikes and he offers a last ditch attempt to misdirect and enervate them.

Not only that the amount of space they take up. My one ex complained I had too much stuff in the bath counter area, which amounted to my toothbrush, comb, and razor.

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Jow Forums is not one person.
Peterson is widely derided here.
You could have posted something productive instead of making this thread.

Liberals are just too smart. They know it all.

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>Liberals are just too smart. They know it all.
Couldn't of had anything that she was an arrogant wench. That pose for the photo says it all.

She will die of old age a lonely woman.

Juden Peterstein is a civnat cuck that specifically keeps white men and women in the dark that their race is at risk of extinction. I hate his fucking guts whenever he's not giving self help guru tier advice about the most basic shit

Welcome to Jow Forums newfaggot

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She's half right. I don't think people follow Peterson because women don't like them, I think they follow him because he's a charismatic person marketing a self-help book. He's not really evil or anything, he's just out to make a buck as the latest flavor of the month guru. Think Tony Robbins.

digits speak truth here

There is an epidemic of women ended up as insols with houses full of cats because men cannot deal with their cunt attitudes and would rather jack it to cartoon girls. I'd rather be an incel than an insol.

>Am I out of touch with me?
>'s men's fault

Literally women logic....and ironically the same exact logic on all of Jow Forums towards women.

The chasm is real and growing.

I bet she has unframed posters taped to her bedroom walls.

Every girl I've dated has had messy as fuck rooms, though.

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nah he is nothing like tony robbins and he genuinelu believes in what he does. i am not a fan of jung though or the concepts of peterson. that said, he has been very effective in pulling down this new left worldview. any debate he is in he rips them apart. that isnt saying much as this should be commonplace. we live in weird times. the anti peterson shilling is still pretty high. lefties do fear him. listen to the terms in msm used to dismiss him. hell, this lady that OP posted is another example of hundreds

>implying anyone wants this roastie

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Why doesn't pol like JP?

Someone directly asked him about the jewish element in the holodomor and peterstein pussied out and said he can't answer that. He deliberately avoids the JQ and punches the right making him akin to a gate keeper. Whenever whites as a group voice concerns about their possible demise he leaps on about individuality to keep us cucked. He's deluded at best and a jewish shill at worst


Jordan Peterson got famous because of the Canadian compelled speech bill. Self-help is only one of Peterson's public dialogues.


I'm not a huge fan of Peterson but does she not understand the simple concept of cleaning ones room in the sense that Peterson talks about?

Also >women

Agreed. JBP is not a redpill, but he's a step for normies to take that makes the real redpill less scary for them. Necessary.

Hold on, I just got an idea. Men are becoming hypergamous in today's dating climate!

Think about it, all the self-improvement books, plans, strategies etc. combined with opting out of society, and it seems more and more that men are competing for the same small pool of women much like how women are hardwired.

Instead of competing for Alpha women, we're competing for women who aren't complete trainwrecks.

her mistake is thinking JP's advice only applies to men. Honestly, my anecdotal experience proves that women need to clean their rooms more than men

Seriously, which one of you would risk your bank account or even life on a thot?

>Instead of competing for Alpha women, we're competing for women who aren't complete trainwrecks.

All two of them...

>roastie on the internet thinks everything that happens in the world revolves around her pussy


>haha sex
>yes thats why you resent the world and seek change, its sex of course!
i hate women

>be an atomized individual against all the other races combined
Yeah, fuck that guy


>too intellectual
>implying there isn't at least some truth to that

Back in the kitchen bitch.

Defend him all you like, he's an entry level redpill at best. Thunderfoot/sargon tier

Most women are bad at cleaning their room

Does he even talk about mgtow incel whatever stuff? Clean your room is, unfortunately, profound advice for guys raised by narcissistic boomers. Why do lefty psychos hate on someone for trying to help these guys that society shits all over 24/7?

Why are women so bad at insults?

I am ina similar age range and of a similar IQ to Jordan Peterson and I hope I never meet him because there is a good possibility that I would be morally outraged by this pompous ass and end him with my bare hands. He is an over educated pice of trash.

>all those Instagrams
>none have been shooped into porn

Gee! I thought /pol wasn't all one person

if you cant distill something useful from even the most despicable characters just get fucked you dirty niggers

>Have a political opinion?
>You haven't been laid

Powerful. The absolutely superior thinking of a empowered woman

>Jow Forums makes a post disagreeing with Jow Forums to prove that Jow Forums is a single person with one opinion
nice job Jow Forums

because they are starting to sense the shift in men's attitudes towards women. every single comments section of anything online that has to do with modern/western women is saturated with redpill or mgtow type shit talking about how worthless women are these days or how getting married will fuck you over or how dangerous it is to be alone in the same room with a woman etc... they know the music is about to stop for them and they don't have an available chair to sit in - i.e. husband/kids/house/etc

>having anything intelligent to say

you have to go back

women live in some of the filthiest sties I've ever seen

JP is just a dumb boomer. He told some tranny to fuck off maybe and now he's some sort of cuckservative icon.

Ignoring her is the best way to punish such smug, cuntish behavior.

I would stick my penis in her vagina if you get my meaning

Imagine a woman trying to make an argument without bringing sex up.

that's a good one but she's talking about pleddit

Or maybe bringing up the Jews in any negative light is career-threatening.

It's weird when the people virtue signaling seem exactly as the part they wants to critique.
By every fedora tipper there is a female counter part, basically women that believe that they are too good, and no men deserves them, both parts are destined to stay alone.

you glow in the dark, faggot
JBP was /ourguy/ before the character assassination after the C4 Cathy Newman interview.
newfaggots don't lurk long enough anymore

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They use insults that work against women. Women seem wired to think more about what they are now while men aspire to be something. OP's pic might work against a woman because it creates self-doubt that the way someone is now is bad in some way. A man who hears that would realize that he still has a clean room at the end of the day and that alone is enough to refute what she says.

Since she deliberately diminished the valid point of "being responsible" to "clean your room" without any argument to back it up, i can only assume she's one of those girls who follow feminist pages who only post validations quotes like "luv urself gurls", "ur burtiful", witch i guess it helps them project that sense of self loathing into other men. Whatever helps them get through theirs pathetic day i guess.

I've lived in a dorm. Women are filthy animals.

But women do sleep with me.

Maybe she's mad that she's not good enough for me?

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Peterson is a shill for the establishment.

Imagine not bleeding every month. I don't like Peterson but this bitch is up her ass.

That isn't a run-on sentence.

>1 post by this ID
Don't forget to sage

>muh vagina
It's the only argument she made.
Whore-ish really

White men truly are the weakest out of the entire gene pool, and this recent “uprising” and right wing wave is more proof of that. Paranoid and fragile, the lot of you. Weaklings, looking for faux alpha cult of personality leaders to save them from the big bad world.

Golly gosh this women seems like a barrel of fun, I can'y to avoid her and her generalistic opinions.

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Or because no one else has ever told them they can be worth something.

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she can't even communicate properly.

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Everyone seems to have the answers nowadays. She obviously hasn’t watched his lectures on dealing with depression and anxiety.
People who can’t go anywhere for help, he’s there to shine a light. I respect him for that.

I'd say it's this. Thats why I like him. He's a gateway, too. Thats really important.

>She got you good, Jow Forums

I don't see how, did she think she was being deep, as opposed to petty and puerile?

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Also, I was one of the first to call jordan peterson out on being a shill.

>I have no argument other than "You can't have my holes, so I win."

t. another brilliant roastie

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i somewhat get why jordan peterson is so hated. he says some retarded shit time to time, and doesn't stay in his own lane in terms of knowledge.
saying that, i will NEVER understand why women hate him so much. it's not like they're smart enough to know that he doesn't stay in his own lane.

2 deep 5 me

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