Did anyone watch this shit?

did anyone watch this shit?

first time hearing him speak and he comes off as such a fucking FRAUD imo

not a genius, not an autist, not a saviour of any kind, just a really smart con

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Other urls found in this thread:


he kinda did make products that work though.
the rockets come back from out space and his electric car is pretty slick.

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he's smart, just has issues making conversation

Day in and day out you retarded fucking kikes spam threads about people you want to character assassinate. Has it ever worked yet? EVEN ONCE? The more you attack Trump or anyone else the more people like them. Then you shill your e-celeb controlled opposition retards and you freak out that people aren't buying their bullshit. JUST DEAL WITH IT KIKES. Your reign of terror is fucking over.

fuck off sperg

Did that moron Joe Rogan make him smoke weed?

whats your networth OP?

Elon Musk is just Tom DeLonge with more money.

not much senpai

He's great. Fuck off with your division tactics.

I hope you know that all you paid shills are legitimately going to Guantanamo Bay and will be labelled enemy combatants having your constitutional rights stripped because you're committing sedition on a daily basis.

unironically gas yourself Colin




KYS, faggot.

He's probably a Zuckerberg where the CIA actually runs all his companies.
Still smarter than OP though.

Fuck off. Elon is a good, honest and intelligent man, albeit slightly naive when it comes to the Chinese government and their antics. Then again, politics aren't his forte, so I cannot fault him for that.

saving this thread for when this fraud goes to jail

cant believe r*ddit has infested this place this badly holy fugg

I listened to it. He's incredibly frustrating to listen to, but I'm assuming it's because he's a hyper-autist.

Admit that your brainlet just didn't understand anything he said.

if you listened to anything he said and you were impressed and FUCKING BLEW YOURE MIND MAAAAN, then youre just as big of a brainlet as joey Ro

>he comes off as such a fucking FRAUD imo

He has been surprisingly successful for a fraud until now.

Elon's not an idiot, but I think he realizes the sad depressing situation that in the end we're fucked even with his products because of how slow the mass-adoption will be for more "environmentally-friendly" memes. That's why he came across the way he did in Rogan's talk. He wants to build rocket ships to escape this shitty planet before climate changes so drastically we're all fucked. The elite will live on Mars while everyone else perishes on Earth from huge weather shifts and Bezos' Amazonbots.

Kikes like trump stupid. He bends over backwards for Israel.

You'll see soon what fucking happens and I guarantee you retards won't be posting here much longer.

I like him more now. Almost makes me consider buying a Tesla, because the truth is, they are fun.

A real genius controls other people to do his bidding. He didn't had to study rocket science, he made a private company and hired engineers that did.

and what have you done with your life, OP?

he's a sperg like zuckerborg.

Since Musk started going against media and big oil companies the internet has flood with shills that discredit Musk. The jew is afraid, that's why they attack him so much.

literally not an argument but thanks for the reply +karma

Pretty much, he practically dared him to do it.

Oh, thats your opinion? Well I guess that changes everything. I'm just so glad you took time away from your busy schedule to weigh in on the subject.


brainlet couldn't understand half the shit Elon was talking about

off yourself kiddo

This leave the planet cause its dying narrative is pathetic. We're supposed to live on Mars, which has no real atmosphere, is an order of magnitude colder than Antartica, rather than live on earth with an altered climate - but you don't need a spacesuit to go outside? How does that make sense to anyone but autistic scifi fans that think they would be fun to go on a space adventure?

>gee I wonder who could be behind this post

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>lithium batteries that cost more than the car instead of hybrids
>not using solid rocket boosters
who ever took this snake oil salesman seriously? he made his fortune bilking the taxpayers.

neil armstrong landed a rocket in 1969

>Don't worry Tom, you'll get em next time. Maybe call Elon a kike or something. Attaboy, lets go get a drink.

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From the interview I see Musk as an engineer who doesn't run businesses like the establishment wants him too.
He's a problem solution and idea guy, and CNBC types can't handle idea guys.

He's being jewed basically

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i thought elon was cool and reminds me of guys from my office. but then again, i'm white and successful so i doubt most of you niggers could relate lol

>practically dared
no he didn't. joe lit it and elon took it.
do you think you can easily bully a billionaire?

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Exactly. Stop being a fuckfag and grow up, kid. Why don’t you focus more energy on making a name for yourself or doing something productive for your future. Complaining about people you’ll never live to contact in person or have your life affected by them in anyway directly is fruitless and unbelievably pathetic. Find a better outlet to distract you from the reality of your own insignificance.

What I got from this is that Elon Musk grew up South Africa so his entire mentality is based off that.

Has he ever talked about South Africa?
He could be redpilled about the niggers

are you sure you're old enough to post on this site la?
>le why arent you as rich as this guy

Maybe he has a space fetish from watching "2001: a space odyssey" while on acid. I'm not saying I agree with Musk's thought process either, but personally I think we're screwed either way. From what I got out of the convo it was just a rich guy depressed that scientific acceptance is high, yet most people can't/won't make the necessary changes to stall the damage of climate change. It will only get worse, and Elon has basically accepted it, but didn't want to be a total buzz kill for 2 hours. A.I. will also fuck the middle class more. Brainlets don't have kids, it's the poor fucktards that are, and we're in for shit times with starvation, droughts, future wars over food supply.

Maybe that's why our guy has gotten so depressed lately. Probably took too many redpills.

Im glad im not the only one
Im not impressed, i could do a better job than him if i was given the same CIA front company jobs he has.
I never admired him, but always accepted he was an eccecentrant super genius.
>boring company
>boring as in digging tunnels, huyuck, huyuck
>this is the guy who will land us on mats

>I like him more now. Almost makes me consider buying a Tesla, because the truth is, they are fun.
Just ride a fuckin' bicycle.

No one stated about being as rich. Are you functionally retarded, or just straight out retarded? How old are you truly? The fact you stated “first hearing him speak” when he’s been in numerous interviews, given several lectures, and been a guest on plenty of television shows and radio shows. How does one live so disgustingly ignorant?

Yes I have no doubt.

Only met 1 from southern africa (mozambique) about 20 years ago, he seemed redpilled. Was very cautious all the time.

>I could do a better job than him
Kek being this delusional. You fags fiend on jealousy. I bet you must walk around thinking how dumb others around you are in comparison to yourself. Do you also think girls are making the stupid mistake of choosing others over you?

I haven't watched the interview yet. I have raw-nerve for the leave the planet to save humanity story. Steven Hawking spent his last decade getting headlines with leave the planet doom & gloom.

If climate change is real, it would take a global dictatorship to stop it, and probably include shedding billions of people as part of the process. Either way, not everyone is going to make it, but humanity will survive.

and yet he couldnt land the saturn v back on earth because it was only 1969

2018 rockets come back


theyres a good chance he's a glowie and these niggers here are as rabid as on r*ddit literally SHOCKED i tell ya

Not an earthfag, just think the model X's doors look like a daloreagasm

exactly, elon just came across as a real man in that interview. unfiltered
>you probably cant take this because stock holders...
of course he was going to hit that joint after you told him he probably wasnt allowed to. nobody tells elon musk what he cant do.

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so in summery I hate fake people I do me.
cool guy

He reminds me of my friend and that friend is the most successful guy I know.

He's always been an awkward speaker/conversationalist. Just watch any of his presentations, they take twice as long as they should because he stutters and fumbles words so much.
Nobody cares though because he's good at what he does.

well he could be fake, a character leading a deep deep state front company as so many are (bill gates, zuckerburg, etc.)

but if he is legit he is totally the type of man to land us on mars. somebody with vision and passion who is hard to control but dedicated and stubborn. thats what we need. any other kind of man would just pussy out.

I am now pretty convinced that musk is a time traveler and that he has the same powers as Trump to affect the timeline and reshape the universe

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Elon musk also named the jew with his tweet about whi controls the press

but seriously, hes going to put compressed air cold jet booster engines on the tesla cars. the newspapers didnt really mention that. i dont think he was joking about that. jet boosters on cars because fuck it why not. imagine engaging your jet thrusters to pass someone on the highway. or some sort of electric nascar

No he didn't name them. They named themselves.

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>yEaH ElOn dOeSnT KnOw JaCk

You done drooling over your pants drinking a cheap beer smoking Camels in your mums fucking basement you utter waste of biology?

How is he a con when he's already delivered on more then 99% of the world can ever dream of?


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he was talking to an ape. he was talking down to said ape.

At least once climate change starts fucking us all up and populations get culled it will mainly be non whites taking the full brunt of it. Niggers in africa almost exclusively rely on the UN for their survival and the chinks are propped up by a meme economy ready to eat each other if one single iota of food distribution goes wrong.

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Elon and spacex is a front for government black projects, so he a fag and probably a jew
trump is also a crypto jew with kushner and bolton
moving the embassy to Jerusalem

no one is going to mars,not in the near future (100 years).


Can your company do this?


But we'd rather die on Mars then stay here. That's the point.

I think you have poor perception of technologies exceptional growth rate.

You convinced yourself?

Elon literally says he is something along those lines in the opening segment of the podcast. Not a time traveler, but not human

>i men you probably cant cause of stockholders, right?

obvious dare. elon knew he would have seemed lame if he didn't light up.

>do you think you can easily bully a billionaire?
Yes. Often, and easily. Epecially if you're alone-ish in a room with them.

The way his eyes move while he's thinking makes me think he's a robot. Spooky.

watch the video i posted before shooting off your mouth. you might learn something.

Yea I drove one crazy today.

The point isn't whether we should, it's if we can. Elon has a hard-on for space exploration. You have to watch some more interviews to find out why he wants to go there so much.


5 states away. Some one give me a fish for my troll crown.

>being this much of a boomer

talk like that just motivates the kind of people that can pull it off

he's already done more amazing things than most people. he's done more than steve jobs, for sure.

We are all traveling through time. So aren't we all time travelers?

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he's just a guy who cared so much that after so much bullshit he does not give one single fuck anymore and just does shit he thinks is cool
>leave elon alone

so the general consensus on pol is that musk the mars man is either an actor for the deep state or a totally awesome guy that the media shits on because he's going to do great things and he is the best chance humanity has right now to survive long term as a multiplanetary species.

and if you just hate him youre a shill or possibly just a cucked beta boy that cant handle seeing a real man at work.

seems a reasonable conclusion

He's a cia actor running a front company

Hyper-autist engineer who is the only human alive who has tried to give us the future we fantasized about as a child.

Steve Jobs? A phone with no buttons

Bill Gates? uh......... Microsoft Office?

Steve Bezos? Walmart of the internet.

Fucking Elon Musk. Pull out your phone and summon a driver to take you wherever you want. Electric cars? But like REAL cars. Not hippie bull shit Leaf/Volt/Jolt/Queef cars.... a car with performance, technology, style? I got you. Self driving cars? No problem. Maybe in the future I'll merge all these ideas and have just a fleet of Teslas perusing the streets of America you can summon to pick you up and take you wherever you want. No more drivers ever. No more need to own a car. Ever. Just imagine it. Rockets that land themselves after falling back from outerspace so we can re-use them? Dude that's a cake walk. Solar panel roofing tiles? Done. Battery storage to power your entire house? Done. Hyper loops? Done. Space exploration? No longer a government thing, that is my thing now.

So while the rest of these "geniuses" have been just shilling us into a corner of consumerism and not progressing humanity or pushing the envelope, Musk has been doing that.

Oh and he calls out the Jews for owning the press? (remember when he wanted to start a website for ranking the accuracy of individual journalists and they all shit themselves? He was going to call it PRAVDA. FUCKING PRAVDA!) And he calls out a child molester on twitter? After saving a cave full of children half a world away?

All while being a full blown autist obsessed with the future? And banging his goth girlfriend?


Elon Musk is the pioneer we have been waiting for

>Joe Rogan
No thanks
