Question for /pol;

Question for /pol;
if a European country was to turn national socialist, would you (try) to move there and support the construction of that state, or would you contintue the fight in your own?

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Fight on my own with or without their support, if they want to help that is good, but no sense in begging

National Socialism is gay because it's a leftist ideology, so no.

If any of my neighboring Scandinavian countries became NS, then yes I would probably move to support, but also attempt to influence my own homeland at the same time.

Imagine if NMR (actual national socialists) toppled the Swedish government tomorrow. They wish to establish a united Nordic Union based on national socialism principles, so they would want to include all the other neighboring nations.

Although, the only country that has the realistic potential, to become such a thing as of now, is Ukraine because of their political instability and prominent far-right nationalism. They would have to take out the oligarchs and corrupt politicians though.

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I would never willingly live in a socialist state, no matter what fancy name you give it.

I would move to support, then once it was established, move back to start a movement in my own country.

Both if possible

Poor newfags

>T. Boomer

Yeah having an ultra nationalist government based on preserving the Aryan race is so leftist

>National Socialism is gay because it's a leftist ideology
Kek, this is actually what Amerimutts believe.

NS Germany was just as 'socialist' as today's Scandinavian countries, retarded islænding.

Here we go again

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Very well. How about we just call it nationalism then?

I'd probably visit and support it where I can and do but I wouldn't move there.

>I will never live in a socialist state
>lives in Iceland

pretty weak bait user

Waiting for Poland to start fighting Jewry

I already live in a national socialist country.

עם, ממלכה, מנהיג

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Because that would allow (((capitalism))) to creep in.
We want companies that work for the good of the people, and people that work for the good of the country.
We want self-suffiency, and a non zero-sum game in which everyone lifts each other up to higher heights.

Capitalism is a race to the bottom, while national socialism is a climb to the top, for everyone.


Maybe I should just take up a new nationality? That's not how things work, user.

National Socialism worships the material. It's fixated on biological evolution (which is a lefty dogma in the first place), it doesn't care about the divine besides some vague notions of "spirituality" and using religion as a utilitarian tool, has a disgusting technocratic efficiency worshipping aspect, etc. True European right-wing thought and conservatism revolves around either Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Protestants are inherently gay and a product of revolution, not divinely inspired. All ideologies invented after the French revolution are degenerate and not domestic to Europe, they don't belong. I know it's difficult to get Jow Forums memes out of your head, but you really have to give it a better effort. You're either a right-wing conservative, which makes you a sort of Monarchist and nothing else, or you're a leftist. Read Spengler and Guenon to start.

>waiting for a country founded as the jewish homeland in europe to fight against jewry

Why are Amerimutts so fucking stupid?

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I just use this statement to confuse leftists; I disagree, but it server my purpose

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Based, also fuck you

This is really poor bait user.
I'm not even sure if it warrants a response.

I think I'll reply to OP instead.
I think it's better to fight where you are for now until the dust settles some more.
In the future, once the gears are turning more efficiently, and things are going clearly in the right direction, I think people who think they would fight more passionately for their homelands should give it a shot if they are fluent in the language and could fit in. Otherwise it'd be years before they could help in any way.

>good of the people

There is precicely one successful nationalist state in the west: Switzerland. What makes the Swiss different is that their don't have this "good of the people" bullshit.

Nationalist states will never work without prioritizing individuals.

It's literally socialism

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Mate, they have like 1 million Balkan immigrants. They're just a rich materialist state. They'll be a completely different country in less than half a century.

Cool, just dismiss it. Ignoring things always makes them go away. : ^ )

> 1 million Balkan immigrants

If having ethnically pure population is what makes a nationalist state, the battle is lost anyways.

You're not even reading the pictures in this thread.
It's very sad.
You might as well not even be alive, in fact I'd argue that you're not.


I refuse to entertain niggerloving white whores or the cucks who defend them another second so no

If niggers get control of america, the world will end.
We absolutely can't allow it. Sorry, user, I have to stay here.

Obviously that's a ridiculous goal, and I'd say not even worth it since it's pointless. Only LARPers fall for the muh pure white meme. HOWEVER, you can't expect to assimilate that many immigrants in such a short amount of time without the culture taking a massive hit. But then again, Switzerland doesn't have an actual culture since they're a godless shithole, so.. you can see why their country is ripe for immigration. They're an economic engine, just like today's Germany and the entire West. And no, making cheese and being neutral isn't culture. Neither are local traditions. That's not what true culture is. True culture is defined by religion, which allows a nation to establish its place on earth and the universe on the canvas of eternity. No nation can tread the currents of history without a strong metaphysical basis.

Catholicism is a reverse eugenics program. Monkism and nuneryism is the stupidest shit of all time. It was a jewish psyop to get the goyim to breed less. The celibate priest sounds like a scam too. And lol at catholics calling anybody gay with your faggot pedo priest history. Fuck catholics. Fuck your pope.

"In the Middle Ages, through persecution resulting in actual death, life imprisonment, and banishment, the free thinking, progressive, and intellectual elements were persistently eliminated over large areas, leaving the perpetuation of the race to be carried on by the brutal,
the servile, and the stupid. It is now impossible to say to what extent the Roman Church by these methods has impaired the brain capacity of Europe, but in Spain alone, for a period of over three centuries, from the year I47I to I78I, the Inquisition condemned to the stake or imprisonment an average of I,OOO persons annually. During these three centuries no less than 32,000 were burned alive, and 291,OOO were condemned to various terms of imprisonment and other penalties, and 7,000 persons were burned in effigy, representing men who had died in prison or had fled the country.

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"Experiments in limiting breeding to the undesirable classes were unconsciously made in mediaeval Europe under the guidance of the church. After the fall of Rome, social conditions were such that all those who loved a studious and quiet life, were compelled to seek refuge from the violence of the times in monastic institutions, and upon such the church imposed the obligation of celibacy, and thus deprived the world of offspring from these desirable classes. "

"The Nordic blood was kept pure in the Colonies, because at that time among Protestant peoples there was a strong race feeling, as a result of which half-breeds between the white man and any native type were regarded as natives and not as white men.

In the Catholic colonies, however, of New France and New Spain, if the half-breed were a good Catholic he was regarded as a Frenchman or a Spaniard, as the case might be. This fact alone gives the clew to many of our colonial wars where the Indians, other than the Iroquois, were persuaded to join the French against the Americans by half-breeds who considered themselves Frenchmen. The Church of Rome has everywhere used its influence to break down racial distinctions. It disregards origins and only requires obedience to the mandates of the universal church. In that lies the secret of the opposition of Rome to all national movements. It is the imperial as contrasted with the nationalistic ideal, and in that respect the inheritance is direct from the Empire."

>Catholicism is a reverse eugenics program. Monkism and nuneryism is the stupidest shit of all time. It was a jewish psyop to get the goyim to breed less. The celibate priest sounds like a scam too. And lol at catholics calling anybody gay with your faggot pedo priest history. Fuck catholics. Fuck your pope.

Your critique is of temporal institutions. Temporal things are constantly prey to evil forces. You can't expect a temporal institution like the church to NEVER fall into sin, it's idiotic. Celibacy is seen as a divine calling because the participants put aside the material universe to focus on a life devoted to God. Because some priests abuse their position, this makes the church lose its spirit, right? Please stop. I'm not even a Catholic.

Who the individual churches burned is of no concern when it comes to whether or not the church itself is divinely inspired. That's their issue and it doesn't negate the spirit that flows throughout the teachings of true Christianity. You pulled your crap from a leftist source too, considering buzzwords like "free thinking" and "progressive" were used. You're being silly. Those words don't mean anything. Nothing. Zero. Stop being brainwashed and break your conditioning. Temporal institutions kill people, my god who would have thought?

Also, lol at using a Klan photo. The KKK is one of the major stains on American history, along with African-Americans and their pseudo culture, ironically.

Ah, I see you're one of those Nordicist purity worshippers. Good luck with that vain and pointless endeavor, buddy.

> I'm not even a Catholic
Orthodox are pussies too and they have the good goy monk reverse eugenic system as well. And the celibate priest thing was just a carry over from the eunuch priest of cybele
>A Gallus (pl. Galli) was a eunuch priest of the Phrygian goddess Cybele and her consort Attis, whose worship was incorporated into the state religious practices of ancient Rome