Question for the white nationalists: Would you be willing to accept ceding American territory for a black ethnostate...

Question for the white nationalists: Would you be willing to accept ceding American territory for a black ethnostate, if it meant the creation of a white ethnostate elsewhere in American territory?

Attached: U.S.-Black-Belt-Map.png (1958x1394, 1.32M)

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Give them all of Alabama and kick them out of everywhere else.

Yes. Malcolm X was right, MLK was wrong. I'd rather ship them back/genocide them, but that's an acceptable compromise that'd probably just end with genociding them eventually anyway.

I use to tell liberals on twitter and facebook that the majority of the population is black, when they referred to those that voted for Trump were dumb, southern red necks. None of them had a reply to that.

Who wouldn't? The blacks wouldn't. They need a host to leech on.

Yes, they should govern themselves, in their own space, with out white peoples assistance.

What? We're not majority black

Why the fuck do they deserve it retard?
The US was a literal white ethnostate up until the 60's.

Alabama died screaming and kicking their legs though, unlike most other states. But I guess you guys wouldn't mind sacrificing an honorable man.

hell yeah! they have african nigger villages in mexico but most people would never know because they are segregated by mexican society

We've always had niggers, to be fair. At least since we were a country.

It's not about what they deserve. it's about isolating a problem

Win win for everyone at this point

the south is a black majority

The correct answer should be no.

Yes, and Malcom X was simultaneously based and repilled.

The white ethnostate would shoot to the moon and the black ethnostate would collapse in a fortnite. The blacks would probably get genocided once they try to run towards the white ethnostate for gibs. This would all be so much easier if they were just shipped to liberia or something

Paris is a black majority too. It doesn't mean it belongs to them

The CSA will allow for a black autonomous region in order to gain recognition from European countries so BMW won't pull its factories

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Since when has giving Leftists anything resulted in them not demanding more?

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So isolate them outside of the fucking country

>give them the whitest state
kill yourself

How do you guys feel about these borders?

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Wrong one

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they deserve a slice of this land, their ancestors labored and fought and died on it even if they don't. also they've been here longer than the vast majority of 'white' americans whose ancestors came in droves in the late 19th and early 20th century

Nigger we already tried that and its called Liberia and it's a fucking horrible place.

yes. realistically, a lot of American land is uninhabited. So doing this is more than possible without anyone getting the shorter end of things.

Too much Mexican land.

No. A cancer must be totally removed or it can reoccur.

>MFW giving Florida to any race other than Florida man.

But it’s just skin cancer.

I like it, but remove Seattle and Boston from "multicultural areas"

They get a chunk of Mexico to call New Africa all to themselves.

they have all of Africa south of the Sahara, so no

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i actually think a black ethnostate would run rather well because the strongest and the smartest would quickly and completely dominate the weak almost overnight, just like in africa. that means no leftism

It only became horrible after we pressured them to desegregate the Africans.

Their ethnostate needs to have defensible borders so we can contain them. Natural barriers like rivers and mountains would make better borders than existing state borders.

Are you fucking kidding? Both of those cities are irretrievably pozzed.


Sure , cram them all into 1 state and fence it off. Cut all power+utilities and stop all goods+services . Haiti 2.0


seattle's the second whitest major city, boston's not far behind. no reason they can't be part of the ethnostate

We should train every black man between the ages of 15 and 30 for military service, so that they can conquer some land to call their own down in Mexico or somewhere. We are not native to this land, we earned our spot in a non-native land through conquest. It is time that blacks do the same or be sent back to Africa.

Deport them to Liberia instead

>giving up all of Texas
That will not fly

Only if we can invade and murder them all after they are all in one place. Makes it easier that way

Niggers have been in this country as long as whites retard

we've already given up all of texas, friend

Sure, but ideally we'd create a black ethno-state somewhere else in the Americas rather than carving out something awkward looking like that - border control with those borders would be a pain, and I don't like the idea of splitting the Mississippi like that.

I'd prefer to do population transfers with Cuba and Venezuela after occupying those states with the US military. That'd probably work better - no meme borders, a nice natural resource to help fund the new black state, and a decent enough distance away but not so far away as to be a pain to move people.

There are enough black people in the US that we'd probably have to do more than just Cuba and Venezuela, but those two are a good start.

As a negro I prefer these borders. Deal?

Attached: newafrica.png (925x574, 27K)

that's the idea

>Giving the mexicans U.S land
No, your map is shit

That’s just the American blacks. There’s boatloads of people from the Caribbean and Africa that we let in with that stupid fucking green card lottery, who’s ancestors did nothing for this country.

you didnt circle boston, you circled cape cod

Spic's already have their ethnostate. It's called Mexico.

why not Mississippi?

the american southwest is also already a spic ethnostate. don't know if you've been down there lately

You can try to earn the non-US parts through conquest. Fuck off out of muh huwhite ethnostate in the meantime.

as a floridian I'd gladly give black people my state so we could build a wall at the border

We should go a step further and break up the US by culture. I don't want to live with half of these people even if they are white.

Up yours, nigger.

>whitest state
Are you completely retarded

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do you understand context, obviously he meant the whitest southern state.

Yes that sounds quite responsible.

but it's not the whitest southern state either

I live in Arizona. IT IS NOT SPIC CLAY! They can fuck off back to their own failed state, and stop trying to recreate it here.

That's still not true. Tennessee and Arkansas are whiter.

>give in to identity politics and give every "oppressed" minority group their own territory
>their respective states turn into shitholes almost overnight
>they demand more reparations from whites
>white guilt kicks in and they get their demands met
>they're still not happy
>demand that the white state must be "diverse" and that borders are racist
>white state is denounced by the globalists, and sanctioned by the UN for existing while its borders are flooded with "refugees"
As long as Marxists exist you will never see anything other than forced diversity

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Big internet hub and a giant (and oftentimes spooky) engineering base exists in Alabama, as well as many factories. Rethink your options user. It's a bigger loss than you could ever anticipate.

There aren't enough white people in the US to create an ethno-state.

Certainly. Why not? Give them a few city states. Atlanta, Detroit, etc. They've already fucked those places anyway.

Yes. They can have as much Yankee land as they want.

Hardly by their own accord. They were BROUGHT here by white settlers and only died for this nation when they were drafted into white armies. Also, who gives a fuck how long they were here? The Amerindians were here longer than anyone but that doesn’t mean retards deserve a continent to squander.

Additionally, there’s a case to be made that blacks have actually done significant damage to the development of the United States, through the propagation of consistently high crime rates (especially murder, taking the lives of countless thousands of productive citizens), the spread of degenerate cultural norms, and the overall net economic drain they present through their one-sided overconsumption of public goods such as welfare/public housing. Not to mention they’ve consistently resisted essentially all attempts to return them to their homeland and leave our “oppressive” countries for literally centuries. These walking parasites owe whites land for the damage they’ve caused to western societies, if anything.

too late

yes. Both violent extremes (white nationalist & black nationalist) will agree.
It's a win-win.
Call It AMERICAN WAKANDA and you'll have them supporting it to death

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>Thinking that not having leftism is enough for niggers to run a country well
user, I...

Kill all Yankees and give niggers the North.

absolutely, please.

>Would you be willing to accept ceding American territory for a black ethnostate, if it meant the creation of a white ethnostate elsewhere in American territory?
Give an inch and they will take a mile. The answer is no.

Also, niggers have practically the entire goddamn continent of Africa to have their black ethnostate.

No to Florida. Other than that, yes.

nobody? tough crowd.

Satan's right. I suppose even niggers aren't allowed in hell, and the continual abortions from the black population keeps them in limbo for the better part of eternity.

I just had a brilliant idea. Build the wall on our southern border, then build a second one like 10-30 feet away. Then fill the gap with niggers. It will be like a nigger moat to keep beaners at bay.

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I'd be fine with repatriation for everyone except native americans

Only a fool would concede that much coastline. Send the niggers to oklahoma.

you are 14% and an urban people, you don't need that much, give back virgina and NC and we'll talk

Sure, if all that territory is at minimum 6ft underground.

>christian socialism
Just move to Sweden.

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Not separate countries, but there should be economic incentives for different races to inhabit certain regions with which they have history. As long as the Union is maintained, ethnostates are a good idea. Anything else is balkanizing, Russian propaganda.

>Would you be willing to accept ceding American territory for a black ethnostate,
No. Africa is their ethnostate.

I'm a WN myself, but do you honestly still believe in the race war? They can ask all they want, they'd be defacto foreign states, and they'd have to press for war. There, then you can have the race war.

Florkda fucking sucks in many ways.

i wish there was still slavery so we can haul their asses back to africa

Are you retarded? what size is the state? Japan is probably the best example of a successful ethno-state and there population is huge, at 127 million. 247 million of the US population is "white only (around 76 percent). How the fuck could an you claim that the population is not adequate to form a state out of purely "white only" people?

Giving up that much coastline to people who cant swim.

No dawg.

>more swedish couples are choosing to have multiracial children
>more swedish women are choosing to have multiracial children
When the pendulum swings all the way to the other side, they're gonna have a really bad time. Talk about lack of foresight.

Can't we have at least one somewhat tropic place? Never been Florida, but fuck, I'd like to have one.

It's secretly genius. Keep pushing them to the coasts and drown them out.