Brands/Trends/Shows You Abstain From

Post something that is popular that you willingly/unwillingly have never tried or boycott.
>I for one have never once tried Starbucks & I never will.
>I have never watched Shameless on TV

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Never tried fucking a dude, and I dont see myself going that route any time soon.

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What's the hype with Shameless. Show is so fuckin gay. Just comes off as weird disjointed nonsense. All I wanted to see was Emmy Rossums fucking axewound. Instead it's like this weird comedy drama about white nigs.

How about you tell us how did you get that filename, you datamining faggot ?

What’s the problem?

Is this a common trend?

any and all social media and television (except niners games)

Never once played fortnite.

what do you know about Starbucks that you're not telling us

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Wise post. Wiser numbers.

What does this say about men that consume Starbucks?

Apple products