Living with a Jow Forumsack

Gather round, got a story for ya.

>need roomate
>find guy on craigslist looking for a "conservative roommate"
>call him and then he asks me "do you know what the alt right is" and starts revealing his power level
>i was intrigued by his autism so i met up with him
>turns out he's an mma fighter and seems like an okay guy
>get an apartment on the cheap with him
>find out that all this guy does is work, watch alt right youtubers, and sleep
>all he talks about is politics
>can't stand the fucking guy
>i hate niggers but i don't dedicate my life to it for fucks sake

He's the first guy i've met that hold alt right opinions besides myself and he is a total fucking drag. Hes a dipshit too. Doesnt know how to use an adjustable fucking wrench. Had to show him how. I know niggers and spics who are smarter than him.

What do we do with the whites who as dumb as niggers?

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How do you think you look to him?

this seems very fake and gay gotta say

Sounds like me, though I can use an adjustable wrench. 'conservative', huh?

OkCupid call right-wingers 'centrists', now, so I guess 'conservative' would mean 'alt-right'.

I gotta say, this sounds like me. Politics have started dragging me down; its all i want to talk about and it enrages people. :( Jow Forums can ruin you

You got exactly what you asked for and you're complaining?

I think i piss him off. Im younger than him (im 19 hes 23) and i get paid more than him and blow it all on drugs and booze. I don't think he has any friends (never seen him with and he stays at home all day after work), he doesnt drink or smoke, pretty upstanding guy if he wasnt so annoying. Hes doing more for whites than me.
Id send you his craigslist post but it could lead back to me. Just trust me.

I didnt really ask for it. I thought that maybe he might be a human being instead politic robot.

dumb whites get subjugated with the rest of the inferior people.
capitalism is uniquely suited to suppressing the worthless eaters.
democrats just hate that the useless ones tend to be black

sounds like you need to get on his level.
saving the white race is no joke bro

Jow Forums in a nutshell