Are traps/transsexuality degeneracy? I can't help but to dislike homosexuality but I'm starting to think that traps aren't degenerate because they are trying to be women to attract men. Can I get some feedback?
Are traps/transsexuality degeneracy...
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Yeah and OP is going to prison soon.
the inevitable result of capitalism
The biggest reason for traps is that men don't want to accept the responsibilities of being a man any more. They see women showing a bit of cleavage on social media and getting a ton of positive feedback, and they become jealous. That, along with autogynephilia (being attracted to the thought of your own genitals if you were female) causes mentally ill trannies to exist.
No I'm not
Yes you are. Every single person in your discord is going to prison soon.
Post Op trans are 110% degenerate user
there is nothing more degenerating that lobbing off healthy body parts and pumping yourself full of hormones to live out a delusion.
Taken to its logical conclusion this leads to transhumanism which means the death of the human race
I don't have a discord. My phone won't run it.
Trans is degenerate
Traps are based and redpilled
Best summary ive seen yet. Also would be have accepted - fags get the rope
It's not illegal to suggest that autists hurt themselves and their children.
holy fuck this is retarded
go suck a dick and leave this website already ffs
not gay
So long as people arent disrupting the rights of others I could give zero shits.
But these social movements trying to convince us how to think and formulate opinions enrages me.
Nice, I'd fuck her (him) so hard
Fuck off gay kike
>Are traps/transsexuality degeneracy?
>I'm starting to think that traps aren't degenerate because they are trying to be women to attract men. Can I get some feedback?
You should stop thinking.
>t. Sheltered Zoomer who hasn't ever encountered a tranny in real life
>Can I get some feedback?
when the thread gets deleted, that's gonna be my feedback coming in
>Two men having sex with each other is a bad thing.
>It's okay if one of them cuts his penis off.
I mean, just because I'm attracted to these cute traps it doesn't mean I'm gay, right?
Go to church
is there anything the jews won’t try to subvert?
This again. Sage in the Options lads.
alright... you got me... saved
fuck you fag
>cannot bear your sons
>tfw non op tranny
>the right doesn't like me because tranny
>the left doesn't like me because racist, against open borders, hate kikes etc
>tfw don't fit in anywhere
Why can't I have a hunky facist bf to hang faggots with when the day of the rope comes?
what are you doing on Jow Forums
It is like playing at virtual reality as one most desirable traps. But trans, they got baited too far by an effect which they decide to play in reality and rnds badly for them. Confusing games with real life
There is a thing called harem you know. Where you married with many wives. With at least one genuine woman for procreations. And others like barren roastie hit the wall for money provider (they sure have brilliant career right) and some female (male) for even wilder sex provider in your family. If you are manly enough, polygamy sure is rewarding.
liking traps aren't really gay
you just like feminine stuff because you associate those stuff with females. a overly feminine guy is associated with a female because it has similar traits.
so the problem is the feminine guy, not me for liking them. fuck you i'm not gay l0le!!!
Tits or gtfo
Promoting this shit is harmful to the physical and psychological development of fellow men.
the only problem with trannies are aging tho. and maybe race has an influence
Kys, faggot
But but but it takes a village to raise a child r-right?
Mods will instaban me if I do that.
Shhhh dont worry sweetie
The most you can hope for is being a piece of property of a real man
is there a single tranny who isnt a whore that post its dick/tits on demand?
If traps are gay then that makes me a greek version of Versace, but I neither make clothes or participate in homosexual acts
Therefore, traps aren't gay
Post weenus pls
If you jack off to feminine penis more than 20% of the time it's degenerate as fuck.
Dont let the knee socks and anime pictures fool you. You will immediately change once you actually hear their Adams apple
Yeah because you, of all people, should be trusted around children.
What about if you jack off to Pokémon porn? Only happened like twice, does that make one a furry?
If anything it's because they are totally unwanted by females and men will give anything attention.
This is basically it. Women have so many advantages that men who struggle to live up to masculinity may be tempted to delude themselves into thinking they're actually women.
Gay is common in ancient Rome and Greece
I mean I don't, but if I did I'd be banned.
Hot desu. Honestly I would be ok with some kind of harem situation where I would live with a man and an actual woman and help maintain the household. As long as I felt loved equally of course.
What do you mean by that? Pedos should be flayed in the streets user.
sin was common since man.
you didn't prove anything
Fully grown men fucking eachother was condemned in Greece.
Men could only fuck eachother in Rome through loopholes in the law, i.e fucking your own slave
Hello Reiko.
if this is the result of capitalism then I want moar
>Go ahead, as much as you like, threaten me, accuse me, with whole clumps of arguments, but you will never put off your erastes—I mean me. Nor will I proclaim it any less that I love Fronto, or will I be less in love, because you’ve proven . . . that those who love less should be helped out and lavished with more. God, no, I am dying so for love of you, and I’m not scared off by this doctrine of yours, and if you’re going to be more ripe and ready for others who don’t love you, I will still love you as long as I live and breathe.
>t.Marcus Aurelius
Men are better women than men
what a fag
Just make a thread on /b/ and link it to here
I'm trying to not be degenerate okay.
What the fuck kind of logic is this?
You hate homosexuality, but because they're dressed as girls you're suddenly okay with sucking dick?
based and redpilled
It's degenerate and sinful
You need Christ
neck yourself, homo
everything is wrong with homosexuality and there is everything wrong with trying to pretend that you're of the gender you're not. its okay to want to be a woman and or man when you are the opposite of that gender but you will never ever ever be so there is no point
The ones that look good are ""normal"". Romans had crossdressing teen male hookers at every brothel including for the soldiers. The largest tranny site gets around 15% to 20% of the traffic of pornhub, while the exclusively gay less than 3%. Seems like it's a separate fetish on its own among ""hetero"" men.
Whatever it is. Homosexuality is not degenerate on its own but the person and the divisive political agenda behind became so thanks to the modern liberals who are anything but liberal based on what that term used to mean.
>You need Christ
Checked and spoopy
Fuck off you fucking piece of shit discord tranny shill. I hope every one of you faggots die a painful and prolonged death.
Look man if I want to use biotics and cybernetics to enhance my life that's my business.
People like you are why we gonna not have loli cat girls in 2050. Cause of your belief in this "humanity" esoterical bullshit we don't even have any funding for regenerative medicine and gene editing.
Degeneracy is completely relative, so there's no true answer to that. Are trannies mentally ill is a more interesting question, to which the answer is yes. As to your picture, it's sort of ironic that the only ones who would be interested in having a trannie for a partner would be a homosexual, but homosexuals want a partner of their own sex not someone larping as the other. So what does that leave you, trad tranny?
There is nothing wrong with trannies, mostly. Same for crossdressing and traps and etc. Look at Japan, they are fine with it, it appears on mass-media, traps are fancy, etc. And no one gives a fuck, it's just a fetish like people being cucks - you may dislike it, but it has no influence on you.
Real problems are:
>Dems and same-minded minority rights fighters
>Retarded American mentality when either everything is allowed ir you go full puritan
This. Social media needs to be shut down. Was hoping people to be red-pilled by that facebook leak, but no, people just had to defend their little weirdo goyim, Zuckerberg.
We were never going to have loli-cat girls. Women literally want to get drunk every weekend and take Chad's cock every night. They do this between streaming themselves playing games to their beta orbiters.
Only loli-cat traps and chimeras. Robots, not traps, will be our salvation
Passable traps are fine.
Split dicked trannies are not.
Theres no doubt its degenerate its covered in the bible people were already doing it back then
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Thank you
>Passable traps
Doesn't exist.
Only fire can cure this degeneracy
So you're telling me it's ok for women to wear jeans and t-shirts but it's wrong for men to wear dresses?
It's wrong for traps to use shitty filters. None of them can take a decent fucking picture.
fucking newfags in this thread. Traps have been a part of chan culture since the beginning.
Yes it is wrong women have a corrupt dress code in 2018 its wrong
Also if you have sex with a trap youre having sex with a man which is homosex ecen if they look like a women youre still in bed with a man
King James Bible
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination
And its sodomy
doesn't make it any less degenerate you fucking gayboy
Mostly because people have been laughing at them.
While what you say is true, Anderson is a heretic.
>What in the goddamn...
Wtf kinda quote is this? Is it real?
>Why can't I have a hunky facist bf to hang faggots with when the day of the rope comes?
You realize you'd be the first/last to go, depending on what would be more preferable (avoid witnessing the torment/last for as long as possible).
Autogynephiles are degenerate. I'm a eunuch, easier to live as female, but traps and transtrenders make everyone assume I'm some leftist insane person.
Feedback? Sure: you’re a knob-gobbling homosexualist.
Yes. Marcus Aurelius' letter to his teacher
Tell Tira Kiri secretly misses him and to drop by Anmon again sometime.
Shut the fuck up Bakura you’re a flaming faggot
There's no such thing as "traps" or "trans" or "genderfluid", it's crossdressing faggots. Every one of them is a crossdressing man who wants to get fucked by another man. They can't give you a family or fulfillment, they are useless and degenerate and mentally ill. Do not let them near children.
>trying to be women
>still have the d
Even trans try harder, to the point where up to half of them die by themselves. Traps will never be women anymore than those trans.
Traps are only okay if it's like pic related. Think how ancient Rome viewed sexuality. As long as you're the top, you're still straight. The moment you're the bottom, you become irreversibly gay.
You’re gay as six pride parades.
It's not so much degeneracy as epic failure.