Is it true Jow Forums? Are they just all crazy? What caused the outbreak of mental illness?

Is it true Jow Forums? Are they just all crazy? What caused the outbreak of mental illness?

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apparantly most normies dont have inner monologues. i find that hard to believe but apparently there have been npc threads all week and pol has been talking about it.

basically they dont think in words and sentences, which i thought everyone did. its just images and feelings and the vague ghosts of concepts floating uselessly in their brains without focus or direction or words.

which is why they cant think or learn or be reasoned with properly. because you cant have deep thoughts without an inner monologue so all you can do is move with a herd.

They aren't so much mentally ill as they are mentally broken. What you see now is the result of brainwashing. All their lives these people have been fed nothing but a false worldview, with equality being their false god. They fear what they do not understand. They fear reality itself, and they turn away from truth because if they were to even entertain the idea that any part of what they've been told was wrong, everything else would unravel as well. Many of the smarter ones know this, and it is incredibly scary for them.

Jow Forums is made up of strong willed people. We posses what Adolf Hitler described as "the iron will to be". We've all been fed this steady diet of bullshit as well, but we haven't embraced it. We've rejected it because no amount of brainwashing was enough to overpower our natural instincts.

Being strong, it is our duty to care for the weak. A tough redpill to swallow is that it's our job to save these fools from themselves. White shitlibs can be saved, but it'll take time and a lot of work. This is what Christ meant when he spoke of turning the other cheek. This is what it means to love your enemy.

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They just have genes that make them highly conformist and trusting of "experts", and currently experts are spewing out garbage like critical race theory and other nonsense.

Too much input that doesn't need to be digested. People 'authoritatively' telling you everything instead of a society where people need to face some challenges and figure things out on their own. Makes people bad at the thinky think.

women are NPCs

As much as I think we're ultimately misinterpreting the article which started the whole meme, this post makes me want to bring up an analogy I've made before that normies need ideas to be articulated by an authority figure / delivered to them / anchored in an individual in the same way that the monsters from A Quiet Place need their prey to produce sound to know where they are. Whereas autists are adept at "seeing", i.e. navigating the pre-language cognitive soup of thought-feelings on their own and capable of anchoring the concepts they find there in language without needing help from outside, normies are very bad at this, so their cognitive-linguistic world (and thus the things which truly shape their reality, since they can be recalled and reinforced easily by being encoded in language) is very effectively controlled by the powers that be which control mainstream social discourse (analogous to the monsters' "hearing"). In fact this would extend to how the monsters have EXCELLENT hearing - normies tend to be sociable and navigate social situations more fluidly and intuitively than autists, they're more adept at receiving and encoding meaning via socialization this way

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ive never seen that movie but i understand what you are saying. that is an insightful post.

This would follow from my point too, because women would follow the same pattern of adept at receiving social meaning-crystallization with a corresponding deficit in auto-meaning-crystallization, though that doesn't necessarily mean that they're cognitively inferior, just that they're more reliant on the dispensers of socially-received meaning in a society not being full of shit / degenerate

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I fuckin hate when Leftists try to fancy up their verbage. They think this is how you win debate, it's basically all pretty verbage with no substance, or confusing rambling just to look "woke" or intelligent to their group. Leftists eat shit like this up too, but to me it just comes off as a pseudo intellectual trying to fancy it up, because she doesn't have a point, and is basically rambling to show off

another lefty rant about personal responsibility being the ultimate of all evils

Thanks f.a.m. I actually haven't seen it either the idea just occurred to me after seeing the trailer

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You think only in words and sentences? That sounds slow and inefficient as fuck. I thought everyone had several modes of thinking, inner monologues being just one of them. How are you going to form complex abstract thoughts and visualizations thought by spelling them out? I agree there are severely dumb and simple people out there, but I find it hard to ascribe this to "level of inner monologueing."

Sounds like some bullshit oversocialized people would think is important, to be honest.

>What caused the outbreak of mental illness?
Unironically the estrangement from God (meaning worship of nature and natural life).

>What caused the outbreak of mental illness?
4th wave feminism and the internet facilitating it

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>all crazies
non crazies don't post online rants, lots of good women out there

>its just images and feelings and the vague ghosts of concepts floating uselessly in their brains without focus or direction or words.
You can tell with practice the exact moment you’ve crossed the limit of a normy’s intellectual capacity.
Try talking about anything beyond freshman level in topics like philosophy, religion, even politics.
Eventually you can see their eyes glaze over and you can tell they are just gone but they don’t want to be rude and tell you to shut up and they don’t want to admit they are incapable of understanding you so they just sort of zone out while you talk because they can’t put what you are saying together in their pathetic npc minds.
Then say something like “Let’s pop open some sips and watch the big game bro” and it is like bam immediately back to activated mode.

>you think only in words and sentences?
no, i never said that
saying that i think in words and sentences isnt the same as saying i think only in words and sentences.

but when it comes to communication and understanding someone elses ideas in my own brain to pick them apart and consider them requires an inner monologue. complex ideas and tasks cant really be picked apart and analyzed in the chaotic structure of a mind that doesnt use language.

maybe thats why the left cant debate or meme

There's probably at least something to that. I remember at my middle school way back when, they called everyone into the gym, where they gave a speech on how people were gay, and the idea of gay marriage. This was in 2008, around the same time Prop 8 was up for a vote in California(a piece of legislation that would have banned gay marriage in California. It passed but was invalidated by the courts). After the whole presentation, I stuck up my hand and asked, "What is the other side?" It was probably obvious to everyone but autistic me that this was not a question that was going to be permitted. I was simply told "There is no other side!" and that was that. I got in a lot of trouble with my peers in that school, because I questioned things and didn't follow the political line there.

being told what to think instead of how to think will have profound results.

Yeah, ok, then we're on the same page at least. But wasn't that what the study was about? A minority of people seem to be predominantly in "inner monologue" mode, and it's these people who have latched onto this as some kind of superiority?

i didnt even know there was a study, im new to the npc thread scene. ive been gone for a week

would appreactiate sauce if you have it

I haven't saved it, but I'm sure you'll come across it, it's usually one of the first sauces in NPC threads. But from what I gather someone did a study where they found something like (approximations) 25% of people are constantly in inner monologue mode, 50% are sometimes in this mode, and 25% are never in this mode. The NPC autists take this to mean that 75% of people are like robots because the superior man is constantly in inner monologue mode according to them.

I might be wrong, but that's the thing I've taken from those threads at least. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what they mean.

oh, well. i guess im in the 50% then. not sure how its possible to think only with an inner monologue or exclusively without one. so i have my doubts already about this.

Sounds weird to me too, but if you try to ask questions or argue with these people they'll just call you a NPC and be on their way. Look into the study when you come across it.

Have you guys ever considered most of the shit SJWs write is just their equivalent of shitposting? Most of Jow Forums is nothing like what they write here its the same with SJWs. I mean look at Sarah Jeong and others who bash white men but date them exclusively, a lot of this is kayfabe.

I'm not saying don't get upset because the left unlike the right have insitutional power and their bigotry directly translates into policy and law but a lot of times when you quote some nobody's tweet here as proof white hatred and white genocide sentiments are real I think its just as fallacious as if someone from Buzzfeed posted a Jow Forums thread to prove Nazi sentiment is mainstream.


yeah ive thought about that. its really hard to tell where the absurd shit most of them believe in ends and the absurd shit most of them shitpost about begins.

ive tried learning more about them, but i have no idea where they are. leftypol is empty and i dont do facebook/twitter. maybe theyre on reddit? tumblr? maybe they dont have a place online where they discuss ideas and shit because they are essentially a hivemind and so they have nothing to discuss.