Post one good thing that Jews have provided to society
I'll start
Post one good thing that Jews have provided to society
I'll start
Wasn’t Archie made by some Jew Freemason as way to program young readers to be zogbots?
Racism towards niggers
He actually let one of the main artists, Al Hartley, create a series of explicitly Christian Archie comics. Apparently he thought it was good to promote good morals.
A common enemy
I enjoy a bagel every once in a while.
I think that's about it. Also Seinfeld, even though it's literally the most Jew show in existence.
Bagels and Seinfeld. That's it really.
Maybe neutron bombs. A nuclear device that deals more with radiation instead of an actual explosion. It's designed specifically to kill human targets than wreck infrastructure so troops can massively kill their enemies and move in and secure key locations without them being ruined. That's pretty Jewish. It was invented by a Jew. That's cool. You can even look at the interview of the inventor, he was very proud of it.
Well, money lending of course!
Natalie Portman
Foxtrot, Papa!
Bravo, Papa!