What do you imagine yourself thinking of the second you give up trying to save yourself from free falling in mid air?
jump Nibba
Piss off, Randy!
Jump. Depending on the floor you'd probably pass out before you hit the ground.
I have always wondered, if a person just went to the roof and climbed the flagpole, would they have survived? It seems the flagpole was atop the rubble in pictures from the aftermath.
glad i bought this parachute
i am not sure if you are troling or not
your flag is making difficult to tell
Jump obviously. Free falling is fun. People literally pay money to go on rides to experience free falling. No one pays to get burned.
No way of surviving the impact that jolts up the entire structure, you’d be thrown from whatever you’re hanging on. 90% death rate.
No dude, they should have just gone to the roof and jumped the second before it hit the ground.
The only way to survive would have been to grapple down the outside of the building for however many floors were blocked off from the collisions. No one ever tried this though so it might have been impossible to pull off.
lulz. I wonder how many Jew yerkers that work in high rises have bought parachutes and trained how to use them since 2001.
you have a better chance of surviving the fall, staying in the fire is certain death
Jet fuel can melt Steele beans but not flag pies? Come on dude.
>ok I gotta roll when I hit the ground
Yeah is suppose you're right. I didn't think before I posted. Even sitting still in a car moving 65mph means your body is moving 65mph. I had a lapse in judgment and for that I am a massive faggot
it’s a lose lose either way.
pick your poison,
jump from a 1,000+ building and literally splatter into an egg omelette
burn to a crisp
your choice
Haha those guys that jumped are fucking pussies lmao
>whaaa whaaa there‘s a little smoke i‘m have to inhale..my poor lungs
>whaaaaaa it‘s a bit hot up here
>now let me jump out of the building because I‘m too cowardly to die with honor and dignity like a REAL man
Lmaooo fucking scared pussies couldn‘t bear staying in the building till the end, so they had to jump like bitches
If I was inside the WTC on 9/11 I would have probably survived because I‘m not a scared little BITCH!
Assuming I was above the impact zone, I would have made my way up to the top as high as I can go, and hang out the window while waving, hoping that a chopper comes close enough with a rope or something I can grab onto.
Surprised more people didn't do this actually.
Well memed
Is he trying to shoot a spidey web? I’d do the same desu.
based. exactly like when you're in a falling elevator
The real question is, which song about jumping are you singing in your head?
Van Halen?
The Pointer Sisters?
Criss Cross?
What would you pick, Jow Forums?
Now just imagine you don't want to jump but the force of the explosions that actually sent steel beams flying out the sides of the building blew you out also.
Pretty shitty experience.
Why didn't helicopters pick anyone up from the rooftops?
Don't even have to land, just hover.
no, you still have a chance of surviving the fall
people survive sky diving accidents all the time
Yeah that would have been exactly my plan snd I would‘ve survived. I mean, just jump before the debris hits the ground. That way you don‘t get killed by the force of the debris you‘re standing on hitting the ground.
Too bad those people were dumb as fuck unlike me.
my sweet summer child
This one.
Actually, jews won't have to worry about it. How many jews actually died on 9/11 in the buildings?
answer is 0, why is that?
grasp reality for a second..
it’s new york fucking city.
concrete. glass, and guess what’s below that? concrete. everywhere.
you will splatter on sight.
Why would you pass out? You would pass out inside from smoke inhalation. You would fall like if you were parachuting if you jumped.
That's not how physics works
No, why didn‘t they send drones to the towers? That way they could‘ve picked uo lots of people without any helicopter pilot endangering his life.
>spidey! How do I shoot web?
Literally everywhere
>in case of emergency please remain calm and await further instruction
>no plan of action for responding to serious emergencies in a spectrum of likely scenarios
PROTIP: Always prepare, be prepared, have a plan, expect anything, fuck following the instruction of others, and let your instinct and adrenaline guide you
>posting entry level scatman
The roof was locked
He jumped because he can no longer live without Mr. Lahey.
It is is their legs generate an equal force to the speed of descent. They don't though.
Your best bet is probably to remain limp.
The people jumping were the lazy fucks who would rather die than simply walk down all those stairs.
put yourself in a office workers’ shoes, most if not all probably never jumped from a building while it’s burning hundreds of degrees, smoke everywhere, and you’re literally shaking and panicking trying to find an escape route. you will most certainly pass out.
Jump and make superman pose. At least you will bring joy to people.
About 400 Jews died friend.
No one had a key? Kick down the door.
no there's pretty good wind resistance from such a high fall and it only increases the higher you go so the longer you're falling, the slower your rate of descent becomes
Prove it.
I don't think so, maybe though.
Maybe from pulling so many Gs but I dont think they have time to pass out.
okay, and?
explain that to every fucking single person(s) splattered corpse who jumped from the twin towers.
>be wagecuck
>work in 100 story tall skyscraper
>too dumb to keep a parachute in cubicle
Fucked up thing was choppers where ready to pick people up from the roof and had trained to do so but the exits where padlocked because assholes used to sneak up their all the time.
You just jump up at the last second before it hits the ground. Easy
When you are near that much heat, you would jump into a meat grinder to escape it. Its instinct.
Sweet jesus thank u sensei. Just lost my scatV
I'm just saying you would probably survive the fall, 50/50 chance
Jumpdafuckup by Soulfly.
You better go and do more research and look at the actual numbers that came out after the fact.
Based Ruskie
House of Pain obviously
It wouldn't even be necessary for you to pass out before you hit the ground.
It happens so fast that you're dead before your brain even gets any signals for the collision.
Basically it ends for you a couple meters above the ground.
Nigga you wouldn't pull any Gs until you hit the ground.
This is just silly. You can look up the names, lots of bergs on the list.
Well go try and experience the fall that they did, see how that works out for you. You will plummet to your death.
The funny thing is that after the first tower got hit a lot of people started to evac. The second tower. But the security guys told them to go back in. So they did, well not all of them , some had high IQ and left , the retards went back in and died .
Also if i was in the tower i would just try to bypass fire at whatever cost , run into it whatever , get some water on a cloth and mask my face , even if my clothes burn i can go nude
If you look closely, it looks like he'd already burnt his face and chest.
Shit was fucked, choppers couldn't even get close. Besides it's not like people had a well lit unobstructed area to move about in an orderly and calm fashion.
OK, do It and post it here.
9/11 was a shitstorm
that looks like randy from trailer park boys...... well, if he was sucking in his gut.
why would I do that I just said it's a 50/50 chance I'm not retarded
At terminal velocity there is a small chance that the fall wouldn't kill you instantly, but it's unlikely.
Why'd you do it, Randers??
More like a 0% chance.
high IQ and low social trust.
So the high IQ high social trust non-psychopaths got burnt to a crisp.
Most of them probably didn't actively make a decision to jump, they were hanging out the windows trying to escape the fire and smoke when it overwhelmed them.
Like if you're holding on to a ledge, and the ledge starts burning your hands, you're going to let go of the ledge whether you want to or not.
>high IQ
how the fuck are you supposed to use your "high IQ" figure out that there's another plane on the way with literally zero evidence?
>try to bypass fire
(a) No you wouldn't. You can't just run through a massive fire. (b) All the staircases in the North Tower were completely destroyed; there was no way through, even if the people had somehow been able to make themselves fireproof.
I just can't believe you entertained my bait this far
I would jump with a desk, stay on top of the desk for the entire fall and jump off right before it hits the ground. I’m actually surprised nobody tried it. Yeah I know, that’s not how physics work. But then again, that’s probably your best option. To at least TRY im that scenario
Id murder all my coworkers and make a parachute out of their clothes.
who climbs a skyscraper without a parachute?
All of that to dust from two commercial planes. A Hanukkah miracle.
it doesnt look that far, it actually looks pretty comfy down there
I randomly scroll, stop and see a Gertsberg. Stop being 14.
Haha you lazy fat fucking faggot, eat another hot pocket
stand on a piece of wood then jump right before I hit the ground, thereby negating the fall and landing safely
It's happened before because once something hits terminal velocity its speed stops increasing. But yeah if you fall out of a building you're most likely fucking dead.
get a few umbrellas and jump out and land safely like I'm Charlie Chaplin
loads of people tried it they just either didn't end up having enough "rope" or what ever they used or they slipped and fell on the way down.
you could easily make a device with skateboard wheels on both sides, like a clamp and tie a rope to it and slide down those metal rails to safety. How come no one did that?