Bin those blades

Reminder: Pic related is what was used to pull off the biggest terrorist attacks ever, that ended with 75% of the intended targets being hit, one of which was the headquarters of the United States Military

Attached: Boxcutter_1_large.jpg (480x480, 12K)

Attached: Untitled.png (737x522, 890K)

What? Explain. I'm a young fag that doesnt know what ur talking about

razor blades. they took control of the planes with razor blades. people let themselves be flown into buildings because they were threatened with razor blades

A bunch of terrorists used box cutters to slowly saw away at the twin towers until they fell down into their own foorprint

You can kill or irreparably maim a man with a finger length twig chewed to a point.

It's all about proper application.

Shit, by this metric you could hijack a plane with five bully blokes and a box of #2 pencils.

Whaaa. They hijacked 4 planes with razor blades? That sounds sketchy and/or retarted

Yeah but theyre only allowed to use crayons in america, so....

thats the official story kid. you either accept it or be a nut bag tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy tard

Yep and all 100+ passgeners were too scared if getting cut to do anything.... in fact they were so scared the made cell phone calks when ut wasnt even possible.. thats frightening!!!