Why don’t we ever talk about the most important attack on 9/11?

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Because they don't want you to question it.

there was no jumpers

I hope israeli submarines get blown up in the upcoming ww3 where everyone vs israel and lots of jews in those submarines get BTFO.

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dude the plane just evaporated into thin air upon crash landing lmfao

Because the twin towers blowing up was what was put out live worldwide. Also, the pentagon, The Generals etc, has a massive hole in it. Hush Hush.

oy vey shut this down now! I'm calling my buddies at ACLU / JIDF right now to put an end to this nonsense you filthy goyim.

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loll wtf

The day before the Pentagon Accounting Department got smashed


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Is it difficult being a burger knowing your democracy is a lie and having to live in denial that you have no control over your own country?

If you don't see a 757 jet you need your eyes examined.

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We got it back and Israel is gonna be wiped out. Not much longer now Moshe.

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Grow up buttercup.

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israel did 9/11. Literal israelis

Look at the posts on this board, we have no trouble at all deluding ourselves

>deluding ourselves
Enjoy prison shlomo

What evidence was destroyed in buildings 1, 2, 7 and that exact spot in the pentagon?

Even worse, they never explain how said non-existant airplane manage to fly almost level with the ground in order to hit just the outer ring. Instead of say, coming from above and hitting the building at an angle.

What are you insinuating?