This whole presidency is crashing and burning.

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not very sensitive to the inbred community. sjw's will be upset!

totally agree and same with the climate change deniers and flat earth faggots.

Attached: overpopulation.webm (720x480, 2.86M)

Funny how he was proposing to do a lot of shit progressives would have wanted (raise high income tax to 44%, print money if need be) but this guy talked him out of it.

>far-left KIKE calling anyone else inbred

Gradually etc.

Attached: 1526102638458.jpg (635x228, 47K)

>who got most of his information from book
>about the man he was advising

>inbred tanning bed

Attached: 9C0079B0-6F1E-42EE-A7BE-7819BB74CFCC.gif (452x251, 1.87M)

By bess (((levin)))

Kikes, kikes everywhere.

>According to a book

and (((BESS LEVIN)))

Attached: 1505009430428.png (802x802, 90K)

Never trust kikes
That was pretty much Trump's biggest mistake

>disgruntled ex employee says former boss is retarded
Certainly brings cause for consideration.

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That's very islamophobic of him.

Listening to people like Cohn, Ivanka, Jared, Sessions and other dubious types has been Trumps biggest mistake

You can tell this is fake because all of a sudden the left-wing media is calling out money printing and spending as something baaaadddd.

Is he saying Trump is so bright he’ll give you cancer?

Gary is a globalist. Trump said it from the beginning.

>according to woodward's fake news book
>people still posting as if it's fact

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I think he knows

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But tanning beds aren't living things?


The whole thing makes no sense.

Isnt the joke that he doesnt use tanning beds but spray tan?

Tanning beds cant be inbred.

Tanning beds are very bright, and bright is synonymous with smart.

Yes goy, make more mixraced tanning beds


Why are kikes so annoying?

You're right!

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Burn the coal pay the toll, Trump
You wanted Gary (((Cohn))) in there, a guy who despises the white voters who supported you instead of someone who was actually on board with your agenda, so I kinda feel this is a toll getting paid. I don't think Trump is serious enough to ever stop hiring people like this.

I had, of course, heard rumors of the existence of the Disloyaljew, but always dismissed such stories as old wives tales, too unbelievable to be entertained by the mind of modern, rational man.

>Tanning beds cant be inbred.
No, but Jews and POC often call white people "inbred" to vent their hate. I think that's what happened here with Cohn.


This is how dumb that sounds.

kys boomer, nobody interested in you being clever

That's what Trump gets for trusting a jew

so whats his IQ like, 154 kek?

I thought that was some polish protest at first lol

you feel safe in germany, kike?

I wouldn't

>Jews and Niggers calling Whites inbred
Would be funny if it wasn't such blatant projection.

God, I can't wait until we free this country from fucking kikes.

>makes fun of inbreds
>Ashkenazi Jew

Gaucher Disease (1 in 10)
The most common Ashkenazi genetic disease is Gaucher disease, with one out of every 10 Ashkenazi Jews carrying the mutated gene that causes the disease. Doctors classify Gaucher disease into three different types, resulting from a deficiency of glucocerebrosidase (GCase) within the body. Type 1, which is treatable, is the most common form among Ashkenazi Jews.

Cystic Fibrosis (1 in 24)
Normally, cells in the lungs and digestive system produce a thin, slippery mucus as part of normal physiological processes. In people with cystic fibrosis, this mucus becomes much thicker and stickier, which damages internal organs, especially the lungs. It is possible to manage this condition with medications and daily care, but those who develop this disease have shortened life spans, typically only living into the mid- to late 30s.
ay-Sachs Disease (1 in 27)
Certain mutations on the HEXA gene cause Tay-Sachs disease, which is characterized by progressive deterioration of nerve cells (neurons) in both the brain and spinal cord. This destruction results from a shortage of an enzyme required to break down fatty substances in the body. There is currently no cure for Tay-Sachs disease.

Familial Dysautonomia (1 in 31)
Typically, symptoms of this disease are already present when a baby is born. Familial dysautonomia is characterized by changes to nerves in the autonomic nervous system. These nerves are responsible for many involuntary bodily functions, including blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (1 in 41)
There are several different types of this disease, but all affect the control of muscle movement due to a decline in the number of specialized nerve cells, called motor neurons, in both the spinal cord and brainstem. Life expectancy varies widely depending on the type. There is no cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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In politics, keep your enemies closer.

everything jews do is projection

Israel is a literal nazi state

>I only like media that comfirms my bias
How about you call me a projector or some other retarded shit because you’re unable to think for yourself

I think Trump actually trusted these kikes. he thought since he knew them for decades, they wouldn't stab him in the back

now he knows


If this guy is so smart why isn't he president?

Both grandparents waffen-ss, doubt it.
germany has lots of problems going, but we won't reach american retardation levels anytime soon, you homeschooled mutt. Why do you suck off grandpa for free? Why not watch him close and make him fulfil his election promises?

This. Inbred is a dog whistle for anti-white racism, even though whites have low rates of inbreeding compared to other races.

>now he knows
Oh yeah? You think now he knows, that he's learned his lesson?

Don’t get your burka in a knot, Hans.

based German in the thread, thank you Hans you are actually insightful

Hi you rat faced jew kike fuckstain. Sucked any baby cocks lately?

>homeschool is an insult

the absolute state of the krautcuck

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has he hired any jews lately?

>homeschool as an insult

yea i bet he didn't even have a mandatory holocaust day!

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Hahahaha these jews are scratching and clawing to keep their grip around the neck of the USA.

They call trump stupid because he doesn't do what they want. Trump is too smart to reveal his true hand to them, so they don't understand why he does what he does.

>350 people can make the most successful race in the world
ahhhhh. Eugenics has a chance, even with niggers outbreeding everyone nowadays.


I'm not sure who, if anyone, he's hired lately.

>jews, arabs, and niggers are the most inbred people on the planet
the left loves to project

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>according to Bob Woodward's new book
Haven't close to a dozen people denied the claims in his book?

Their entire narrative is that Trump is an idiot. An idiot that shifted to the paradigm on how to get elected in the modern era, beat "the most qualified candidate in history" and has the economy surging well beyond anything Obama ever did. Not to mention historic unemployment and wages rising. He's also avoided getting us entangled in more stupid wars despite the Neocons, RINOs and Democrats doing everything in their power to get us entrenched in Syria.

If Trump is this massive retard how fucking brain dead is Obama, "the most qualified candidate in history", the MSM, Hollywood, academia, the GOPe and the DNC?

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Idk, have you seen how smart some of these tanning beds look

Attached: 1050-high-pressure-tanning-bed-300x225.jpg (300x225, 19K)

>we won't reach american retardation levels anytime soon

Attached: momma merkel.gif (320x180, 1.28M)

Meanwhile pretty much all the awful stereotypes attributed to the south in statistics are purely due to niggers, which are the highest concentrated in the south.

germans are unironically nazis when it comes to homeschooling

Attached: german nazis homeschool.png (1530x652, 352K)

What did he mean?

Tanning beds breed?

At least he's being original instead of saying he has a fourth or fifth grade understanding of things.

How about those who support eugenics?

But it's kinda obvious Trump is retarded

The black illegitimacy rate is approaching 75%. Many of them don't know who there father's are. That means they don't know who half their families are. Factor in that most of them never leave their home town/city, and the horrifying incestuous implications become clear.

>Woodward book

>Vanity Fair


the left has to call Trump stupid, because they can't deal with the fact that they were outsmarted

that's what happens when you base your identity around being "smart"

lol. can't have them forming independent thoughts about the holohoax or anything

Attached: concave_self-fap_miga.jpg (444x432, 100K)

>united states of europe when?.gif
This is degenerate to you?

I am also a strong believer in pre-school because of social interaction you won't find at your barn.

Attached: sure.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Seriously, I've posted the same things a few times before. There must be some genetic tests to figure it out.

Do you think these books actually have any effect? Most of the people interested in it will already dislike Trump, those who like Trump will just see it as another in a long line of hit pieces. I wonder what independents think, do they look at this "Trump is an idiot" narrative and realise it doesn't square with how well things are going?

the effect is slowly eroding his image

What does that have to do with overpopulation?

If only there was some way we could tell

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It's not an outstanding example of Jewish humour.

They're resorting to name calling now.
Never vote for the establishment, they've been unmasked and they're desperate

Gary Cohn is jewish and globalist (same thing)

>the left has to call Trump stupid, because they can't deal with the fact that they were outsmarted

They counter it claiming Russia behind the election and his campaign.
At this rate they won't find anything on him.

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Damn it here I thought we might go through at least one morning where OP wasn't gonna act like a faggot. Oh well guess I was wrong.

A 2 year old could outsmart any leftist on the planet.

Attached: when-inbreeding-is-an-ethnicity.jpg (2047x1365, 363K)

Trump is the best POTUS 4 Israel since the crypto-Jew LBJ.

Attached: TrumpFool.jpg (600x800, 186K)

A fat greasy puto kike.

Imagine my shock.

Can you explain to me how moving the Embassy to jerusalem is not an unequivocally smart thing to do?

you're mistaking media histrionics resulting from record levels of panic in the establishment for problems/chaos in the administration because you're not a very smart person

>Hohol flag
>(((((((Goldman Sachs Gary Cohen)))))))))))))
>by (((((((((((Bess Levin)))))))))))
>according to book by ((((((((Woodward)))))))))))
It's almost like you want to false flag to obscure the fact that (((Drumpf))) is Adelsons cuck boy and a MIGA first neocon Don

I can explain to you why you are a golem for Jews, 49%. But it would fly over your head like Mossad agents into the WTC :^)

>literal who thinks tanning beds can breed
time to make the rounds and get some cash, eh?

He's denying them things behind the scenes (war with Syria) while appearing to give them things publicly. Very interesting to watch.

yeah, the billions gave it away

But what reason would trump have to NOT move the embassy to jerusalem?
Is there any benefit to not doing it?

Guy who will never represent a serious client ever again if any of what (((CNN))) has published about him is true. Sets himself up for the talk show circuit.

>Surely this will be the end of blomph any day now. The guy is seriously one extra scoop away from impeachment.

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