Sand People

Any of you fucks heard of what happened in Vancouver recently?

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ISIS sand nigger kills a chink kid and goes to prison. Another victory for multiculturalism

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Being murdered by Sand niggers is part and parcel of living In the Commonwealth

Mfw Trudeau said he would personally take responsability for anyone harmed by refugees

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The little Chinese bastard won the ultimate prize

Here's a thing. I am an Arab, and let me tell you that you cucks imported the worst """Arabs""". Cowardly Arabs, criminals, and faggots who won't fight for their country and are just blood sucking faggots. Degenerates like these were equivalent to the Russkie street crouching douchebags who try to steal and pickpocket anyone they walk by but Arabs.
Either way, I wish we slaughtered them before they begged to get in and your Jewed libtards let them in by the masses.

Bro my libtard school teacher told us all about how this wasn't a problem and how they are all good. Got called a racist for it. I mean its accurate. But pretty inappropriate.

Our school system is totally fucked. It's basically run by gays designed systemically to crank out more gays.

I'm using it as an excuse to push pic related

It would never have happened if BC stayed out of Canada

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Thats canada for you.