R/MDE and r/BSS remembrance thread

r/MDE and r/BSS remembrance thread

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RIP r/ChadRight

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What happened now? MDE is banned off reddit? Why?

r/MDE ,r/BSS,r/TRR (a backup for bss,existed for like a day) r/ChadRight , and who knows who is next

Probably the admins will use for an excuse the fact that on r/MDE there was a post with an image of h3h3 and helen and the top comment was of how the commenter wanted to rape helen while h3h3 watched, and he posted it without the "in minecraft"
But I think a lot of the reason is because r/MDE was mocking that fucking gorilla nigger that play tennis ,and she is married to spez, an admin

Because apparently they were making fun of Serena Williams and coincidentally enough one of the sites head admins, and founders, is that sheboons husband (cuck) so he jumped on the banhammer.

Am I the only one who thinks that Ethan always sounds like a salty depressed fag? I can't even bear to watch his podcasts to listen to his condescending tone with a touch of nihilism. How does he get the views?

Rest In Peace
We will get revenge

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He's a kike that only got attention because he copied the superior sense of humor of other youtubers.

Some of their shit is pretty funny, idk why anyone would listen to a podcast by them. Most of their content is trash as it is.

What the fuck? I was browsing there just a couple hours ago

Next will be r/KotakuInAction, the GamerGate sub and probably r/CringeAnarchy too

where are all my fellow mde refugees seeking asylum?

here brother. I have plans, but all I can say for now is that if you can't beat them, join them.

r/13451452251849519, private sub

lol r/pol getting btfo. why do you fags even care what happens on plebbit? you have already taken over Jow Forums

>one of the sites head admins, and founders, is that sheboons husband

Which one, user?

subofpeace will probably get the ban bullet first. Shame t_d is a boomer shitfest anymore. It'd honestly be an improvement if they just went back to recycled /ptg/ memes.

this one goes out to the lads, especially the one that told me the name of this song. we had some good times fellas
can't get in yet

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dude is weird as fuck. looks like hes over 50 when hes early 30s and that weird eye shit he does every 2 seconds bothers me too much

Alexis Ohanian, king söyboy
I doubt t_d will get banned soon, it's too big for that. They still prevent their posts from hitting r/all since the elections.

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I hope she fucking splits him in two with her orcish cock, fucking subhumans.

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Ha, thanks bro. I googled their names and I guess he has been putting up 'tributes' to her. Damage control?

Because they offended the admin's wife, Serena Williams for chimping out. Literal pottery the head honcho of reddit is some submissive white cuck with an ultra masculine black wife that bosses him around.

Won't this just send more people here? Civcucks do not survive long on here, they end up coming around or leaving

t_d will never be banned because it's pro-jew, pro-isreal and pro-black. All those subs got banned because they hurt the shabbos goy's butthurt wife Serena Williams.

Mde was banned because Serena Williams was almost balls deep in her reddit husband's twink ass and threatened to push in the extra inch which would have perforated his large intestine causing him to bleed to death unless he made sure that the edgy teens on his faglord website stopped making fun of his orc of a wife

Probably the non stop holocaust denial jokes and bullying of serena williams

Didn't this one get shoah'd as well?

They didn't give a shit, MDE was over 5 years of holocaust jokes. A day after his wife does a chimp out a bunch of subs get banned. Niggers and jews, bad news.

Here (until hiroshimoot is pressured into banning pol) and on twitter (until everyone gets banned off of there as well)

What a stupid fucking reason to ban a sub honestly

Women ruin everything

Discord gg / ZtgFVmq
BSS Discord, refugees welcome

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fuck off

How long until they shoah cringeanarchy?

One week tops, chaponiggers are working overtime

It's not mine but it's one way of keeping together through the great shoah

we should make an /mde/ general until we find a new place to construct the ethnostate

Can we please start harassing u/N8theGr8? He is the one responsible for this shitshow along with gallowboob and some other powermods. Can Jow Forums fuck them up?

idk I joined a few and it was completely dead. it's not the same

Didn't know about him, what a complete faggot

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