Larp? Controlled opposition?

Larp? Controlled opposition?

Attached: nathaniel.jpg (900x900, 112K)

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How does this person provide for themselves, what is their income?

What do you mean, "controlled opposition?" How would someone reasonably expect to control their opponent? Are men not free to pursue their own happiness?

rents out his priestly booty to tyrone and his goons

Controlled LARP.

He is crazy or a false flag.

Attached: HH.jpg (800x533, 72K)

Who gives a shit?

I love you Moshe.

Attached: 1516618519518.gif (360x346, 170K)

How his teef so white

He's so obviously a JIDF plant I crack up whenever I see a polack try to say he deserves VIP access into the ethnostate

Unhinged charlatan LARPing and profiting off simpletons.

That's every hero Jow Forums has.

Stop making this thread over and over faggot.

Got them chosen connections.

lol no

Who is this blasphemous retard?


who is this man

>3 kikes pretending to be an Ancient Hebrew, a white Pole and a shitskin Mudslime walk into an Albanian Basketweaving Forum...

you were already confirmed

Attached: B87F588E-4015-4B23-B220-6334C4B5F56E.jpg (900x900, 110K)

and fist a Nazi. The Nazi keeps yelling, "STOP IT! STOP IT!", but the filthy Pole still continues to fist his sorry neghole. Once the Nazi comes and shits all over his thighs with blood and poop flowing down his legs to his ankles, the Pole goes: "How does this make you feel, white boy?"

Attached: 1536661353454m.jpg (1024x765, 81K)

Just a crazy old jew hippie that got hold of too much psychedelics and got pissed at the jews when they kicked him out. Search for Milton Kapner

The story goes, being raised Jewish, he couldn't stand the way they talked about Jesus... Now spends most of his time shilling against Jews and Israel, seems reasonably intelligent, driven and a little nutty.. Let a man have his LARP, surprised he has got shoah'd yet, although better to keep the enemy where you can see them no? And their viewers, data, statistics etc..

Hes been at it for years, why is he suddenly popular NOW?

>"They're pretending"
>Uses the LARPiest memeflag

Brother Nathaniel is based, shits on Jooos. What's not to love.