Redpilling e-celebs

I know PewDiePie is slowly but surely moving towards being one of /ourguy/s. I think we should move onto other commentary and fitness youtubers. My suggestions would be Rob Lipsett (fitness youtuber who's collabed with The Golden One and commented saying he agrees with TGO's political views) and Ali-A (gamer, never been overtly political but seems like he could be one of us). What do you think and who else could we get?

Attached: Ali-A-grab.jpg (1200x900, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pick one

>twitter polls

3 biggest cancers of this once-great board. In that order.

>PewDiePie and the Golden one
>Same significance as Ali-A

Bit too old to post here, aren't you grannies?


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 74K)

gtfo (((sam hyde)))

>PewDiePie is slowly but surely moving towards being one of /ourguy/s.
I don't. In fact I know it's a lame spastic fuckface idiot.

Both H3H3 and Joe Rogan are becoming full blown twitter SJW's now.

Yeah they're lost causes and I feel like JBP will be soon as well if he keeps up spending more time trying to distance himself from the far right than from the commies
Edgy commentators like Pyrocynical and Leafy seem like they have a bit of potential though
>hating on Sam Hyde
t. (((plebbit)))

Attached: alia.jpg (1280x720, 139K)