It's over

The Swedish Election is officially over.
My country have made a great statement on where we stand on the immigration policy.

The right wing party, SD, failed MISERABLY in the voting. They will have no influence in the coming 4 years. The influx of immigrants and family immigration will persevere. The social democrats is the immigrants' dream party. They entice votes by promising more allowances. At the next election, they will win by a GREATER margin, given the fact that the number of immigrants will be greater.

We have voted for an open community, for multiculturalism, for anti-racism.

Sweden has reigned supreme. We will keep being a role model for the greatest, open country in the world!

Attached: 4522042543_ef719bda73.jpg (359x476, 67K)

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You weren't Christian enough for God to save you. That is the truth.

>t. Amerimutt hiding behind memeflag

We already outed you last time as proxyfag.
You can't even write proper Swedish, kek.

Attached: 1536656332337.jpg (618x893, 134K)

Dont give this kebab/cuck any responds IGNORE

Looks great guys! Have fun! Don't call us, we'll call you!

Attached: burning-cars-800x451.jpg (800x451, 51K)

wow, nice vpn.

ignore and hide.

Even Canada is less cucked than Sweden.

Attached: 1532737850411.jpg (401x619, 92K)

What is wrong with this guy?

He's unironically doing a troll face.

Hod did they fail they went up 4,7% and are not far from being second place.

Sug min kuk kebabjävel

Enjoy the extra crime and rape

We know the election was rigged. We saw what you did. You didn’t vote for anti racism. You had a joke election that used intimidation tactics to influence results. Kill your leaders and then yourself.

God wills it.

Lol at calling me an americanfag. I am as Swedish as they go, you pathetic losers.

Rasisterna har förlorat! Vi, de riktiga svenskarna har segrat. Det är över. Inget kan stoppa invandringen nu.

perfectly balanced

Attached: ThanosDabs.jpg (1400x1400, 414K)

It's no problem, will eventually run out of money for gibs,just like us.

as all things should be

Sweden is doomed. How does it feel to destroy a once great country and know that it is entirely the fault of you and your retarded ape breathren?


I needed a real life lesson to teach my son why you fags never really fought in any war. Never stood up to any advancing army in Europe. Thanks for putting a nice cherry on top with your faggotry.
Sweden has always been the land of cucks and your culture will disappear because of it.
In 100 years you will be talked about like the Incas here in America.

You see an inca in the mirror you disgusting mutt

Attached: amerimutt.gif (480x228, 263K)


Even if SD won, it would yeld to the pressure of the other parties. Nobody would collaborate with them. The immigration would never stop anyway.

Blacks like orange cheese, FYI

Imagine calling someone a pathetic loser right now.

If you sincerely believe this, you have completely misunderstood the outcome of this election. All SD really needed and all they could hope for was to increase their strength enough to be able to bomb the budget with just the support of S.

Now we are going to see a political game of cat and mouse where everyone will have to pretend a certain thing in the beginning but end up choosing what is the best for themselves. S wants to rule, but need the support from C and L. C and L can't agree to this without losing a significant part of their voter base, and they know this. The alliance would be the best compromise considering the current standing, but S and SD cannot agree to this without losing a significant part of their voter base. S in particular know this from the situation in Germany, and SD have no reason to agree to it.

There is only one solution that works, that doesn't result in people losing face. That is M(+KD) with a discreet support from SD. C and L won't support it, but they don't want a reelection, so they will be forced to accept it, and they won't lose voters. SD can support it without losing confidence, since a government without C and L indicates it will be less immigrant-friendly, despite the lack of formal negotiations. S, MP and V may vote against it, but it doesn't matter. They don't have the seats to vote it down.

Ironically, the anti-SD stance of the other parties and their previous commitments will directly result in SD getting an extremely strong position, and it opens up for open cooperation with them in a new conservative block in the next election.

Are you implying that it is the immigrants' fault for the invasion of other country?
The main problem are the people that stood and watched or worse actively participated in the destruction of their own culture.
Same as feminism is the failure of men and SJWs are the failure of moral conservatives.

Leafs are of no value.Back to your cuck shed,faggot.

He's Canadian

Attached: the mutt.png (227x214, 4K)

He's not wrong tho, we'll be forgotten if nothing happens in the future. Let's hope it remains a lession and our neighboor countries resist the swarm of black hordes that will try to flee to their country after we collapse.


Thank GOD my great-grandmother immigrated out.


Psst hey mutt they guy you think is swedish is a kebab.

If you want to see more indications of why this is the case, you need only look at V. V wants a government as socialist as possible, yet their leader openly agreed to an alliance government in certain scenarios. Why? He ironically hoped for the alliance to get more votes than the red-greens, to avoid this political deadlock. He knew that a pure conservative government was the alternative, so he would rather have an alliance government than a pure conservative one. If the alliance had received more votes than the red-green bloc, he would have been able to support an alliance government. Now he can't do this without losing face.