Post 9/11 generation

Ok, I’m a zoomer. i was born about a month after 9/11. I have only ever witnessed the life in the Post-9/11 world.

How should I and generations of people after me look at this tragedy?

I also want to see what other Gen Z kiddos have to add, but all are welcome to respond

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Look deep

It’s a shame the post-9/11 generation has had to grow up in a world that’s never known peace. I doubt you would remember the invasion of Iraq or when we started combat operations in Afghanistan. I suppose fighting in the Middle East is just part of life now. But there was a time, before 9/11, when we did know an era of peace.

Yeah like the only bad guy in the world was Saddam Heisein, and the only people we dropped bombs on were Slav shits in some Eastern European countries nobody could point to on a map

Think for yourself. If you do not, you are nothing more than chattel for the powers in government and in business.

Memes that come from before you were born are ALL forced memes.

>literally adimmted to being underage

You're like my kid. Same deal. Kids still dont understand what happened I think and see it as a tragedy and that's it. They dont know life before it and most never researched truth about it. What was done following it is truly sad, it created a new suspense for people. You never knew what was gonna happen after that day of 9/11 and our mindsets totally changed. The world we had changed in one day honestly. What happened was the beginning and the end of so many things. Sad.

>How should I and generations of people after me look at this tragedy?

Neocon boomers allowed it to happen to hijack control of the country for their interests in the middle east and we footed the bill. Also, the constitution is a husk of itself now.

no your a GUID poster, kys

For a long time Americans hadn't felt "vulnerable." Not many people ever entertained the possibility of a bombing or an attack, those were freak occurrences in shithole countries. Things like the OKC Bombing did happen, but few people had unease or dread about that happening to them.

Just what I was thinking, my greatest shekel gibs ally.

>How should I and generations of people after me look at this tragedy?
but not being a GUID poster OP faggot

I remember before and after 9/11 and don't understand reacting to anything but the exact now. Like people think I should be reacting to the 90s when they're gone. Why should I react to a world that isn't there? Only the present exists.

Yea, I’ve always felt weird whenever 9/11 comes up. My parents mention it and they get all emotional, so I kinda feel some sadness, but in general I’m just very disconnected from the event itself

>Ok, I’m a zoomer.

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18+ you dumb faggot

npc of the day

Well I am. I’m from the generation that listens to retarded rap music and does dumb Fortnite dances. Sorry if this upsets you pal, I have nothing else to say

I was 16/17 watching live. I now know this...

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9/11 was probably a false flag used to justify middle eastern wars as another tool to advance a one world government and new world order, or just to make some contractors rich. Its possible it was just a Muzzie chimp out, but even if it was, there were some shady things that happened surrounding it like Bush chartering planes to fly the Bin Ladin family and Saudi royals out of the country the day it happened, when no other planes were allowed to leave. The main message of 9/11 however is this- you are a sheep. You are controlled by a few men you will never see, and you have no influence on what happens in the world. Big picture events are for plebs to speculate on, gossip over, and ooh and aah, cry and wail, clap and cheer. You arent supposed to know what is actually happening, and even if you do, you will never have any influence over it. Your place is to try to fornicate with other sheep in the yard, collect a little extra feed for yourself. Concerning yourself with the purpose of the farm, or why it is run a certain way, or what the true motives of the farmers are, will only bring you pain. It is an excercise in futility. The other sheep will just think you are a weirdo if you even bring it up.

>i was born about a month after 9/11.
So you're 16 then? If you were born October 2001 then you must be 16, and about to turn 17 next month.

So you're underage.

Enjoy your ban!

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>How should I and generations of people after me look at this tragedy?
Look back on it as the day the American Optimism of the 90's died and instead we entered into an era of Eternal War. If you want to really get a feel for the change that happened, I'd recommend this video.
That said, while 9/11 has shaped the world you were born into, you should not let the shadow it cast define your life. That's the millennial's burden - the shock of that day, the anger the next, joining the military to try and fight back, and then the disillusionment with modern America - that's the millennial's journey. You gen Z fags still have time to write your own story. The Strauss-Howe theory everyone liked to parrot when we were young said millennials would be the next greatest generation. and you would be Gen X. Don't be the next gen X - become the greatest generation that the millennials never were, while you still have your optimism.

Sorry for the faggy blog post.

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