Pretty Fats

Can we make the term "pretty fat" a thing? Like you have your fat girls and your pretty fat girls. The weight differential shouldnt matter since fat is fat at any size, right, so the only thing that should matter is does this fat cow make you want to vomit on sight.

Attached: prettyfat.jpg (1205x698, 85K)

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>inb4 post with 1 ID


Horrible shit. Pretty my ass.

No such thing as "pretty fat" in the same way there's no such thing as "healthy at all weights". Stop posting.

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God no.

Both want to make me vomit on sight.


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she's at least attractive in the face
but wouldnt it be fun to call them pretty fats even if they are 10 lbs overweight?

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>but wouldnt it be fun to call them pretty fats even if they are 10 lbs overweight?

Nope. No point putting makeup on a pig.

Dont ever get involved with a giant girl, shell seek positive attention from anyone, youd think theyd be loyal but theyre the opposite. Go figure if shes huge shell have emotional issues, cant imagine one that is obese but fancies herself very pretty.

Go to be tumblr somewhere else

How about cream fancy

thats not pretty fat, thats very fat.

Why would you want to be with an unhealthy woman?

those 2 bitches were disgusting but the one was at least a pretty fat...

Holy fucking shit look at that blob of an arm on the so called 'pretty fat'.
She's fucking disgusting. They are both equally revolting.

She's just a fat turd wearing makeup. All I can think of is a poor tattooist constantly running out of ink.

Would be funny to have all the fat fuck body acceptance cunts have a meltdown when they realize that they're not only fat but also ugly, i think that was OPs point, seperate them into good lookong fat women and ugly fat women. Spoiler alert: 99% of them are ugly.
That would create some infighting and at best some an heros.

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You can make anything attractive with enough makeup and photoshop

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You see, they would look pretty hot if they actually took care of themselves. That's why this pretty fat thing will never catch on. They'd simply just actually be pretty if they lost some weight.

>she’s attractive
Nofap has done a number on you hasn’t it.

I know one like that. 300 lbs plus. She’s a nice person, but not attractive.

maybe, but they are too fat, and barely a pretty fat. also lezzy which is a no

>fooled by makeup and tattoos
When you reach higher levels of sentience you filter out facades so easily you forget other lesser beings are still sucked in to it.

By the way, the bitch on the right (aka Tess Holliday who claims size 22, is actually a size 26--claims 300lbs is actually 350lbs) has easily 80lbs more on her frame than the one of the left (size 16 to size 18 or 185-220lbs depending on height). Note the size of the arms.

oh and with makeup they're identical faces

>so the only thing that should matter is does this fat cow make you want to vomit on sight.

all fats make me vomit on sight no matter what they wear

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Mal has a sister?! Oh god, there goes my nofap

>fat roastie detected
We arent gonna call you pretty

im not saying one is preferable over the other, they are both disgusting. but id let the one on the left suck my dick as long as she promises not to eat the entire thing

>attractive in the face
Fuck no, nearly every landwhale can manage to snap a decent photo. You just need the right angle and boom, you look like a normal human being.
The issue with being fat is not fat itself. You can get rid of fat pretty easily once you set your mind to it. The issue is the mentality of those cunts, they're living a lifestyle of hedonism and expect others to applaud them for it. One should always strive to improve oneself in some way.

If they get much bigger they'll both get into the "dumpling phase" when the their sex is indecipherable in the face, men and womens features melt into the same median dumpling look.

>skinny - thick

No. Lose some weight or die trying, you fat piece of shit.



That's not fucking fat, that's way beyond obese, it's literally so far that the state or corporation you work for has to intervene.

The whore on the right will look exactly like the whore on the left when you take off her makeup and undo the photoshop. Both are equally gross and probably smell like two tons of ass.

Attractive in the face my ass. Put enough makeup around my asshole and there will be people stupid enough to kiss it.

No. Fat is not pretty.

I think this is a brilliant idea that needs to spread. Create a level of animosity and jealousy between sjws and hamplanets.


Libshits are cannibalistic beyond belief already. One of our best options is to use divide and conquer tactics on their sub-groups.

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They should both be renamed Cardiac Arrest

this, and the whore on the left is still less of a cow.

how about fucking fat, seems to suit both cases


No. That picture has 2 fugly pigs. The second one is even worse.
This pic should be captioned "Fat and Photoshopped fat"

Sorry, I checked with the slampiggie caucus, and they won't allow it.

I can't even tell if this is a bait or a thread by a genuine deviant chubby chaser.

That ham planet isn't pretty by any stretch
The reason she looks passable in pictures is because of absurd amounts of makeup and Photoshop
Believe me that bacon galaxy has disgusting cellulite just like every other beef goblin out there

Passably pudgy
Fuckably fluffy
Tolerably tubby
Poundably plump
Humpaly husky
Doable dumpy

Scale this with pics of fat to inhuman and you have a scale

>she's at least attractive in the face
>caked on makeup

Nigga, you ain't fooling anyone. Fat isn't beautiful. There's a reason people have a visceral disgust of fat people, one which I'm sure you're very familiar of.

Photoshopably fixable
Shopably shapeable?

Here's the problem: Does fat make someone less attractive?

If it does, than anyone who is "pretty fat" is, at best, equally attractive to someone who is "pretty ugly".

If it doesn't, then your objective of beauty is someone who isn't physically healthy. That means you're not mentally healthy, and potentially not genetically healthy.

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those tats are nearly life size! what a fat ass.

>those misshapen blobs she calls arms

I don't care if she has a pretty face, her body literally looks like an old rubber movie monster that absorbs people and turns them into tattoos.

Fucking this.

I used to study the fat acceptance community years ago before i found out about the greater sjw/marxist movement

Hambeasts use pretty fats to be pretty by proxy, without saying so. Pretty fats are a PR tool for them

However hambeast are jealous lot, and creating a "pretty fats" category takes away their ability to use them. Because now they are not pretty but someone else is. Meanwhile the "pretty fats" lose their primary support base of hambeast.

Much like how internally "small fats" and "death fats" are at odds. pretty fats is a perfect divisive term

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but im not saying i think that either one is attractive to me personally.
lets look at this:
>being called fat is an insult
>being objectified about appearance is insulting
>call a woman fat is pretty bad
>saying shes fat but saying the only worthwhile quality about her is that if she dropped 100 lbs shed be attractive is pretty bad
>pretty fat

look at pretty fat's biceps. HOLY FUCK!

No. Pork is haram.

It's best to just check her neck/arms/stomach

I mean overweight girls can have pretty faces if they get lucky and the fat stays below their neck/shoulders. Super rare though. Also you're comparing a photo taken at the beach with minimal makeup and probably an amateur photographer to a photo with tons of makeup and a professional photographer.

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>pretty fat
you mean a kilo of makeup and shoop.


>have to put an inch of makeup all over your arms to hide your arm cellulite and make your skin look smooth


>Can we make the term "pretty fat" a thing?
yes of course user
tell hem to lose weight.

could you do something about those fatties you have here in my country whaling around cosplaying as garbagebags please.. they realy are a haramic eyesour and nosesour and doesn't do anything good for your religion either.. it's revolting

She looks like a fucking Pig

That's not what "fat" is. That's "obese".

Obese people are some of the ugliest most unsightly people to walk the earth (assuming that they can walk). "pretty fat" should be reserved for people with beer bellies. These women are land whales.

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she's a little bit pretty and a little bit ugly. she's pretty ugly.

don't forget flatso...fat and flat chested