>After being stabbed Bolsonaro reaches 30% of the votes and the second candidate falls to 8%
>Trump made contact with Bolsonaro family after the incident.
Get in there lads, let's meme bolsonaro till the election and make brazil great once.
>Good music for your ears:
/JBG/ Jair Bolsonaro General
Other urls found in this thread:
Please tell me he's going to win.
Btw what happens if he doesnt?
Quarta sai a pesquisa do antagonista, vejamos!
>Federal aid
>Not Coontown
Military takeover is not out of the picture. Our ballots are electronic so there is no way to audit them and his main opponents are two Maduro-tier leftists, a man who's made a pact with every corrupt element in congress and a woman who has no clear instance on anything.
It's the only one available in the jewtube
Pehaps, in brazil we have second turn, if he goes to the second turn he'll probably lost.
By the way, leftists are spamming the picture where only Bolsonaro's stitched belly appears and saying it is from someone else and that it was posted on Jow Forums back on 2017 (twitter.com
I just listened to it in jewtube.
I use UK jewtube. Probably have been censored by the jewropean union laws.
Is this real lad?
He's shitting through his belly now.
Bolso the Clown is a Zio shill just like Trump.
Probably called Jair's family to give them tips on how to suck cut cock.
>Is this real lad?
t. memeflag
yes, Brazilian monkey man...your flag is a meme flag,
show flag poojet
Yeah yeah, go full nazi, lost international support, debt, crisis, starvation, lost people's support, get impeached, Commies come back to the power, things get worse.
The redpilling process is by parts.
Why was he stabbed? Just Brazilians being Brazilians?
Not saying the the 9 fingered faggot could do better, he didn't...neither did the commie cunt.
However, in this world we live in, only politicians who they control get on the ballot.
commies are butt hurt because their 9 fingered faggot ex-president was not allowed to become president once again.
Bolsonaro needs a gun. Blast those faggots himself.
he is ex-military, he is pro-gun and probably has quite a few.
So will him getting electing mean violently purging communists? This is extremely important, I want to erase communists.
A mad dog set loose on Bolsonaro by (((someone))). We know there are people behind this because:
>Guy was an unemployed man who had recently moved into the city in advance to the Bolsonaro rally
>As soon as he got arrested he got assisted by four top tier lawyers
>Said lawyers literally used a PRIVATE JET to reach the city where he was detained
>It was first said that they were paid by a concerned local Jehovah's Witness community, which denied the fact
Correction: Private plane, not jet
>Get in there lads, let's meme bolsonaro till the election and make brazil great once.
Nah, best case scenario is he dies in the Hospital and Brazil erupts like a volcano full of chimps
That makes me like him even more. I pray he has a speedy recovery, he's Brazil's last hope.
nah, he really isn't hope.
He is a hardcore zionist.
Brazil always provides quality gore
>muh zionism
who are u supporting then? what is the better answer?
Bolsonaro is as based as you get while also being pro isreal
>as based as you can get while being pro-israel
Nope Moshe, the lesser of evils is still fucking evil.
I have no horse in this race.
What will happen I do not know, what I know is that I will not recognize any other candidate as president.
Don't forget pic related.
The guy has ties to politicians.
nothing. people here are too lazy to do anything of relevance.
also, nothing would happen if he also got elected. our executive power is severely hindered by the legislative and he has a very weak coalition. unless we fix our legislative, the people who rule the country will keep ruling it. the president is only a face people can easily identify as "the government"
Bolsonaro is a kike.
He wants to make Brazil a puppet state of Israel, just like the Jews did with the US of A.
>people can easily identify as "the government"
being a government means having the resources and capability to kill an uprising
everyone else is a terrorist
Then Brazil will become Venezuela. Have you seen Ciro's economic plan? After 8 year of Obama, do you think the USA would survive Hillary with that insane immigration plan?
This is the most important election just like the american was.
Holy fucking shit. You right-wingers are just plain DUMB. there wasnt ever fucking communism in Brazil, PT is not even full left, centrism with social dignity isn't communism and every government since the coup (yes, It was a fucking coup in 1964) was bad and corrupt in some way. I hope Lula dies along with that poisonous populism of his, and that bolsonaro fucking shits his organs out. Brazil isn't going to become Venezuela if bolsonaro isn't elected, it's just not going to have an homophobic, misogynist, racist (those are probably all cumpliments to all of you counts) dishonest and a puppet of an imperialist pig president. He's not going to change SHIT. He's just fucking stupid and basic and couldn't change his fucking house. Gonna make Brazil poorer and even more unequal than it is. Not even a nationalist or patriot, as stated that he will sell Amazon to yankees and fuck indigenous people up. Fucking people.
You treat ciro like he's a lunatic but he's perfectly reasonable, smart and strong. Definitely not a commie as you state it, but infinitely superior to that bozo.
this has to be bait
the complete unwillingless of the left to compromise in the most reasonable of issues will destroy this country I tell you.
you KNOW a big portion of the people outright want to revoke the unweaponing statute and yet you refuse to support litretaly the most reasonable of the re formulations.
you are a disgusting power hungry lunatic, your unwillingnes to compromise in public and economic policy will only cause military uprising.