The US intelligence “community” has informed the US Media that Syrian President Assad is planning a new gas attack...

The US intelligence “community” has informed the US Media that Syrian President Assad is planning a new gas attack on Idlib Province, where a ragtag army of US-backed “rebels” (ISIS, etc) remain holed up against Assad’s forces backed by Russian air support. Mounting evidence shows an orchestrated campaign by them to meddle in the 2016 elections, and continue meddling afterward to thwart, discredit, delegitimize, and defame Mr. Trump, for the purpose of leaving him little room to act.

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>Mounting evidence shows an orchestrated campaign by them to meddle in the 2016 elections
Tax evasion charges?

Are you a bot?

Happy Birthday Mr, President

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This has got to be a bot post

when has the CIA or FBI ever lied, that never happens

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You mean US "intelligence" community, dummy

>"intelligence communities" force diversity hires
>now too fucking retarded to false flag correctly

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Evidence now points to collusion between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, a cast of rogue spooks from the CIA, various FBI officers, and British Intelligence

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this is one of the most slidiest slide threads I've ever seen. How many buzzwords did you just cram into two sentences!? ..actually...that's amazing...I'm not even mad. I'm not even going to sage for this. Pic related is how I read your post.

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