Will the madman drop redpills today?

Will the madman drop redpills today?

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I used to care about 9/11, but seriously fuck Jew York City

>17 years since September 11th!
Drumpf again! Today is September 11th. How can someone this stupid become president.





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you got banned from fucking /v/ for posting that shit meme, why are you still trying to force it?


yeah, probably something to do with Mueller and 9/11

it's coming.

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>1 post by this ID
bot or shill

17 years
q is 17th letter in the alphabet
shit is about to go down today

eat a bag of dicks, leaf

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This is offensive.
It's like he's laughing at his own sick fucking joke.
This man needs to be impeached.

17 years people! Whoa!

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Nothing ever happens.

>17 years
what a blackpill

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Next year
people born on 9/11 will be able to post on Jow Forums

The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q


>Will the madman drop redpills today?
Your Hillary voting cousin member and Bush voting uncle are too "unaware and compliant" to get redpilled because you are a bitch who says nothing at the Thanksgiving dinner table?

get /comfy/ lads the ride never ends

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The repeated 17s in trumps tweets pretty much proves Q is a shill whos in contact with him and it's all mason/mossad psyops

How is Jow Forums celebrating this joyous occasion?

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