Africa Population Boom

The Tanzanian president over the weekend told women to give up on contraceptives. He told them not to listen to the bad advice from the west since the country needed more people. Tanzania's popullation has quadrupled in the past 50 years. The president said
"I have travelled to Europe and elsewhere and have seen the harmful effects of birth control. Some countries are now facing declining population growth. They are short of manpower."

My point is, If a "subhuman" leader can look beyond propaganda and impose decisions that he views as beneficial to his people, how come the ubermensch were unable to foresee the dangers of not having kids and importing millions of browns and blacks.. Is it possible that your extreme "wisdom" made you too wise to even remember to perform basic biological functions.. answer me ubermensch user?

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Africans are redpilled as fuck. It's just too bad that Europe is getting all the criminals and parasites.


We don't actually NEED more people. There are too many humans. Our technology can provide what manpower used to. Besides, birth control only prevents UNWANTED pregnancies, so we have much less crime problems from fatherless homes.

>We don't actually NEED more people. There are too many humans.

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The side effects of hormonal birthcontrol are still extremely detremental to our society. If it was only condoms no problems there. But as soon as you fuck with peoples hormones you are creating a whole bunch of problems.

I think it's more about being more in tuned with nature, so here policies that are obviously anti-human are harder to implement..
In the west it's probably a combination of separation from nature plus a hubris belief that tech and policy can control reality.

no, there are too many nonwhites-- humans are pretty rare globally

>implying increasing population when resources are becoming limited is a good thing
African and Asian population booms are ticking time bombs for the destruction of global environments, rural spaces and primary industry. It happened in the Klondike and it’ll happen on the world stage and while Westerners see the reason to lower and equilibriate population to respond to technological progress the subhumans haven’t and they will be the downfall of the entire world.

>We don't actually NEED more people
So no white genocide right..
Plus the single mother thing is an epidemic in black America, not in Africa..

I've always wondered why niggers are so stupid.

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are you actually black or are you a white NGO worker?

Isn't 40 million people enough?
>TFR 5.2 btw
>no need for birth control btw
>200 mil people in future

and people wonder why theyre starving

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Yeah let's pop out another couple billion. That'll fix things.

says the mongrel posting an obvious joke picture

Which African country is gonna emerge the most powerful out of this century

By telling white families to limit the number of kids they have, you are basing your theory on the flawed assumption that everyone is going to play fairly.. That wont happen..that is the cause of the current cultural replacement in EU and canada.
The solution should be to look for sustainable solutions for the obvious billions who will emerge soon.. whether it's terraforming Sahara, Antarctica or Mars. Whatever. we should be outer looking. not inlooking.

The solution is to STOP FEEDING THEM. These primitives aren't and cannot support themselves. They're being fed, clothed, and medicared for by western money.
If you stop all this money going to these countries, the primitives will start dying off en masse from starvation and disease.

None, otherwise SA would emerged as it literally has a template of all the thins needed for a first world country, yet the niggers don't know how to use them and ooga booga everywhere. Niggers will never become a first world country. The only reason they can somewhat sustain themselves is due to gibs all the world gives them

Tanzania is actually a good example. they are managing their popullation quite well and can manage even if it tripples in the next 50 yrs

Black.. Why else would i be saying this. A white NGO worker would be arguing for popln control

There's a bell curve of intelligence where one gets to the point of rationalizing ones beliefs and decisions. If you're low enough, you're barely operating above instinct, get near the middle and you start undermining your instincts goals(ie birthcontrol), and once you reach the higher levels you understand WHY your instinct has these goals.

it depends, Rwanda is doing well, Botswana as well. the century has just begun so its hard to decide.

>having kids

Nice euphemism for "ruling women"

Women have to decide who gets to fuck and how far procreation goes. If nations die because of that, they did not deserve to live in the first place. It's evolution.


You're not wrong

Tanzania is a socialist country. It doesnt really rely on Aid. What is destroying some other African countries is mostly selfish corrupt leaders or puppet master control from foreign powers

Sometimes ignorance is bliss

how will they feed themselves?

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Nigeria will forever be a shithole. Every African country has potential, except for Nigeria

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>Which African country is gonna emerge the most powerful out of this century
Go back Muhammed

>crime goes down
>"oi mate ye got a loicense for that peace and prosperity"
>imports migrants
>crime goes back up

yeah, he's right. you guys are retarded


only betas and cucks let their women rule over them

Disagree. yes Nigeria has it's issues but it also has massive potential.

For what it's worth, I agree with you. A country should grow to the population it can sustain on it's own. It's an integral part of healthy economic growth, and should be encouraged.

??? Colgate did you forget to switch to Pepsodent?

The situation will get much worse in the world.

there will be a time when blacks will demand equal spread of their population in europa/asia/america.
snapshot this post.

White people are the only people retarded enough to say shit like "durrr the world is already overpopulated". Therefore they'll be wiped the fuck out like any faulty biological organism. You don't have to feel bad either because it means they are inherently unfit to survive

Because we Ubermensch aren't ruling ouf countries. We're jewish dominated and we have to remove those jews from power

We need more WHITE people

This. Stop helping them and they'll return to their original state

Implying they wont just zerg into europe

Low energy demoralization shill. Most whites are only like that BECAUSE of jewish brainwashing and dominance

Then we'll have to slaughter them

Also you're a low T faggot

Wont work
People will let them in and work very hard to help as many as possible reach europe
Look at how it is today, a few (compared to the total number) of white people work towards importing as many blacks as possible

Imagine if we had millions of blacks who worked toward the same goal...

gibs from whitey and shiet


must be why we're getting flooded with immigrants

>still doesn't get it
Lmao are you an actual Ahmed?

>We don't actually NEED more people
Yes we do, we NEED more white people you utter moron. This sappy feminine attitude is exactly what's gotten us into this mess.

> Non-whites need to be removed from white societies
> Birth control needs to be banned
> Women prohibited from voting
> Women prohibited from working
> Divorce not recognized
> Abortion a capital offence
> Rape a capital offence
> Traditional Christianity enforced

There you go, the system would literally sort itself out from there.

>Because we Ubermensch aren't ruling ouf countries. We're jewish dominated and we have to remove those jews from power

Implying that white countries are the only ones with behind the curtain controllers and influencers

>Implying not having children is a good thing.
>A 50 year depression is a good thing.

Let's face it, wh*Te countries need immigrants because it is a bandaid solution for the no-children problem. The problem with that African country is that no one would want to immigrate there, so they are forced to have children period.

People who let them are like that because and only because of JEWISH influence. Why are you even doing on Jow Forums? Remove the jews, neutralize the cucks and then machinegun the fuck out of the invaders

The polulation is growing user, it will continue to grow, this is inevitable. its up to us which color reproduces faster

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birth control fucks with a girls hormones, her digestion, her gut. A lot of those problems carry over to the baby even when she has come off it.

You have to be an absolute moron to be on the pill.

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What are you even trying to say monkey?

This. If we don't breed, we are doomed

Been receiving US foreign aid nice 1961 (fuck you, JFK). More mouths to feed = more foreign aid from Uncle Sugar. More foreign aid = more this scumbag skims off the top.

We've got to stop feeding these parasites. I want them all to die.

Yes goy, constant population growth is a requirement and not even a matter to discuss. We need more slaves to exploit and keep the machine well oiled. Don't pay attention to the negatives though.

You forgot to criminalize adultery, wh*Te cuck.

Another low T faggot or a demoralization shill. We won't be slaves if we remove the jews. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING ON Jow Forums. YOU'RE STRAIGHT OUT ADVOCATING FOR WHITE GENOCIDE FAGGOT

Have you talked to someone like this ever?

I have a friend on jewbook and he recently posted about how "conservatives are retards because they dont have a degree"
Meanwhile he works as a masseus and has a "degree" in giving massages

These people are delusional and in order to stop em you need to kill em

>Ubermensch aren't ruling ouf countries

Also, this statement is an oxymoron.. how can you be the supreme human when there is a separate group controlling you?

They're delusional because they are immature and mentally weak people manipulated by jewish subversion. If i could stop my cousin from being a pot smoking lefty the programming can be undone on the general population

Anglos are the jews of europe.
I'm unironically convinced.

Because of subversion and lies. Even a superior people can be played by it's own naivety. Also you're lucky i'm even replying to you nigger

say the line shill. youll be extinct soon.

Im legit thinking of moving to africa with my family as a christian fleeing from sodomites. I am scared of the future of my familiy in the west, but im white with mixed kids, i dont know if people there would accept me. Truly life is anguishing, everyday i see more antiGod filth every i go...

Low IQ D&C from a brazillian monkey

Or we could keep the subhumans out of our countries and stabilize our own population. This "shit out 9 kids even if you can't raise them" meme is tool for the kikes to enslave everyone and keep them dependent on the government for gibs. We don't need to breed like niggers. Our countries are stable with constant population explosions. Have kids, but don't have kids you can't afford to raise or can't raise. The only reason the globalist Jews in power want constant population growth is to keep feeding the Ponzi schemes such as social security and other gibs programs the boomers put into place because they thought they were too retarded to handle their finances into old age after retirement. But I can see you like to type in all caps in an angry emotional way instead of actually thinking about what you're talking about.

yes, but the point is these people will stand by their delusions and will fight you tooth and nail to let these people in

So you need to fight an incoming army, sabotage and an army coming from the back
how do you plan to win that?

It's most definitely right to ask for more childs per mother, but Africa should be aware this is only possible in their case because of these massive 3rd world financial support coming from mostly white countries. If Africa were to be left on its own, it would see a quick decline in population by wars, starvation and diseases.

If you're betraying your race because of it's own weakness you're even weaker yourself them


So what? Massive swaths of europe died off over and over again from plagues over the centuries. Its part of life, now there are no plagues or major wars, but europe has chosen to slowly kill itself by immorality.

Redpilled guy. Birth control is the prime cause of western collapse.

Then you solve a lot of the world's problems. Let's do that. If you just encourage white people to act like niggers then you get countries full of white niggers. We're talking about two different things. Remove Jews, I agree. Stupidly shitting out 8 kids you can't afford to raise only feeds into scheme to keep everyone dependent on the government for shit instead of being independent and able to tell the government Jews to go fuck themselves.

Hearing a frenchmen speak of race betrayal is like a jew complaining of discrimation, pure hypocrisy. France is the epicenter of immorality and race mixing of europe, and the most despicable race that the west has ever produced. Death to france, you people are satans loyal servants

I don't have a plan but at least i'm on the right track. You have to see thing things by how they are then find what could be the best solution against that (here i am) then find a way to make it happen and this is why we're all here on Jow Forums in the first place


So what? White are the only ones that have the technology besides Japan to actually be able to contain and grow a population massively without any aid from the outside fucker.

Niggers are dying because of their incompetence to use their own rich land appropriately. Whites because they are infiltrated by Jews for thousands of years.

There is also foreign influence in Africa,. be it America, China, Former colonial powers, Israel, Russia, or even neighboring Afro states.. How come we can undo that influence in many cases but you the "superior" being has no option.

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You don't have to be whiggers in order to have a large family. Our own History tells the opposite

it's either mass sterilisation and the access to welfare and outside help or nothing and the nogs are on their own. That should be the choice for Africa.

preach it. It is one of the biggest cause of whorification of the west. It fucks with womens brains (known to cause anxiety/depression and they still take it) and makes it so there is no consequences for having sex.

Condoms would be better because girls still have the proper chemical releases and hesitation towards having casual sex.

You're a low IQ retard by even thinking that way. Have it even crossed your small mind that i don't share the worldview of my traitor government and most of my people or are you just baiting?

>I don't have a plan
Here is a plan
Biological weapons aimed at the right racial markers
Develop these and youre set

Complete removal of the stuff is the only solution, both to declining birth rates and to over casual sexual relations.

And people fucking die, the west is absolutely fucked right now. Late births leads to bad mitocondria, lower fertility, birth control leads to homosexuality and genital defects, iqs have been going down and not just from immigration. This is how shit flies, I wish the first world would cut off all their aid, i know all they aid they sent here goes straight to abortion supporters and birth control, pro gay shit. People need to stop fighting against natural selection, if africans breed too much and tons die, thats not anyone elses problem, them immigrating is something actively being done by foreigners who bring them to europe, they wouldnt make it on their own..

>Biological weapons aimed at the right racial markers

Wtf are you me? I legit thought about that last week

Fucking wasted by a demoralization retard

That's because in history, the government didn't have everyone dependent on the government for everything, which is how it is today. Can't afford that new car because you have 10 kids? No problem, just sign up for some government program to feed the little shits. Back in history it didn't matter. You worked or you starved. And people respected family and the familial units. Having children used to be a great honor and what everyone strived to do. Nowadays it's a pain in their eyes. All due to Jewish subversion. So first step is eliminating Jews and all these stupid government socialist programs. Well first step is to close all borders to invaders. Shoot anyone who crosses into your country uninvited. Once we lock down our countries, we can begin the cleanup.

Grt fucked frenchy, france is absolute disgusting shit, and it has been for centuries. Go get stabbed by your arab bull or something, jack off while your mother gets ass fucked by pack of rabid muslims

Then you have a plan, hop to it.

les français aiment le pénis noir

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Shut your mouth mentally impaired subhuman