Nike sales are up 31% since the Kaepernick campaign. How do you feel white boi?
Blacks are kings in the white men's land and no matter how you bitch and moan it's a fact, your women worship US, your media worship US, your government takes from you to give to US but doesn't matter the natural selection already dictates for the evolutionary black men why? Stronger genes, better adaptation, more muscular and masculine, smarter, suffer less from genetic diseases. Embrace it BLACK is the evolution lads! THE FUTURE IS BLACK!

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 10.56.58.png (1013x533, 456K)

Other urls found in this thread:


future is black because you niggers will blow up the earth and it will only be a void

31% from of what number are they up?

Yea well, at least we are not niggers.

hard to boycott if you didnt waste money in the first place

Nah, we are allied with the jews, soon black will be in mars. Our IQ's are higher than yours, but whites lie about the IQ gap.
Raised 31% lad

>argumenting with genetics, evolution and intelligence

Attached: 6C729830-F119-4B95-9427-62C3185FA222.png (1357x800, 25K)

Nike is repurchasing $12 Billion dollars worth of stock over the next 4 years. None of this could have anything to do with that could it?

>Implying Jews ally with anyone
Good goy

He wouldn’t be nearly as famous if he didn’t act like a pile of shit. Now he is famous, getting sponsors, and doesn’t have to smash his bones and brain into oblivion. Maybe he is smarter than I realized.