Mfw we got away with shooting down a russian jet and assasinating a russian ambassador

>mfw we got away with shooting down a russian jet and assasinating a russian ambassador

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a fucking roach

Don't you mean scurry away?

You forgot to mention invading Putin's puppet.
Seems like the bear fears the roach.

russia could literally flip a switch to turn your country into ash

>ex-ussr fags trying to defend their masters
LOL get cucked

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Why didn't they do it then ?
I would have been the first one to defend their decision.
Instead, we have roaches being smug about getting away with pretty much any diplomatic incident they created.
Russia is a weak country pretending to have greater ambitions.

whats up with the butt blasted Ginghis khans, its just a roach lmao

türks are the master race

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