NEW Charlottesville Crash Footage

Analysis from newly-released footage of James Fields's car crash.

> Fields braked and honked for AT LEAST two seconds
> We can HEAR his car being attacked pre-crash
> Antifa man pulls a gun out seconds after the crash
> This new footage was suspiciously edited (portions missing, curious crop)

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's gonna walk

>car shrouded with people holding blunt objects and weapons
>not being in fear of your life and in self defense

Put up a Watchr just incase

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DeAndre Harris's "assailants" should've been acquitted, too.

He's being prosecuted NOT by Charlottesville or the county, but by Virginia itself, with assists from the FBI.

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We are the right side of history

November 26th, 2018.
Our chance to steal victory from the jaws of defeat.

It'll be Denise Lunsford (Fields's cougar-licious attorney)
Jeff Session and the FBI, the Virginia State Police, the Charlottesville Police, the Albermarle County Police, the entire mainstream media.

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You can also clearly see he had his brakes on in the old footage, but I have no faith in the American justice system to actually be just. He's alreash6been tried in the media and that is that.

None of us had faith in the electoral system, either.

But we FOUGHT. Jow Forums memes were a GIGANTIC factor in changing public sentiment against GloboHomo in the 2016 elections. We need to meme here, too.

Get on Twitter, YouTube, and start trolling dafuq out of the pro-Antifa shills.

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Doesn't James Fields have Schizophrenia?

Why isn't he in a mental hospital instead of jail?

>Denise Lunsford and Lisa Lorish are two of James Fields' lawyers.
>Flood this video to their email and phone.
>We need James Fields to walk. Imagine all the leftist butthurt.

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If the justice system were fair, he wouldn't even be charged. This is beyond clear cut self defense, it has been since the beginning.

What about the helo crash, what caused it? Actual accident or something suspect?

Two officers died, who cares about the fat anti american pinko bitch

I agree.

That's exactly why we must fight.

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We've got our hands full proving Fields's innocence. And that's where the real PR battle is, anyway.

People accuse Nazis of lots of bad things. But to 90% of people, Nazi = Holocaust.

Similarly, to 90% of people, Charlottesville = White terrorist murdering Southern Belle.

Attached: HeatherHeyer-Smoking.jpg (267x476, 45K)

Trump is mentally ill and must be removed from office.

Because the "insanity defense" is Hollywood bullshit.

It doesn't matter if he's schizo or not. This was a car accident and we must spread the truth.

Fucking traitor trump throwing this guy under the bus for political capital with normies that is ALREADY GONE. WTF is his problem?

No shit nigger, he was driving fast like he was because a couple streets prior to this a antifa fuck pulled a gun on him when he tried to turn down a street
Cunt even admitted it to his class

Google for the NTSB report if you really wonder

Can somebody confirm whether or not fatty tatties was even hit with the Nazi car? I thought she just had a heart attack and died from all the excitement.
All the videos of them doing CPR had her fat lard ass laying on the sidewalk, there's no way they could have moved her from the street to the side walk.
Did he even hit her or whatsoever like was she directly involved in the car accident? Or did she just fucking choke on her fucking burger?

Weak bait, have a consolation (you)

Attached: you.gif (480x238, 415K)

She was struck, 100%.
"WhiteBoner" started that meme, and later corrected it:

Attached: HeatherHeyerHIT.gif (640x360, 1.72M)

history of poor maintenance, the same helicopter had crashed before.

Was not struck by the car, suffered cardiac arrest. Was revived on the scene but her heart gave way again.
She was just a fat old fattie who couldn't handle a jolt of adrenaline.

Wrong. She DID have a heart attack, but she was struck.

See: >185358185

Lawyer contact page:

Send them this video

No she wasn't struck. She was like 5 meters away from the car.
She was just shoved off by other people.

Debunked by the very YouTuber who started the meme
Move along.
There's plenty of other red meat in this case.

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No, there was another lardass who did get hit, but she didn't die.

Video of Heather Heyer getting hit:

No, there is no video of her getting hit by a car.

Wrong again.

There's PLENTY of exonerating evidence for Fields. Stop wasting people's time and energy on red herrings.

Heather Heyer: she good leftist now!

fuck the jews

Heather Heyer has gone from an obese, aging, nothing lady to an American Mythological Hero simply for having a heart attack.

Attached: HeatherHeyer-Memorial3.jpg (1320x770, 154K)

New GIF incoming....

You actually can't see when the commie pulls his gun out, he probably had it out before the crash, Fields saw it and then accelerated.


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nice meme post, fag

Here's the Antifa pulling a gun and starting to chase after Fields.

Attached: Antifa_GunGuy_Chasing_Fields.gif (384x216, 1.89M)

holy shit you shill fucking click the number on the post you're replying to, tell your overlord that they need to give you more than a 30 second briefing before setting you on this website

oy vey!

Heyer was NOT struck by the car. She is circled in red in this gif.

Attached: dipduckdiveanddodge.gif (398x398, 1.94M)

This definitely confirms self defense. How long until it's removed for hate speech?

hey cool a real thread

Bump for quality OC

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he a good boy he dindu nuffin


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Be life Antifa: Cheer on the cops, prosecutors, and FBI. Support the Power!

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Be like Antifa: Cheer for the government as they railroad /ourguys/.

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Lizard person confirmed


A real thread?!? Someone post the original vid if you can find it

he just posted a slightly corrected resync of the videos:

Somebody should webm the important stuff

Contact VA reps and demand that the exculpatory evidence be made public and provided to his defense.

Doubt it will do much good.... Even though James is innocent the narrative has been set and it would be politically inconvenient to stir anything prior to the midterms.

Fields will get decades in prison. The only solution is revolution. We need to kill them all. Its the only viable solution


Sadly they will probably still railroad him no matter what. The lying media formed the narratives before the day even started.

Charlottesville is a modern day Holocaust hoax. They take a story that was kinda bad and change it into the worst thing in history

No need to be totally defeatist. I say Fields has a chance to walk.

and scare all the normies.

So why was the new footage released at all? Why do they want us to see it now?

who is "we"?

imagine how retarded you would have to be to believe this cracker bullshit. Thank god I actually have a college education and I dont fear burning in hell and I can see through the cucked conservative incel lies.

>who is "we"?
Not you, big boi


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The question is, why was it kept non public for such a long time.


But with James Fields's trial - and the media war surrounding it - we'll get an opportunity to debunk THIS "Holocaust".

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>Virginia State Police
You mean the retards who crashed their helicopter right after the incident?

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Why does this little snot-nosed faggot have a gun?

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The video shows absolutely nothing new, zero new information other than stating that a deleted antifa video was edited.
Then the cunt passive aggressively whines about how Jow Forums isn't doing this sort of ''investigation'' anymore.

On the fucking day that this happened everyone with eyes already pointed out that he was attacked, which caused him to speed up. This fucking guy is almost 2 years late to the party, and he is smug about it.

Here's Queen Ann on this hoax:

>This is a prosecution of Fields for Bad Thought, utterly oblivious to not only the Constitution's double jeopardy clause, but the free speech clause and also simple common sense. It's like a parody of what serious people feared about criminalizing "hate."

>Contrary to common belief on college campuses, there is no "hate speech" exception to the First Amendment. Pimply teenaged boys writing snotty remarks about blacks and Jews is every bit as constitutionally protected as an Asian girl on The New York Times' editorial board writing snotty things about white men, although the latter pays better.

>Fields hit the gas pedal during an officially declared "State of Emergency," with armed Antifa protesters swarming the streets. Footage online shows his car being surrounded and smashed with baseball bats seconds after the crash. Unless his defense lawyer is planning on intentionally throwing the case for the greater good, Fields seems to have a pretty decent argument that he was in fear for his life.

I'd say the point being made is that when the anti-fa say that the fat heifer was hit by the car and carried forward by it to point where she fell off; this video shows that they are right......aand bump.

The Challenger was there on purpose. The entire thing was staged. The cars that were crashed into were inexplicably parked where they were hit. The van's driver was asked why she was sitting there, and she said she was waiting for the crosswalk to clear. Minutes later, she's out of her van and in front of it. Must have gotten tired of waiting.

The speed with which Fields reversed out of there would never be possible by a scared teenager. That was a pro driver.

Video is out there of the Challenger driving by other people, with its bumper hanging off, and not only do the cops look at it like it's nothing, but people are clapping and applauding.

Almost like at the end of a play.

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>Professional CIA super-secret agent drives 24 MPH and magically induces heart attack in 1 fluke fatality.

>Muslim drivers routinely rack up scores of 8, 21, and 56 fatalities.

You don't think much of your CIA super-secret false flag attacks, do you?

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It's retards like you that discredit those who reveal actual conspiracies.

Muslims like body counts. CIA agents don't. Dead people have to be accounted for, like Sandy Hook. Even more reason why it was a false flag.

happens at 10:45, the black guys says they were chasing the car before the crash

well well well look who is motioning for everyone to follow him. Nic Mccarthy

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stop getting so offended Latvia, it is true /pol is flooded with garbage threads now and not doing anything productive, also he uses the video to sync up the timing of events

youre right she wasnt hit. her body double was

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9/11 2001 ~3k dead soon to turn ~10k after cancer maybe more; OP talking about Charlottesville .. How typical..

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keep defending terrorists everyone

these guys?

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you clowns did a hack job

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So you agree with Antifa that the car driving 24 MPH was an act of terrorism against them, and Antifa r da reel victims.

Cool diversion, brah.

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yea I never question that a car drove into the crowd. It wasn't James Jr. though & heather heyer never died

this women

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is not this women

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and not this women

women CAN'T get fatter, ever

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Here's GIF of Antifa striking Fields's car twice.

Attached: CarHitTwice.gif (640x360, 1.91M)

And here's GIF of the amateur EMTs causing blunt force trauma on the corpse.

Attached: Heather-HeyerFailedCPR.gif (480x270, 2.84M)

did you know that was the 2nd time the car went down the street. before that video, it went towards the crowd, backed up & then that is when they film it and take the iconic photo

And proof that Jeff Sessions is a cuckold fetishist.

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